Chapter 607 - 607 - A Familiar Face at Dinner

Chapter 607 -607 – A Familiar Face at Dinner

Leon woke up in his cozy bed and breathed a sigh of relief as he realized it was Saturday morning-a rare chance to unwind.

The calendar displayed January 5, and the past few days had been a whirlwind of activity. Leon had spent time exploring the city with Olivia and even tried his hand at cooking with Laura. But today, he had made up his mind: this day was for Lily.

Later that evening, they also had an invitation from Uncle Ben to look forward to.

Their day was filled with simple joys: dining out, watching a movie, and ending the day at a charming restaurant in the heart of the city. As they chatted, Lily brought up a flood of random topics, her animated voice carrying the conversation effortlessly.

“Do you remember, Leon,” Lily said, “when we were kids, we used to play in the park? There was this one time you stood up for a little girl who was crying because some bullies were picking on her. Do you remember that?”

Leon tilted his head, thinking. “I think so…”

“She was so cute,” Lily said with a small laugh. “Do you remember her name?”

“That was ages ago,” Leon replied with a shrug. “I doubt she even remembers it. Besides, wasn’t she some rich kid? She’s probably busy running her family’s big business by now or focused on higher education and all that comes with it.”

Lily paused, tapping her chin. “Hmm… I’m pretty sure I still remember her name.”

She smiled softly and said, “You know, that was the first and only time I ever saw you so close to a girl. You looked genuinely happy playing with her, Leon.” fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

“Really? Are you saying I’m not usually that happy, Lily?” he teased with a chuckle.

“Yes,” she replied with a grin. “I could see how different you were when you were with that girl.”

“And why are you suddenly bringing up this topic?” Leon asked, raising an eyebrow. “Now tell me, what was her name?”

Lily paused, her gaze drifting upward. “Wait… I think it started with an F… or maybe a V… Uhm…” she murmured.

Before she could finish her thought, a cheerful voice interrupted. “Hi there!”

Leon and Lily turned their heads. It was Freya.

“Am I interrupting your time together?”

Leon chuckled, shaking his head. “Not at all. We were waiting for you.”

Freya settled into her seat, glancing between Leon and Lily with a playful smile.

“I really feel like an intruder here,” she teased. “Why did you even invite me today? And it looked like you two were talking about something serious. Care to fill me in?”

“Leon’s childhood crush,” Lily answered without missing a beat.

“That’s not true,” Leon cut in quickly.

“Oh, really?” Freya said. “This sounds like a fascinating topic, Leon! So, tell me, did you ever get close to a girl when you were little?”

Freya turned eagerly to Lily. “Spill the details, Lily. Was she his first love? Does he even remember her? Are they still in touch?”

Lily grinned. “Well, when we were kids, we used to play in a small park near our homes. It was a popular spot for all the neighborhood children. Leon, though, was usually off in his own little world, busy building sandcastles.”

“Hm…” Freya mused. “That sounds so much like him. Some things never change, do they?” “Yes,” Lily nodded. “I don’t remember much, but I do know Leon was close to that little girl. They used to play together often and would even meet regularly at the park afterward.”

“Oh, that’s such a sweet childhood story,” Freya said with a smile. “Do you have any photos of them together?”

Lily let out a deep, steady breath and shook her head. “Unfortunately, no. We don’t have any pictures of Leon and that girl. But the memory of that time is still vivid in my mind.”

“Do you remember her name?”

“I was so close to remembering it. If you had arrived just a few minutes later, I think I might’ve figured it out.”

As Leon continued eating his meal and sipping his fruit juice, his eyes wandered to Lily and Freya, who were still animatedly discussing their topic.

“So…” Freya eventually shifted her attention back to him. “Did you know your name has been coming up a lot in the online Immortal Legacy forums lately, Leon?”

Lily chuckled softly before Leon could respond. “He’s been causing quite a stir, hasn’t he? Honestly, I don’t find it surprising.”

Leon shrugged. “I’m sure they’re all talking about the many cool things I’ve done, right?”

Freya smirked. “Maybe. But no matter how much you try, Leon, there will always be people judging you negatively. It’s practically one of your defining traits.”

Leon leaned back in his chair. “I think I’ve gotten used to that kind of thing, Freya. Maybe it’s the very thing that’s made me so lucky in the game now.”

Freya chuckled lightly at his words.

Lily chimed in with a grin. “Well, all that effort is bound to pay off, especially now that so many beautiful girls seem to be gravitating toward you, Leon.”

Freya nodded. “Exactly! Like me. A beautiful girl who’s already close to you, Leon. So why let a little negativity bother you?”

Leon couldn’t help but smile as their playful banter continued. It felt good, sharing this kind of moment with them.

“RememberMe has shared an update about the team he’s forming,” Freya began, steering the conversation in a new topic.

“Oh, really? That’s good to hear.”

“He wants you to meet each potential team member individually and convince them to join.”

Leon frowned slightly. “Wait, isn’t RememberMe the team manager? Why do I have to meet them one by one?”

Freya smiled as she explained, “RememberMe insists that, as the team captain, it’s your responsibility to meet the members personally.”

Leon raised an eyebrow. “Captain? I don’t recall ever agreeing to that. When did this decision get made, and why wasn’t I consulted?”

Freya couldn’t help but chuckle at his reaction. “This week, we’ll start scheduling meetings

with them, one by one.”

“Are they far from here?”

“Some are close enough to reach by land, but a few will require flights.”

Leon sighed, realizing he was out of options. “Alright. I guess I don’t have much of a choice. But no, actually it could be quite fun if…”

His brows knitted together as a thought struck him. “Who are these people, Freya? Do I know them from the game?”

“I think it’ll be much more exciting if it’s a surprise for you. You just have to trust me, okay? I’m your personal manager for a reason.”

Leon groaned, leaning back in his chair. “Honestly, Freya, it’s starting to feel like you’re

taking over my entire life…”

Freya shot him a playful but slightly stern look. “I help you so much, both in the game and out of it, Mr. Always Complaining. Can’t you just let me handle this for once?”

“Fine, fine. I’ll let you handle it.”

After finishing their meal, Leon, Freya, and Lily wandered around the mall, taking in the

lively atmosphere. Freya and Lily treated themselves to ice cream, while Leon politely declined he was never much for sugary treats.

As the day wore on, Leon and Lily eventually headed home, their minds shifting to the plans

for the evening.

With the sun beginning to dip, they started getting ready for dinner with their Uncle. It was a special occasion-Ben was introducing them to his future wife that night.

Leon and Lily arrived punctually at the elegant restaurant that evening. They stepped out of Leon’s luxury car and made their way inside.

As they entered, they spotted Ben standing near the entrance with a woman beside him.

“Uncle Ben!” Lily called out eagerly, quickening her pace and tugging Leon along by the wrist

as they approached.

The woman standing next to Ben became clearer as they drew closer.

The woman had shoulder-length blonde hair and appeared to be in her late thirties. Her smile was warm and welcoming as her gaze shifted to Leon and Lily. But just as they were about to greet her, Lily came to an abrupt stop, her expression turning to one of disbelief. The woman’s face mirrored Lily’s shock, her smile faltering as her eyes fixed on Leon.

“You!” the woman exclaimed awkwardly.

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