Chapter 383: Magical Seige Warfare

In the main continent, outside the capital of Selar, Alexia stood on top of a scaling ladder, wearing the finest armor of the elven kingdom and holding a long sword. Her silver-moon-colored hair swayed in the cold, stern wind, and her dark golden inverted pupils gazed at the majestic city walls in front of her.

She pursed her lips as she exuded a cold majesty.

“The barrier is almost broken.”

Alexia eyed the magic barrier protecting the outer walls of the besieged city.

Central City, the previous Dragon City, was defended by extremely powerful spells that enveloped its walls. If Louie hadn’t poured out a lot of divine power to destroy the barrier when he took the city, then it would not have been so easy to bring it down.

Alexia had ordered all forces of Dragon City to siege the capital for three days now. Today, she was going to break the last layer of barriers protecting it.

“Are the catapults still working?” she asked an elven adjutant standing next to her.

He bowed his head and quickly replied, “Lady Alexia, the catapults were created by the dwarves in a rush, causing their quality to be quite poor. We also couldn’t bring too much ammunition, and so far we have exhausted our projectiles.”

Alexia smiled and nodded.

Under normal circumstances, breaking this kind of barrier would require one to break the magical formation, and the best way to do so would be to use heavy weapons like catapults, but due to the long-distance march, they were unable to stock up as much as they liked. Moreover, the stones used were not ordinary stones, but enchanted stones. As a result, if the magic formation of the enemy could not be broken by the catapults, then it was impossible to break the barrier. The ground and air forces simply could not take a single step inside the city.

“The war this time is still too hasty and inadequately prepared. Too much ammunition was wasted at the southern fortress earlier.”

Alexia shook her head and muttered to herself while her adjutant did not dare speak up.

“Fortunately, Father God prepared for a long time.”

Alexia looked uplifted. Her inverted pupils seemed to glow when mentioning her father, “Send up the mage corps, and have them show the fruits of their training!”

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“Yes, milady!”

The adjutant responded, he raised the flag and shouted the orders.

To break a magical barrier, other than using enchanted stones, the best way was to use magic. Magic was the worse option because it required mages who needed to take a rest to recover their magic after each volley. It could be called a siege weapon with great power and slow employment.

The mighty forces lined up in Dragon City’s military formation opened up the way, revealing a legion of four or five hundred mages wearing robes.

Seeing the mage legion, the soldiers on the walls of Selar panicked. Magic was ultimately a mystery that only a few people could master. Even in the world of sword and magic, the status of mages was far beyond that of warriors and knights.

There were even believers of the Church of the Goddess of Magic on the city walls who turned pale and muttered, “Who is really the Church of the Goddess of Magic?”

The nearly five hundred mages on the side of the Dragon City were not very high level, but not even the Church of the Goddess of Magic could currently output so many of them.

“Fireball spell ready!”

A six-ringed mage’s voice echoed through the ears of the legion. This mage came from a poor family in Dragon City, and he was found to have strong magical talent after testing for recruits. In just a few years, he mastered a six-ringed spell and became the Archmage Marches’ disciple. Even the legendary mage Noella would occasionally teach him. He was trained to be a future leader of Dragon City.

The fire elements danced. Under the call of 500 mages, the temperature of the battlefield began to rise. The mages whispered incantations in an unusually clear and consistent manner. Their hand postures also looked ordered and neat in a militarized manner.

In Dragon City, the service mages had learned two spells, [create cement] and [create stone]. On the other hand, mages that were part of the military were not required to learn them, but instead, they learned the three-ring spell [Fireball] to a deep level of mastery.


Five hundred fireballs were shot at the walls of the city like cannonballs, blasting at the barrier. Deafening roars sounded continuously and splashed with sparks. The entire scene turned red and even the sky was dyed the color of flames.

“Prepare your spells, and repeat!”

The next round of spells arrived abruptly, and another 500 fireballs shot up in the sky.

This was the common sense that Louie had instilled in the mages of Dragon City – Fireballs are invincible!

“Although the spell level is not high, the effect of so many fireballs creates a terrifying explosive force. Except for fire dragons, oit would kill most things.”

