Chapter 508 Unveiling Secrets

Noah reappeared with the aged Inuit on one of the floating continents of the Spiritual World where he had designed for the Fate Law Space to be, the arrival of this being that was caged beneath the 7th Celestial Star being a wondrous land that was filled with plants and vegetation that held a tinge of gold in their green.

Inuit looked around him as he discovered small beasts that held ounces of the essence of fate moving around, their eyes sparkling with curiosity as they looked at their appearing figures and then moved away.

The aged being saw that this area that was brimming with overwhelming fate essence was wide, his eyes using the little strength left in him to observe 3 other floating continents from the one he stood on, and a single larger continent that stood at the center which brimmed with life!

Noah on the other hands had a troubled expression as he heard the strong words of the Founder through his main body in the Celestial Realm, his mind only being pulled back as he heard the voice of Inuit ring out beside him.

"A truly wondrous place you made for yourself here."

The aged old man took Noah out of his thoughts as he bent to smell the flowing leaves and flowers around them, his body still seeming feeble as Noah assessed him fully.

Being a bit less than 2 meters, Inuit was clad in white hair that dropped to his shoulders, his facial expression sunken as he looked extremely malnourished, his eyes actually gleaming with a silver light as the injuries on his body were serious, Noah’s awareness catching that the many holes which the golden spears had dug through were not healing.


He waved his hands as he pulled out numerous Supreme Behemoth materials and meat from his [Expansive Space], sending word to the Spiritual World System to send him the newly created [Healing Potion] as he also cast one of his newly gained abilities from the Fate’s Guardian skill tree, it was [Golden Decree]!

[Golden Decree] (5/5) ACTIVE :: A decree erupts out from the Radiant Protector, affecting the surrounding miles as a golden star that releases a resplendent light over the user and their allies. Grants the Enhanced All Element Resistance, Rapid Healing, Bolster Defense, Sharpened Attack, Clear Mind, and Light Feet effects.

A shimmering golden star appeared above them as waves of gold washed down to wrap around his body and the body of Inuit, his voice resounding thereafter as he looked at the old man that did not look bothered by the injuries, his gaze continuing to look around the luminous area of the Spiritual World with a smile.

"How should I address you, benefactor?"

He was wondering which identity to use when it came to this being, a light laugh and a reply coming to him soon after.

"Old Man Inuit is fine. I am after all just an old man at this point, a dredge still hanging on in the river of time."

The resplendent light from [Golden Decree] washed over his body as he seemed visibly brighter, Noah beginning to cook the many Supreme Behemoth portions of meat that he took out as he also added his blood that had the qualities of [Panacea] to heal Old Man Inuit faster. This was because this time, he wanted to begin by finally probing for answers from this being!

"As we get your health back, would it be ok for me to ask you to unveil some of the mysteries?"

Old Man Inuit smiled as he turned to the skies to watch the glimmering star brought forth by [Golden Decree] as he voiced out.

"You’ve come along far and deserve some answers, that is if you are willing to listen to the ramblings of an old man."

Noah nodded his head as he waved his hands and used the [Architecture] feature of the Spiritual World, a regal and immaculate outdoor dining area forming in front of their eyes as he invited the old man to comfortably sit as powerful waves of essence bore towards him to try and heal his body, the food that Noah was cooking also soon being ready as he would have food to enjoy for the first time in hundreds of years!

What followed after that...was a story.

A story of the past, of the events that took place in the War of the Righteous, and of the reason as to why the three Founders of the Celestials had fractured in that single war more than a thousand years ago!

"It all began with the three of us, three friends looking to increase their power, but each of us found something entirely different..."

The gaze of Old Man Inuit was reminiscent as he began weaving his story, beginning with how the three of them had first come in contact with the golden doorway that led into the Celestial Realm as well as their exploration.

"From the Inheritances that gave us immense strength all the way to the treasures we found, each of us believed that we were meant for great things, our futures shining brightly as they called out to us!"

They saw a grand future ahead of them, but for them to actually achieve this future, they had to resort to unsightly means in order to progress even faster. This was the source of the creation of the Celestials, as well as their conquest for the Light Expanse and the War of the Righteous that followed.

"Aldrich, the one you know as the Founder, was a very straightforward man that only saw a singular goal and did anything to achieve it. This trait was the one that propelled him to the stage he is at now, where his mission for strength and what he considered freedom...has only grown stronger as time passed."

Noah listened carefully to the unfolding story, already finding the name of the being all Celestials referred to as the founder to be Aldrich!

"Then there was me, and another friend that you have yet to meet, the one that is most likely still exploring the entirety of the Novus Galaxy at this moment...Fritz."

"The three of us had differing personalities and ideals, which is why during the War of the Righteous, we all took very different paths. As we saw the atrocities and destruction we committed, as well as the response- Fritz became disillusioned, Aldrich only saw the rise in his strength as he affirmed his power, while I...well, I fell in love."

The gaze of Old Man Inuit was cloudy as he continued, revealing the hidden history that very few beings had the knowledge of in this Novus Galaxy!

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