Chapter 703: Chapter 703 - Demian’s Reckoning (Full-Length)Chapter 703: Chapter 703 – Demian’s Reckoning (Full-Length)
“Tora, I don’t even know how to put this into words,” Max said, her voice shaking as she stood atop the city walls of Dissidia’s capital.
Beside her, Tora clenched his fists. “Yes, Max, I know. We fought to the bitter end in the last war, barely catching our breath after all the horrors we faced. But this…”
From the battlefield below, the ground shook with the force of monstrous roars and pounding footsteps.
Demonic creatures clawed and slammed into the earth, their cries echoing across the carnage. The unrelenting sounds of destruction filled the air.
Above, the six massive demon worms twisted and writhed, their forms looming over the battlefield. Their piercing screams tore through the skies, each shriek sending a shiver through the soul. The very atmosphere seemed to quake under their fury, as though even the world itself feared what had come.
[DaoistLIML10]: “We’re done. This is it. Game over, man. GAME OVER!”
[Blackout15]: “This isn’t a boss fight. This is genocide. They’re throwing an entire army into the grinder.”
[Josh_Minton_5566]: “This is a catastrophe on a scale I can’t even describe. Someone, please, do something!”
[Shilosooo]: “Why are we even watching this? There’s no coming back from this. Just delete the whole world.”
Broken stood motionless, staring at the overwhelming sight before him. The battlefield was a nightmare he couldn’t fully process. No matter how hard he tried to think, no matter how many scenarios he played out in his head, he couldn’t see a way out of this.
How could they possibly end this?
Even when it was just Focalor alone, they couldn’t so much as touch him. And now…
If he failed, or if his Vensalor Guild members failed, they could always resurrect. But…
His gaze shifted to his right. Princess Alora stood beside him-the woman he had vowed to protect.
Then he turned to his left. Ivana. No matter what, he would never allow anything to happen to her. Not a chance!
“Princess… Ivana…” he said quietly.
Alora was the first to respond. “If you’re thinking of asking me to leave, Broken… forget it,” she said. “This is my kingdom. My land…” Her voice softened. “I will fight until the end.”
“Ivana…” Broken began, but she cut him off.
“You once told me that you’d invite me to every journey you’d take,” Ivana said. “I’ve worked hard, fought endlessly, so I could stand here beside you. And now that the moment has come…”
She paused for a moment. “There’s no way I’m stepping back.”
Broken shook his head slowly.
“Don’t tell me you’re considering retreating, are you?” Alora said.
“You’re not going to retreat, Broken,” Ivana added. “I know you won’t. No matter what stands in your way, I’ve seen it time and time again. You always move forward.”
But even as their words resonated with him, his eyes drifted back to Focalor-Demian, or whatever this monstrous figure had become.
Then there were the demons surrounding him, roaring with bloodlust. The four other Named Demons, each exuding overwhelming power.
How are they supposed to end this?
His jaw clenched as his expression hardened. Slowly, he began walking forward, his fists tightening with each step.
He knew it was impossible. Every instinct, every rational thought screamed that they didn’t stand a chance. And yet, for reasons he couldn’t fully understand, he kept moving forward!
The fear he should have felt-the crushing dread in a moment like this-was nowhere to be found.
Had he become so irrational that he still believed… Somehow… They could win?
But even now, with the odds stacked against him, hope burned quietly in his chest.
He wouldn’t stop.
Not now.
Not ever!
Broken heard the rapid buzzing of wings, like the sound of a giant insect.
He turned around and saw a humanoid bee-like figure flying toward him. Perched on its shoulder was Jovina. She leapt to the ground with a confident smirk.
“Sorry I’m late,” she said casually.
From the shadows emerged another figure, her outfit a striking blend of black and purple. It was Charmelyn. “Broken, I’ve arrived too,” she said, stepping forward to stand beside Jovina.
The heavy sound of armored footsteps followed, and came Skywarden, clad in gleaming white armor. “I’m here too, Guild Master,” he said.
