Chapter 127 He Considered It Useless.There was something holding him back from doing so, if not, he would have punched his face by now.
Ryan had already reached Dylan by now and was standing close to him once again. Dylan was still holding on to the boy’s collar, and that annoyed expression was still plastered on his face.
Seeing that Dylan doesn’t plan on letting go of his cloth any time soon, the boy was going to take matters into his hands…
Making use of his right hand, he was able to take Dylan’s hand off his collar though it wasn’t something he achieved so easily.
“You’re crazy, what was the meaning of that?”. The boy stated after taking Dylan’s hand off his collar.
Dylan didn’t say anything in response to the boy’s statement, he was only staring at him. As time passed, the annoyed expression vanished from his face.
“Remember what we said Ryan, you’re free to do whatever you want to do”. The leader of the bullies said to Ryan after the passing of a few seconds.
And after saying that, he glanced at his gang and uttered to them, “Let’s move”.
And with that, all four of them began walking away heading straight to their classroom. Seeing that the scene was over, students began walking away as well. Stay updated with empire
It got to a point where Ryan and Dylan were the only ones remaining on the compound. When other students were walking away, they still stood there.
It was after a few seconds of standing on the compound alone that the both of them glanced at each other and began walking toward their classroom as well.
Ryan’s mind was filled up as they were heading toward their classroom. His threat wasn’t scaring off the bullies anymore, in fact, they were telling him to do whatever he wanted to do.
He was free to go report to his dad if he wanted. Did they mean what they said? Or were they joking? This was the thought running through Ryan’s mind…
They knew how powerful his dad was and what he could do to them once he finds out what they’d been doing to his son. So what was giving them this kind of confidence?
Or did they have a plan? Maybe they were able to create a strong plan during the days of staying clear off him whereby even if he reports to his father, they still wouldn’t be affected.
..Ryan was just so confused, his head was filled up.
These bullies were troubling the hell out of his life, they’d done it over and over again.
The reason why Ryan was so confused was because he hadn’t discerned what Dylan discerned. Dylan wasn’t confused at all because he knew what they were trying to confirm.
He knew the reason why Ryan’s threat wasn’t scaring them off anymore. But he didn’t plan on telling Ryan now, in fact, he wasn’t sure if he was going to ever tell him.
Would telling Ryan change anything? Would that make him change his decision never to report to the teachers or his father? Yes, this was Dylan’s mindset.
But it wasn’t a sure thing though, he might tell him, or he might not.
Ryan’s mind was still filled up until they reached their classroom and entered it. Some students glanced at them the moment they stepped foot into the classroom.
The students that stared at them were the ones that witnessed what happened at the school compound. Yes, the ones that stood there to watch as Ryan was being disturbed.
They didn’t glance at them for too long though, it only lasted for a few seconds before they took their gazes off them, then murmurings followed.
They began conversing among themselves about what happened to Ryan at the school compound. Some were even conversing and smirking from time to time.
Some couldn’t help but to be giving them those side-glances while still conversing among themselves.
Ryan and Dylan were so used to this, especially Ryan. So upon seeing all these, all they did was to begin walking toward their seats until they reached them and balanced on them.
It got to a point where the conversations about them stopped including the side-glances…
Ryan’s threat about reporting them to his father wasn’t scaring them off anymore. As far as they couldn’t confirm that he could truly carry out what he was saying, they wouldn’t be scared.
And from the look of things, the threat was just an empty one because Ryan doesn’t want his father to know what was happening to him at school.
And reporting to him would make him find out. The only reason why he blurted it out at the cafeteria was because he was so angry, he didn’t even know when the words flowed out of his mouth.
But he couldn’t carry it out, so it was just an empty threat.
Since the bullies weren’t scared anymore, Ryan’s enjoyment was over. They started causing distress to his life once again, which Dylan was also partaking of since they were friends.
Inside the cafeteria, they’d cause distress to his life. At the school compound when no teachers were around, they’d cause distress to his life.
Sometimes, even outside the academy when they were heading home during closing hours, they’d cause distress to his life. And as known, Dylan kept partaking of them while always trying to defend Ryan in the process.
For the past few days now, Ryan wasn’t enjoying his stay at school anymore. Other bullies were watching as the four boys were causing distress to Ryan’s life, and slowly, they were regaining that morale to resume bullying Ryan.
They hadn’t started yet, but they knew they were going to start soon…
“How long would you continue like this, Ryan? How long would you let these people keep playing you around? You could have put an end to this thing a long time ago if not for the fear you’re feeling”. Dylan would always say to Ryan.
..But all the things he was saying to Ryan weren’t close to making him change his mind concerning the decisions he made.
As known, Dylan had discerned the reason why his threat and Ryan’s threat weren’t scaring off the bullies anymore. And telling Ryan about it was based on probability at some point.
But it wasn’t based on probability anymore. Dylan was sure he wouldn’t be telling Ryan about it ’cause he knew it would most likely not change anything.
There was a very slight possibility of Ryan changing the decisions he made after hearing what Dylan has to say to him. So Dylan just considered it useless.
Days kept on passing, and those four boys kept disturbing Ryan and Dylan’s lives. It was closing hour now, and lots of students were already on the school compound walking out of it.
As usual, some weren’t walking out of it, they were being ridden out of it by someone with a horse. Ryan and Dylan were among the students on the school compound walking out of it.
They’d finished walking out of it by now, and upon doing so…they sighted the bullies waiting for them so they could disturb their lives a little just as they’d been doing before.
They also noticed students waiting for the occurrence to take place. Since the bullies were standing on the same spot they were always standing on whenever they were waiting for Ryan and Dylan to come out so they could cause distress to their lives.
The students that always loved to watch the occurrence began waiting instead of heading home.
The bullies had already made their little calculations before they began waiting. They’d already calculated when teachers would begin walking out of the academy in mass since some had already done so.
Before they’d begin walking out of the academy in mass, they would have already done what they wanted to do to Ryan and Dylan and left.
The moment Ryan and Dylan walked out of the school compound and set eyes on the bullies, they sighed. Then this thought ran through Ryan’s mind,
‘And it is going to happen again’.
They tried their best to act like they didn’t see the bullies, so they were just heading home as they were supposed to do. They were still walking when the four boys left where they were before and arrived in front of them.
“Acting like they didn’t see us”. One of the boys stated after arriving in front of them.
“And they’re so good at it, this isn’t the first time they’re doing such. Whenever they do it, it always looks so real”. Another boy voiced out.
“Just allow us to head home in peace”. Dylan said to the four boys.
“And you know we can’t do that”. The leader of the boys said with a bit of smirk appearing on his face.
The students interested in these kinds of occurrences just stood at their different spots watching the scene.
“Let’s head home and leave these people here”. Dylan said to Ryan with his gaze focused on him.
That statement annoyed the bullies a lot, especially their leader. The fact that he referred to them as ‘these people’ was what annoyed them…
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