Chapter 1024 - Ignorant.

Lillian nodded, "Fine but only if you change your habit of taking it on the spur of moment." She said and Zhang Xiaotong agreed with a sigh.

"Xiaotong, you know your condition is worsening. If you are not able to calm yourself, your health will only deteriorate. And at that point of time, neither you and I will be able to hide, nor we will be able to control your condition. You remember what the doctor has said to you, right?"

Zhang Xiaotong shook her head. "Don't worry Lillian. Everything will get fine once I would get Brother FenFen back. I just have to persevere a little more time before eliminating that woman. Then everything will get back to normal." She said as a smile curled her lips but something different was there in her smile that for some reason scared Lillian.

But she believed her words more. She said it right. When Xiaotong will get back to President Feng, everything will get fine. After all, it was because of him that everything started. It was for him; the girl was facing so much trouble with both mental and physical health.

"By the way, this report doesn't hold any information about the little girl I asked for? Do you not find anything about her?" Suddenly remembering the little girl holding Feng Shufen's hands in the park, Zhang Xiaotong asked. Her grey eyes looked warm but some similarity in those pairs were irking her nerves. "Who was she? And why was she there calling Brother FenFen as her Daddy? "

Lillian stiffened. Her thoughts that were previously thinking about the woman paused as she turned to stare at her blankly.

"Lillian?" When saw her trancing off, Zhang Xiaotong called again, reaching out slowly to tug on her arms. "What happened? What are you thinking? Do you get any information about that little girl?"

Nodding, the assistant didn't deny. "Xiaotong, that … that little girl …"

"Lillian, don't you find it crazy? Why would that girl stupidly call some man her father? I am sure it must be one of the ways Li Xue has used to bind Brother FenFen. Once we get to know about her, we will be able to get a hold of that woman's weak nerves. Then …" Before Xiaotong could show the excitement, Lillian interrupted her.

"That's not the way we think Xiaotong. The little girl you earlier saw at the park was the strongest link that would bind Li Xue to the Feng family." The assistant said and at her choice of words, Zhang Xiaotong frowned.

"What do you mean?"

Lillian hesitated. But then decided to reveal because sooner or later everything will be revealed when later they would be visiting the Feng family gathering. It would be better if the girl prepares herself from before.

"Xiaotong, that little girl's name is Li Wei. And … and she is the daughter of President Feng and Li Xue." She said as slowly she saw the expression change on the features of the woman. "She is their daughter about whom we have once heard on the news."

Zhang Xiaotong shook her head, denying what she heard, "No! No! How is that even possible? Wasn't that just a rumor spread by the media? Didn't Brother FenFen just meet that woman last year? In such a short span of time, how is it even possible to make a child of six years? There must be some misunderstanding."

She said and Lillian tried to pacify her. "Xiaotong, there might be something missing. But she is indeed their daughter."

"How can you be so sure? If there could be something missing, there can also be a misunderstanding."

Lillian shook her head. "There couldn't be any misunderstanding because it was already proved by DNA results. She is their daughter."

"DNA results?" Xiaotong almost felt the world-shattering around her.

The assistant nodded. "Yes. Almost all Feng relatives have known about it and …" She said but couldn't continue any longer because before she could say further, Zhang Xiaotong broke down into tears, almost losing all the strength she was holding in herself.


At the same time, it was already late at night. Feng Shufen was working in his study when a knock at the door drew his intention. With glasses kept loose on his nose, he looked up only to hear the door slowly creaking open to reveal the small peeks of Li Xue standing out.

He left the pen down on the file before keeping his arms upon the table with his fingers intertwined. "You have not yet slept?" He asked, looking from the small opening of the door. His voice was all crisp.

Li Xue slowly opened more of the door and pulled her expression that of pout to shake her head. "I am unable to get the sleep." Then slowly getting her steps inside, she continued, "Why are you not coming to sleep? Are you still upset with me?"

Feng Shufen looked at her as his gaze followed the steps that she was deliberately taking slow with hesitation. "Upset? Do you think that I have a reason to be upset with you?"

Though there was hesitation, Li Xue still nodded. "You might have who knows? After all, I am such an incapable and ignorant girlfriend. You can get upset with me."

"Ignorant?" Feng Shufen highlighted and to his highlight, Li Xue immediately nodded as if the nod was just to let him know that she has already guessed where she was wrong earlier.

Feng Shufen raised his brows at her and Li Xue felt embarrassed. Dowing her eyes and head, she stood the heavy burden of wrong. "Sorry, Mr. Beelzebub. I didn't want to embarrass you there with my continuous interruption. I shouldn't have cut your words to say mine. I should have …"

Before she could say anymore, a gentle hook of fingers came down her chin raised her face up to look at the man's grey eyes that were staring down at her. "Mr.. Beelzebub, I …" Before she could say or understand anything, Feng Shufen's pair of lips came down to press over hers, sealing all her thoughts and words back into her head.

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