Chapter 737: Chapter 737 - Dissidia’s New Era (Full-Length)

Chapter 737: Chapter 737 – Dissidia’s New Era (Full-Length)

“Freya… is this girl in the photo… you?”

Leon tilted his head slightly as he asked.

Freya blinked, then let out a small laugh. “Yes… that’s me. Why? Were you captivated by my cuteness as a kid, huh?”

Lily, standing between them, gave both of them a flat look.

Leon didn’t laugh. His expression remained thoughtful, and he murmured softly, “Are you…”

His words trailed off.

Freya took a step closer, crossing her arms. “What? What are you trying to say?”

Leon’s gaze finally lifted to meet hers. “Are you… the rich little girl…”

Freya raised a brow. “Yes, I’ve been rich since I was a kid. What’s your point?”

Leon shook his head. “You’re the rich little girl who was… annoying.”

Freya blinked in shock. “What?!”

Leon took a step back. “Yes… you’re the annoying little rich girl who always tried to play with the other kids at the park.”

“Say that again!”

“You told everyone your name was Freda back then!” Leon continued. “But now I realize… you weren’t Freda. You’re Freya. So, what’s your real name?”

“Say that again.”

“You were bossy, annoying, and you always tried to order the other kids around.”

“Annoying? Seriously? That’s your impression of me?!” She stomped her foot and took another step closer, glaring up at him. “You should be grateful that you finally get to reunite with your wonderful, rich childhood friend! Doesn’t this bring back precious memories for you?”

“No. What I remember is you being annoying. That’s the impression I had. You were bossy and stubborn.”

“Leon… this is my house. You’re not going to get away from my wrath this time!”

Leon’s grin widened as he took a step back. “Oh? Still want to try?”

Without another word, Freya lunged at him, and Leon immediately spun on his heel and took off running, laughing as she chased after him through the house.

“Leon! Come back here! You’re going to regret this!” Freya shouted.

Lily stood silently, watching the two of them chase each other around the sofa.

Freya had grabbed several cushions from the couch, throwing them at Leon with full force, not holding back at all. The pillows sailed through the air, barely missing him as he darted around the furniture.

When Leon ran past a decorative vase precariously perched on a side table, Freya hesitated, lowering her arm to avoid knocking it over. But once he was clear of the fragile item, she resumed her attack, continuing to throw pillows at him despite not landing a single hit.

“Leon!” Freya yelled, still chasing him. “You won’t escape my wrath this time! I can order everyone in this house to catch you if I want!”

Leon glanced back over his shoulder, grinning.

“See? This is exactly how you were when we were kids, Freya! Bossy and ordering people around!”

“That’s not true! I was cute! Kind! And friendly to everyone! You’re just refusing to admit it!” She huffed, grabbing another pillow. “Leon, you have to acknowledge that I was a delight to be around. If not, you’re not leaving this house in one piece!”

Meanwhile, Lily sat back down on the sofa, watching them with an amused expression. The whole scene was ridiculous, but at the same time, it was hard not to enjoy seeing Leon and Freya bicker like this.

As they ran past again, Leon shouted,

“Lily! Did you know all along that Freya was the annoying rich girl from our childhood?”

Lily shrugged, raising her voice so they could hear her.

“No, Leon. I just found out too.”

Freya slowed down slightly and turned toward Lily.

“Lily! Tell me the truth. What does Leon say about me when I’m not around? Don’t lie!”

Lily sighed, then stood up and raised her voice to answer.

“Leon always asks about you, Freya. He worries about you more than he shows. And-” she smiled, “he used to tell me stories about how happy he was when he played with you as a kid. He always smiled when he talked about those memories.”

“Lily! Stop making things up!”

“See, Leon! You have to admit it now! You missed me. You liked playing with me. You’ve always cared about me!”

“That’s… not exactly how I remember it.”

“Stop running, Leon! Accept my anger like a man!”

“Are you sure you can catch me? Let’s see if you still have the stamina!”

“Leon! Get back here!”


It had been about one month in Yunatea Time since Alora’s coronation as Queen of Dissidia Kingdom. The time that had passed felt both short and long, as the entire kingdom had been in constant motion, busy with recovery efforts and adjusting to life under new leadership. For Alora, the past month had been critical. As the new ruler, she had been fully immersed in managing the kingdom’s affairs, overseeing repairs to the city, and rebuilding trust among her people. The kingdom had taken heavy damage during the last battle, but slowly, life in the capital was returning to normal.

