Chapter 274 - 274 - The Baron is Very StupidChapter 274 -274 – The Baron is Very Stupid
Constantine was the Guild Master of one of the most influential guilds in the Keseon Kingdom, The Sword of Justice. His close relationship with the King stemmed from his immense contributions to the kingdom. Despite this, he couldn’t conceal his discontent and softly muttered to himself.
“That guy, Broken, what a jerk,” he muttered under his breath. “Just because he managed to craft a Legendary Item in that silly competition, the King of Dissidia went and gave him control over a whole town. Sure, it’s a deserted one, but still, that’s a big deal.”
“Meanwhile, this fool of a King I’m stuck dealing with can’t see the value in my contributions. I’ve put so much effort into this kingdom, and what do I get in return? Nothing! He’s the most aggravating person I’ve ever met!”
“Fine, if this stupid King refuses to give me the reward I deserve, I’ll just create a bit of chaos. Starting a war between Keseon and Dissidia should liven things up. At least then, this boring game might get interesting.”
The King scoffed. “What can those people possibly do? Do they think they can rebuild a dead city that easily?”
Constantine replied, “Your Majesty, when I said these people have immense wealth, I wasn’t exaggerating. One of them even has enough money to buy an entire kingdom. This is a genuine threat to us.”
The King’s face grew more troubled upon hearing this. “What benefit would I gain if I attacked Slumdon first?” King Fergus asked. “Do you think the Keseon Kingdom is so foolish as to provoke a war with the Dissidia Kingdom?”
“Your Majesty,” Constantine replied respectfully, “you don’t need to start a war. You just need to take advantage of the existing situation to gain the most significant benefit for the Keseon Kingdom.”
King Fergus narrowed his eyes, attempting to comprehend what Constantine was suggesting. Not wanting to appear unintelligent in front of others, he remained silent, awaiting the explanation in greater detail.
“Your Majesty,” Constantine began, “we do not need to involve the entire Keseon and Dissidia Kingdoms in the chaos we are creating.”
He continued, “Valantar City, which is the city closest to the border, will be the first to be affected by the progress of Slumdon. Therefore, we should just let the chaos occur between Slumdon Town and Valantar City.
“This way, the Keseon Kingdom can claim this is not a kingdom-wide issue and let Slumdon Town and Valantar City resolve the matter themselves.”
He paused for a few moments before continuing. “The new Baron of Slumdon will not receive any support from the kingdom, as he is a new face within the ranks of the kingdom’s top officials and will be pushed aside by the others. If Slumdon Town indeed prospers, it will not only be us who feel threatened, but also the higher-ups of the Dissidia Kingdom, who will see their positions at risk.”
King Fergus was greatly intrigued by Constantine’s proposal, especially since it presented a way to address two of his most pressing issues.
It all began with his brother, Duke Aiden. The King saw him as a real problem. With Valantar City under Duke Aiden’s control, its rising power was a direct challenge to the King’s rule. Recognizing that this confrontation could spell trouble for Duke Aiden, King Fergus was eager to hear Constantine’s plan to shift all the blame and responsibility onto Duke Aiden. The second problem King Fergus faced was his reluctance to have anyone interfere with his enjoyment. As soon as he heard that a player had the potential to challenge his kingdom, King Fergus was driven to take immediate action to destroy them.
King Fergus quietly remarked, “Valantar is a city directly ruled and maintained by Duke Aiden. I’m certain he’s the perfect individual to accomplish this task, given that he would never want his beloved city endangered by the potential of Slumdon Town.”
“Indeed, Your Majesty,” Constantine replied with composure.
After a while, Constantine exited the throne room. As he walked out, two of his guild members approached him.
“So, what is your real aim here, Constantine? Isn’t this too risky, especially with the Ass Guild involved?” one of them asked.
Constantine flashed a satisfied grin. “What else? My plan is to weaken the Keseon Kingdom. By provoking the Dissidia Kingdom to attack and further destabilize them, we can seize control when the time is right.”
“That is an ambitious goal,” his friend remarked. “I’m curious to see how far this will go.” Constantine said. “I will be the first player to become a king in Immortal Legacy. I’ll be the strongest player and will rule Yunatea with the power I will build later.”
“But what about the Ass Guild? Won’t they pose a threat to us?”
“You don’t need to worry,” Constantine assured with confidence. “The Ass Guild won’t interfere if anything happens to Slumdon Town. They don’t want to experience losses. Besides, Slumdon Town is merely a dead town with nothing to gain. We’ll profit immensely from the war between the Keseon Kingdom and the Dissidia Kingdom.
“Additionally, the Dissidia Kingdom will soon face a great threat from the Demons vying for the throne. This is the perfect time for me to carry out my big plan.”
Constantine felt this was the perfect moment to showcase his genius, to incite a grand war without ever revealing himself. He relished working behind the scenes, reaping the benefits in the end. He was certain he was the most brilliant player in the game, even feeling that Maylock was but a child compared to his grand schemes.
“I’ll destroy everyone-first Slumdon, then the Ass Guild. After that, I’ll take over the Keseon Kingdom and finally destroy the Dissidia Kingdom,” he declared confidently.
Leon stepped out of his capsule device, taking a deep breath of the real world. He moved out of the room and spotted Lily on the comfortable sofa in the living room, her attention fixed
on the TV.
“Leon!” She waved her hand. “Come here, there’s news about Slumdon Town.”
He made his way over and settled down beside her. “Oh really?”
On the television screen, it was clear that the streets of Slumdon were now more lively than usual. The reporter was walking around, marveling at the transformation taking place.
The reporter asked the viewers, “Have you seen how barren this city used to be? Many people even called it a ghost town due to its dire condition. But, as you can see, this city has started to be built up again. There are many NPCs employed with fantastic wages. Can you imagine that? It’s clear the new Lord has high hopes for this city. Of course, you must be curious about what Slumdon Town will become in the future, right?”
Lily commented. “I can’t wait to see what the town will be like when it’s finished.”
“I’m sure people will view Slumdon’s progress positively, hehe,” Leon said casually.
They remained focused on what was happening on the television screen.
The reporter turned to a player standing next to her and said, “I have a player here who is on a
quest in this town. Let’s hear what they think about this town.”
The player spoke in an arrogant tone, “I think the Baron is very stupid.”
Leon raised an eyebrow, surprised by the unexpected response.
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