Chapter 524 - This is an Ally?!

In a command center of a Mage’s Tower, Edrusim was in an enormous control room that displayed numerous scenes of all the events occurring across many of the defensive positions of the Dark Expanse.

Many Mages were moving beside him as they monitored other screens, but the eyes of Edrusim were glued to a particular one that already had a battle beginning, and it was the Celestial Legion that had just clashed with the forces of the three stars of the Witches Layer.

This Celestial Legion had someone that should have been considered their ally, a spy that they had placed in the ranks of Celestials.

Yet this being that had now taken the role of a Commander that was leading his own Celestial Legion was actually moving first to attack in the most destructive and cruel of ways, not caring about the commander he was fighting against or the beings around him as he unleashed an attack that wiped any and everything away!

Edrusim’s face was called as he pulled out a medallion and coldly spoke into it.

"Vladivostok, I thought we agreed Crixus was to act tough and stall, losing and winning some battles as he kept his identity as a Celestial for a while longer before we used him in a crucial battle. Yet why is he actively moving to kill at this moment?!"

The Grand MAge screamed out as he had many things to pay attention to at this moment, not thinking the issue of an ally in the enemy camp would be taking up his time as he watched this Crixus begin to dominate the battlefield the moment he arrived.

There was silence on the other end before a calm reply came from Vladivostok.

"He is stalling in his own, and his words of him saving them are actually true, Edrusim."

A reply that seemed disconnected from reality was all he received as Edrusim glanced to make sure they were both looking at the same scene.

On the illusory screen, Crixus had raised his hand up as a single enormous golden blade of light appeared, beginning to rush down towards the lone Commander of the forces of the Witches Layer who had all the beings near him turned to ashes.

This enourmous golden blade shone with a shocking light as it tore through the spells this Commander cast, going on to smash into his chest as an even larger amount of the golden essence wrapped around him, his body that was attached to the tip of the blade heavily injured as even this commander began to scream horridly, feeling his body burning as he as well...was soon turned into ash!


In just the first minute of the battle, the single Commander Crixus at the World Rank had already ’killed’ an enemy commander of the same Realm, now only two remaining as they rushed towards him with unbelievable expressions, not understanding how their friend had not been able to last even a minute!

Edrusim watched with a cold gaze as the golden blade that towered over 25 meters did not even wait or go for the other 2 Commanders that were now rushing towards the unprotected Crixus. The golden blade went further into the army of the Witches Layer, the beings at the Domain, Soul, and Void Rank that were dissipating like flies from the might of this blade, but they could not run fast enough as it barreled towards them and smashed, making all those it touched turn to ashes in a matter of seconds!

" call this our ally? He is more actively killing our people than even the normal Celestial Commanders would!"

Edrusim shouted into the communication medallion once more, his words actually being true! Other commanders would match themselves against enemy commanders, the loss and victory of the battle being decided when the powerful commanders of either side lost. Meanwhile, the lower ranked soldiers in both camps would carry their own battles as victory could also sometimes be decided this way if a larger amount of force in one camp remained.

Yet this Crixus did not even seem to aiming for the commanders, apathetically saying he was there to save them while his first attack affected everyone in the surrounding, and his second attack killed a command while it ignored the other two, actively rushing towards the lower ranked beings as he destroyed them as well!

This was an ally?!

"Hold on, let me show you something."

Edrusim’s wrath was only met with a calm reply as some of the Vampyres inside the command room of this Mage’s Tower that were receiving cold looks from the Mages came forward with a shining crystal.

They fearlessly came towards the wrathful Star Forging Edrusim as the crystal in their hands floated forward, displaying another scene that caused the eyes of many to nearly pop out of their eye sockets.

It displayed a red world filled with crystal stalagmites, but the scene displayed showed the constant teleportations of beings covered by a shining golden glow, their horrible screams of them feeling their bodies burn and turning to ash coming to a stop as the moment they were teleported in, the golden essence receded from their bodies as they looked around them in a confused manner!

They had felt as if their very origins were burning a moment ago, and yet now they appeared in a completely different location as the burning sensation left, the battle they should have been at gone from their eyes as they appeared in an unknown world.

Edrusim’s eyes shone as he say the figure of the dead commander that had just taken an enormous sword to his chest and turned to ash in front of his eyes be safe and well, an injury still remaining on his chest as the impact of the sword was real, but he was alive and well!

"This is..."

The vast knowledge he had failed him at this moment as he thought back to the previous scene at the Witches Layer and what he was seeing now, his shocked thoughts hearing the voice of Vladivostok once more as the words made more sense this time around.

"He really is there to save them all, or really as many as he can. That is why he is so aggressive."


The surrounding Mages and Edrusim had shocked gazes as they saw this development, questioning their own eyesight that showed them being hit with terrible attacks as they turned to ash, and yet something these same beings were alive and well, teleported to some place they knew nothing about!

Exactly what was going on?!

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