Trade routes had reopened.

Government activities resumed.

And diplomatic visits from neighboring kingdoms had become a frequent occurrence, with many rulers stopping by to congratulate Queen Alora on her ascension-and to discuss future


However, today marked another pivotal moment in Dissidia’s recovery: a ceremony honoring the heroes who had fought to defend the kingdom during the demon invasion.

The event was grand and formal, held in the royal hall, with knights, commanders, and key players from various guilds in attendance. This was a time to recognize bravery and reward those who had risked their lives to protect the capital.

The Vensalor Guild was among those receiving special recognition for their efforts. Broken, Goldrich, Maylock, Jovina, and others stood proudly, representing their guild as one of the key forces that had turned the tide of the battle.

But not everyone chose to accept the kingdom’s offer of recognition.

The Shadow Wolves and Horde of Hell refused to attend the ceremony.

Despite joining the fight at the last moment to help defend the capital, they rejected any form of official acknowledgment or alliance with the kingdom.

To accept the kingdom’s honor meant building ties with the crown, and it was clear that both guilds preferred to keep their independence.

The Horde of Hell eventually returned to their original continent, disappearing from Dissidia entirely. As for the Shadow Wolves, they remained wandering within Dissidia’s borders. While the crown granted them an official pardon for their previous hostile actions, the Shadow Wolves were still watched closely by the kingdom’s forces whenever they roamed near the capital. There was no trust, only a fragile truce.

During the past month, Broken had immersed himself in crafting commissions for his guild members, focusing on weapons for each of them. He worked tirelessly to ensure that those who played a critical role in the war-Goldrich, Elincia, Optimus, Jovina, and others- received personalized gear to boost their combat effectiveness.

Yet, despite all his efforts, he still hadn’t achieved a Legendary-grade item to complete his

blacksmith quest.

Time was running out.

He knew he couldn’t delay his journey to the West Continent much longer. But before leaving, he had resolved to spend the next week finalizing his golem designs.

Later that evening, Broken walked through the halls of the royal castle, heading toward

Alora’s room. Now that she had officially moved into the main castle, her quarters were far

more lavish, fit for a queen.

As Broken entered, he saw Alora sitting in the middle of the room, her gaze lighting up the

moment she spotted him.

The girl stood up gracefully and smiled. “Hi, My King.”

Broken couldn’t help but smile as he walked toward her. When they met halfway, she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into

They stayed like that for a long moment.

warm embrace.

For Broken, moments like these were precious-a chance to release the weight of his exhaustion, even if just for a little while. He had spent countless hours in the workshop, pushing himself to the limit. But here, in Alora’s arms, he allowed himself to breathe.

When they finally pulled back, Alora looked up at him.

“We’re holding the official ceremony for our marriage in one week,” she said softly. “Everything is prepared, and the announcement will be made soon. People will call you King Broken-the first player in Immortal Legacy to become a king.”

She smiled, tapping his shoulder and chest, which still had traces of soot and dust from his blacksmithing work.

“Your reputation has already spread across Dissidia. Everything will go smoothly. There’s nothing to worry about.”

Broken reached out, gently taking both of her hands in his. His gaze softened as he said.

“You don’t have to worry about me. I’m not afraid of anything. I’ll face any challenge with open arms.”

“I knew you’d say that. You always do.”

She stepped closer, wrapping her arms around him once more. Broken leaned down, gently stroking her hair, his fingers weaving through the strands.

Alora grew up surrounded by rejection, constantly facing prejudice for being half-human,

half-elf. It had shaped her into someone who carried the weight of being an outsider, always navigating the fine line between two worlds.

This experience was why she couldn’t shake the concern that haunted her thoughts about Broken-a player who now held such a prominent place in her life.

No matter how much they achieved, players would always be seen as outsiders by the people

of Yunatea. And for a player to hold an important position of power? That was something many would find difficult-if not impossible to accept.

“My priority is you.” His voice was soft, steady, and sincere.

Alora closed her eyes, resting her head against his chest, holding him tightly.

“And I’ll always be by your side,” she whispered.

In that quiet moment, all the noise of the outside world seemed to fade away, leaving just the

two of them in their own little sanctuary.

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