Elincia descended from the sky, her body crackling with blue electricity. She landed gracefully and raised her gaze to Broken. “We haven’t given up yet,” she said firmly.
Booba approached next, his sword resting on his shoulder as he stood among them. “Broken, I’m not letting you charge in there alone,” he said.
Goldrich appeared next, his white robe billowing as he strode forward with a faint smile. “This old man isn’t ready to retire just yet,” he said.
Then, a figure in white heavy armor with blonde hair jogged up to the group. It was Optimus. He grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, Broken! I had to log out for a quick meal, hah!”
And then it began-one by one, figures started emerging from the battlefield’s edges, their forms appearing swiftly from the shadows. These were players-those who had logged out earlier, now returning to stand alongside their guildmates.
Even though they knew this war was nearly unwinnable, they came.
From the gate, the thunder of footsteps grew louder as more players poured out, their
weapons drawn and their voices rising together.
“We’re not done yet! We can still fight!” they shouted.
Not long after, Starfall emerged from behind the group, stepping into their formation. “I’m fully charged as well,” she said, a soft smile gracing her lips.
From the distance, another figure approached, standing atop a floating sword that zipped through the air. The figure leaped effortlessly from the blade, landing gracefully in their
“Broken… My sword still hungers for demon blood,” he said, a faint smile crossing his face.
From the gate, Dissidia Knights and troops poured out in waves, led by the Knight Lionell. They quickly formed ranks behind Broken and the others, their weapons drawn and ready for
Above, on the city walls, archers and ranged attackers lined up, their range weapons aimed at
the chaos before them.
But… was this enough?!
Suddenly, a spinning object shot through the air toward Broken, narrowly missing him before curving back like a boomerang. It slammed into the ground beside him, revealing itself as a
massive hammer.
With a heavy thud, a figure landed beside him. It was Fokil. Without hesitation, he reached
out and gripped the hammer as if it weighed nothing.
“On your right, kid,” he said, casting a brief glance at Broken.
“Thanks, sir,” Broken replied with a nod.
From another direction, a new group of players approached. At their head was a man clad in
black and red armor, with a pair of horns curling from his head. It was the Shadow Wolves, led
by Paul and Marlene.
Paul came to stand on Broken’s far left. “Hey, Broken… tonight, we fight on the same side,”
he said loudly.
Marlene stepped up beside Paul, her gaze meeting Broken’s for a brief moment. She gave him a faint smile before turning her attention back to the demon army. From the sky came the sound of massive, beating wings. A skeletal dragon descended swiftly.
As it approached, the dragon vanished, and Galactron landed heavily near the Shadow Wolves’
Behind them, more players rallied. Members of the Shadow Wolves and the Horde of Hell guilds assembled in tight formation. Among them was SpeedGang, his red heavy armor
gleaming as he moved to the forefront.
But… was this enough?!
From the distance, another wave approached-dozens at first, then hundreds, and soon thousands of figures emerged from the horizon. And their banners bore emblems unfamiliar
to most.
Who were they?
At the forefront of this massive force was a figure no one expected to see. Lucy.
She strode forward, flanked by the leaders of the Valantar Guild Alliance. [Lucy]: “Hey, Broken! Guess what? I didn’t just bring the entire Valantar Guild Alliance with
me. I’ve also gathered hundreds of players-all with levels above 180.”
But… was this enough?!
From another direction came the rumble of approaching carriages, grinding to a halt as their
passengers stepped down.
Gasps rippled through the crowd as the figures emerged-they weren’t human.
Forest Elves.
There were about seventeen of them, their presence striking and regal. At the front of the
group walked a figure Broken immediately recognized: Zeno, the leader of the Forest Elves.
The elven warriors moved swiftly, their lithe forms blending seamlessly into the battle-ready ranks behind Broken. Zeno himself approached and came to stand beside Alora.
“You stubborn niece,” he said. “You’ve forced me to bring my strongest army to this
“Uncle…” Alora said.
“Save your thanks for later,” Zeno said firmly. “We Forest Elves will never abandon a member
of our family in their time of need.”