Alexia exclaimed, “Truly a group that Father God created!”

“Shield soldiers at the ready!”

The elf dragon’s face was solemn, and the adjutant beside her unfolded the flag.

The human commander, Wyatt, saw the banner and bellowed an order. The human legion neatly and uniformly raised a heavy shield.

Wyatt took a deep look at the elven troops behind him. He joined the army at the age of eighteen, and ten years passed. He, from an ordinary man, had become the commander of the human troops of Dragon City.

He could never forget the beautiful male elf he saw on the training grounds on that day ten years ago, nor could he forget being saved by that same elf on the battlefield in the Shadow Realm.

The Dragon God Church did not prohibit homosexuality. In order to get that beautiful male elf’s favor, Wyatt had paid ten years of self-sacrifice and diligence to become a powerful warrior and was already stronger than the elf was. Moreover, he was the general in charge of the humans and led the army in battle.

Not long ago, in his arduous pursuit, the elf finally gave him the response that he wished for. For his love for the Dragon God, and for Lady Alexia, he wanted to obtain victory!

“Infantry advance!”


The human soldiers in iron boots advanced neatly. The clattering sounds of metal from thousands of people whooshed throughout the battlefield. The people of Selar felt their insides hurt as they trembled in fear.

After three rounds of fireballs, the barrier finally shattered. In the next instant, a dense rain of arrows was fired. The soldiers defending the city could not allow the mages to continue firing magic, so they quickly tried to suppress them with a rain of arrows.

Alexia’s previous order was to prepare for this. The infantry soldiers in heavy armor raised their large shields. The mages were long protected by enchantments of their armor and spells to avoid arrows. Although the dense rain of arrows was terrifying, the amount of damage it did was not much.

“Fourth round of spells, ready!”

The six-ringed mage shouted again. The fireballs these mages were firing were different from ordinary fireballs. They were strengthened fireballs. The preliminary spell preparation was too long and consumed too much magic power. These could not be used for normal skirmishes and could only be used in war.

Another round of fireballs flew out. Now that there was no more barrier, the fireballs exploded on the walls. As the walls were constructed from a blend of magic and masonry, they were as strong as steel.

That said, screams, wails, and moans still erupted at intervals. The walls might have been strong, but the fragile human body simply could not endure the impact. Limbs and arms flew in all directions, and some unlucky soldiers were blown to bits. The smell of burnt flesh spread in the air.

The legendary powerhouses of Selar could not endure anymore. The commander shouted and prepared to lead the elites to kill the enemy mages. If they were allowed to continue their attack, then his troops’ morale would be greatly reduced.

But when the legendary rank powerhouse just leaped out of the wall, he saw a rain of black dots flying over in his direction. He was appalled and immediately jumped back into the wall. These were arrows that were shot by the elven rangers of Dragon City.

If they were only normal arrows, the legendary powerhouse would not be afraid, but in this rain of arrows, he sensed that some of them were from a legendary rank ranger. Let alone the elites who were following him, even he himself would be injured when hit by these. In the end, they would be surrounded and die.

In the face of the army, other than demigods who could ask for their gods to descend on them, legendary rank powerhouses did not have the ability to sway the battlefield.

They might be like Superman on Earth, but in the world of San Soliel, if one side had legendary ranks, then the other side would also have legendary ranks. They simply restrained each other to prevent the other from creating too big of an effect.

The fifth round of fireballs was again blasted on the city walls, causing hundreds of casualties among Selar’s soldiers. By this time, the mage corps of Dragon City was already out of steam. Alexia decisively had them retreat and issued a new command.

“All forces, attack the city!”

She knew that the next would be the most brutal siege.

In the sky, the armor-clad red dragon acted as the vanguard and headed directly for the city, followed by two hundred dragon knights and more than a hundred hippogryph riders borrowed from Silver Moon City. Surprisingly there were also griffin knights on Selar’s side. Although their number was only a hundred, they also bravely charged forth to kill.

On the ground, ladders were attached to the walls and soldiers drew long swords from their waists. Elven druids stepped forward and called forth the power of the earth element to turn into a powerful bear. They all launched attacks together with the humans and beastmen!

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