In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 204 - 204 Prince Javier’s Fate (Part 2)

204 Prince Javier’s Fate (Part 2)

“Justice, run!”

King Edward kicks the door open, just in time for a group of people, trying to ambush the two of them. One of the attackers had a crossbow, and he was aiming at Justice. Edward saw him and immediately call his familiar.

“Alexander, protect us!”

Appear a golem with a hardened crystal body, the arrow just broken in half when Alexander covers the father and son duo. Justice was trying to run back to the carriage, but Edward prevented him in time. He shouted at his son for his rash decision.

“No, fool! Do you want your beloved to be in danger?! Let’s go to the other side.” Edward pulled Justice away from the carriage, he was eyeing the small alleyway to ambush them.

“Where are we going?” Asked Justice to his father. His eyes were still focused on the location of their carriage.

“There’s an alleyway. We can ambush them together.” Said his father, with his right hand calling for his great sword.

The alleyway is in front of them; the attackers are already behind them. Justice called for his flaming sword, and begin to fight all the attackers, although there were so many of them and there were only two of them. Thankfully, Alexander protects them from getting fatally injured.

“Aargh… there’s too many of them!” Justice yelled at his father, who was in the middle of dealing with two attackers with daggers.


Justice dodges another attacker, only to be slashed by the one behind him. They are at wit’s end. If it’s not because of Alexander, they were already dead by now. Justice wailed. The wound on his back is deep, and he was already on his knee on the ground. Edward saw him and tried to reach Justice in time. Alexander perish after so many attacks that targeted the two of them.

Justice close his eyes, ready to meet his demise, the thought of Anne came into his mind, “Well, at least I’ve already kissed her goodbye.” Chuckles Justice.

“That’s not enough.” A voice came directly in front of him.

“What?!” He open his eyes and saw Vale with glowing eyes already cast full protect on him and Edward.

Xavier and Henry already joined the attack, while the primary captain of the magi cast fire hail. Half of the group got trapped in a fire prison, while the rest of them were already being taken care of. He falls to the ground as soon as he feels safe. Anne was running towards him. She was concerned about his health.

“He got a ghastly wound on his back. I need to clean and treat him immediately!” Anne shouted at the other, while she used a first-aid spell to delay the bleeding.

Xavier and Henry carry Justice right away. “There’s a house there. We will take him there.”

Hearing the two of them, Anne, who is already beside king Edward and treating his wound, nodded her head to Henry and Xavier, “Alright!” She turns her attention to Vale. “Vale, please bring my suitcase to the house. I need to treat king Edward here.”

Vale nodded his head and come running back to the carriage. Anne focuses on king Edward’s wound at the moment, while the king was complaining and refused her treatment.

“No! No! Go to my son. He needs you right now!”

Anne stubbornly stays with him. “Yes, but just as soon as I have finished treating your wound.”

King Edward still refused, even though his injured hand need to be bandaged right away. “Just go, my son is…”

“His majesty!” Anne was shouting at him, she even hold his collar, “Just… Stay still! If you’re this stubborn, I can’t get to Justice in time! So stay still!”

He was stunned by how stubborn Anne was. King Edward then gave her his injured arm and Anne treat the wound skillfully. He looks at the young woman and smiles. For him, Justice has found a good match, a brave woman who put her duty over her personal feeling. He can feel how distraught she was. Tears even flowed from her eyes. She was thinking about Justice right now.

Finally, with not a minute to waste, she was done treating king Edward’s injury. Anne excused herself right away and run into the house where she need to treat Justice. Arthur came running with Vale, while Vale goes inside the house. Arthur stays with king Edward, helping him to walk to the house.

“I am sorry, his majesty, I came out late and couldn’t protect you and the crown prince.”

“It’s alright Arthur, so, did you find anything?” Asked king Edward to him.

Arthur nodded his head. “Yes, I’ll tell you everything inside.”

They go inside and saw how Anne holding a crystal blade and a bottle of liquid in her hand; she was in the middle of treating Justice. She was so focused no one even dare to speak to her. Anne put some powder on the gash wound on his back, her dress was bloodied and so does her hands, she turn to Vale and asked him to hold her hand.

“What?” Vale was confused.

“Hold my hand, I need your magica!” Shouted Anne to him, “Hurry!”

Vale share his magica through Anne’s bangle immediately, Anne use it to cast a more powerful spell for Justice, a shining gold thread came from Anne’s hand, and the gold thread begin to suture the open wound on Justice’s back, everyone was amazed by this new spell from Anne.

After the wound was finally closed by her golden thread, she let go of Vale’s hand and drop into the floor. Xavier is already beside her and carries her into the chair. King Edward observe his son and he saw that Justice finally has some color back on his face.

“He will be fine now, his majesty, don’t… worry,” Anne said to the king. In her hand, there was a glass of water from Henry. She took gulped and thanked him.

“That was an amazing technique, Miss Anne. What is that?” Asked king Edward, curiously at her.

Anne just smile at him, “Just some ancient technique that I have learned from an old book.” Her eyes felt heavy as soon as she was finished with her sentence, and she pass out in front of everyone. Xavier carries her into another room right away.

Half an hour later, they left her to sleep while all of them gathered in the main room. Vale explained to everyone about Anne’s condition.

“It’s because of the high-level spell that she created through my magica. After all, the magica isn’t her, so when she used the high-level aid spell, her body strained much more than us.”

Henry and Xavier look at each other. “We need to prevent her from using the spell often, then.” Said, Henry.

“Don’t worry, I will never let her do it again.” Said, Vale. He was so concerned about how fragile her body was, but didn’t have the courage to share it with the others about it.

“If only we came right on time, Justice will never have to be in this condition…” Xavier was mumbling, his eyes then glaring at Arthur, “Where were you?!”

Arthur was ready to give him the reason, but king Edward raised his hand. “It was because of me. I order him to stay behind. I need to be sure about something.”

The three of them shared glances. This must be something so crucial if he had to order Arthur to go some place else.

“What happened, his majesty?” Vale asked him carefully.

With a bittered smile, he looks at all of them, and lets out a sigh, “I got betrayed.”

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