Not long after, more carriages began to arrive, each bearing crests that Broken instantly recognized. They belonged to the Knights of Slumdon Town-Igor, Orion, Cedric, Elowen, Mira, and nearly every knight of level 180 had come to stand together on this battlefield. Reinforcements from other cities within the Dissidia Kingdom soon followed. Among them was the City Lord of Deadbay City-none other than Orion’s father-adding his formidable presence to the gathering forces.
From another direction, RememberMe suddenly appeared, standing among the members of
the Vensalor Guild.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” Jovina snapped.
“Oh, come on,” RememberMe replied with a broad grin. “At a moment this epic, how could I not show up? At least let me have my cameo, you know?”
The members of the Vensalor Guild began stepping into line alongside Broken. “Broken!” Booba called out. “I know this is super cringe, but seriously-you need to say it!”
“Oh, please,” RememberMe chimed in. “I want him to do it, but I’m not sure he’s actually going to say that line.”
Ignoring their banter, Broken summoned his Bedrock Breaker. He tightened his hold, his gaze fixed on the overwhelming enemy forces looming ahead.
“Is this everyone?” Goldrich asked, scanning the field.
Before anyone could answer, two figures descended gracefully from the sky. It was SexyGrill
and SexyBloom.
“Wait! Another Divine Champion has arrived to join the fight!” SexyGrill said as they landed, a
confident smirk on her face.
Broken reached into his inventory and retrieved something from it.
“Gaia,” he said with a faint smile, “you mentioned you were interested in this soul stone,
didn’t you?”
“Master,” Gaia’s voice resonated softly, “it would indeed be quite fascinating. And I would be
more than happy to consume it.”
Broken’s smile as he nodded, holding the Gremory Soul Stone for a moment before feeding it
into the Queen Gaia’s Fate Ring.
He then let out a faint smile as he raised his pickaxe high.
“Tonight, we claim victory!” he shouted. Without hesitation, he launched himself forward. “Attack!” came the deafening roar from the assembled forces. [Gary_Graves]: “Broken running into battle with a pickaxe? Man’s about to mine his way to
[jerry_pickell]: “Goldrich really hit us with ‘Is this everyone?’ like he’s auditioning for the Avengers. Someone hand him the time stone already!”
[potter909]: “These battles are always epic until someone shouts, ‘Tonight, we claim
victory!’ and runs in wielding Minecraft tools.”
[Jordan_Darpino]: “If the fight ends and no one yells, ‘Victory Royale!’ I’m calling it a missed
opportunity.” [Livelywood]: “Man, I wish I’d been there. This is actually so depressing to watch.” [Just2causechaos]: “Don’t worry, Livelywood. I’ll Photoshop you into the victory screenshot later. You’ll look amazing.”
[Trison]: “Not bad at all. I get to watch this while munching on popcorn.” [Toberry]: “It would’ve looked so cool if I were standing with them. I’m crying so hard right
[Fittercleric60]: “Can someone please score this moment? I need to hear the violins peak
when Broken shouts, ‘Tonight, we claim victory!””
(Author’s Note:)
Oh wow, it’s already the end of December-and the end of 2024! Happy New Year, everyone!
This month has been such an epic journey. Remember my promise at the end of November?
“Capital. Demon. Dragon.” Well, I delivered it all this December-chaos, battles, teamwork, and unforgettable moments![]
But I know, the war isn’t over yet. Round 2 is just getting started, and things are about to get even crazier! So buckle up, because January is going to hit harder than Focalor’s screams. And honestly, I just want to say this-I know LBP might not have the biggest Collections or
the largest fanbase among the top books. But you know what? We’re still holding strong in the rankings, and that’s 100% because of you.
This wouldn’t be possible without your incredible support. Every chapter you read, every
comment you leave, and every bit of encouragement you give it all keeps this story alive and
So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Very, very thank you.
Let’s keep climbing together into 2025! And if you’re enjoying the ride so far, don’t forget to
shower us with Golden Ticket-it’s like the confetti to the New Year’s celebration. [] See you next year!
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