Chapter 61 Helping Him Out With It.Of course, Ryan wouldn’t be able to tell her the real reason why he was coming back home somehow late.
Telling her the real reason would be super stupid…it would just be like making use of his hands to put him and Sofia into serious trouble.
He would have to lie to his mum right now, and that’s exactly what he did…
“We were handling a certain project in my classroom which had been given to them before I resumed school. But since I was a student in the classroom already, I had to participate in the project”. Ryan responded to his mum’s question.
Emily nodded her head a little before saying, “Hmm, so this is the reason why you’re coming home just now”.
“Yes, that is the reason mum”. Ryan stated.
He wanted to add another lie to back up the one he’d just told, but he decided to leave it at that…the one he told was enough.
And from the look of things, his mum believed the lie he just told though he hadn’t confirmed if she truly believed it or not.
“You’re free to go now”. That was the next utterance that flowed out of Emily’s mouth.
And for her to say this meant that she believed what he said. Ryan began walking until he walked past her, then he heard Emily’s voice again,
He waited immediately with a kind of shocked facial expression. Why did she tell him to wait? Did she discern he was lying? These were the questions running through Ryan’s mind.
He glanced at her, then Emily’s voice resounded again,
“So, how did your day go today? How was school?”.
‘Oh! So this is the reason why she told me to wait? To ask me this question?’. Ryan thought to himself.
And after that thought ran through his mind, he breathed a sigh of relief…
Of course, his day didn’t go well at all, school was terrible again. Everything that took place yesterday took place again…from the hurtful remarks, to awkward stares, and so on.
What helped him today was that he’d braced himself some more. But he wouldn’t be able to tell his mum this as expected, so with a little smile appearing on his face, he responded to his mum’s question,
“My day was great, school went well”.
“That’s nice to hear”. Emily stated.
Ryan decided to throw the same question at his mum, so he stated,
“What about you mum? How did your day go today?”.
“The same as you, my day was great. Thanks for asking”. Emily responded.
With that little smile still plastered on Ryan’s face, he walked away heading toward his room until he reached it. He’d entered his room by now, and the first thing he did was to take off his school bag and drop it where it was supposed to be.
Then he walked toward his bed and sat on it. For the next few minutes that passed, thoughts were running through his mind here and there.
He first thought about the fact he told Sofia his mum being at home was based on a probability, and it happened to be that she was at home when they arrived at it.
He just kept imagining what would have happened if the both of them came home together. They’d have met his mum, and she’d most likely suspect something was going on between them.
..And what would that come with? Numerous questions that might end up revealing what was going on between them.
He was so thankful that Sofia suggested they don’t come home together, that was super wise. There were other things that ran through his mind for the minutes that passed, important thoughts.
And after his mind wasn’t busy anymore, he stood up from his bed and walked toward where his clothes were. Then he changed up into a casual robe, the one meant for staying at home.
Not like he couldn’t wear a nice expensive robe at home, he could if he wanted to. But he just wanted to put on a casual robe, and he’d wear this same robe to bed…
After changing up, a certain thought crashed into his head…he remembered something. What did he remember? The assignment the geography teacher gave to them.
He hadn’t done the assignment, and he was supposed to do it today. It was already dusk, he wasn’t in the mood to do anything right now, all he wanted to do was lay on the bed until it gets to the time for them to eat dinner as a family.
But he can’t do that…even if he wasn’t in the mood to do anything, he has to do the assignment.
He wouldn’t want a situation where the teacher would step foot into their classroom, request for the assignment, and he’d be among the students that didn’t do it, or he’d be the only one that didn’t do it.
According to what he remembered, part of the assignment would require them to do some research. And this research would require them to ask questions or study their environment.
Ryan wasn’t happy at all thinking about this, he wasn’t in the mood to do any kind of research right now. But he has to do it, it’s a must…
He walked toward his bag, took it, opened it, and brought out the book where he wrote down the assignment. Then he dropped his bag before walking to his bed and sitting on it once again.
Then he opened to the page where he wrote the assignment and began reading it. Reading it made him get a clear insight of what the assignment was about again.
He did the ones that didn’t need research to do, and as for the ones that needed research to do, he was going to wait for his brother, Kai, to come home so he could ask him some questions that would lead to the answers.
He was having the feeling his brother would be able to provide the answers to the questions he’d ask him…
After the passing of minutes, the people that hadn’t arrived home to complete the Howell family arrived home…and that was Warren and Kai.
Not too long after they arrived home, everyone in the Howell family gathered in the dining room to eat dinner. The servants had cooked another delicious meal, and Emily assisted them in doing so.
As they were eating, they were conversing and bonding as a family. It went on like this until they were done eating, then the servants cleared the dining table of plates.
Sofia was among the servants that cleared the dining table of plates. And during the time she was clearing them, she and Ryan’s eyes met, and they smiled at each other a little.
Ryan made sure his family members didn’t notice the smile that appeared on his face. It was very slight, but Sofia noticed it.
The Howell family didn’t depart from the dining room immediately after they were done eating dinner because of a particular conversation they were having. So they were still sitting comfortably in their seats as the servants were clearing plates off the dining table.
That was why Ryan and Sofia were able to glance and smile at each other easily.
Well, everyone had left the dining room by now, and this happened after they were done having that particular conversation.
Kai was heading toward his room when Ryan walked toward him and said,
“Kai, I’d need your help with something”.
“And what is that?”. Kai inquired, glancing at him with a bit of inquisitive facial expression.
“It’s concerning the assignment given to us at school. I’d need to ask you some questions, and I hope you’d be able to give answers to them”.
“Okay, let’s do this”.
“Can we head over to my room to handle it?”.
And with that, the both of them began heading toward Ryan’s room until they reached and entered it. They’d balanced on Ryan’s bed by now, and with the book in his hands, Ryan began asking Kai the questions.
Now, he wasn’t only asking Kai the questions, he was answering them. His feeling was right all along, Kai was able to answer the questions he was throwing at him.
And this was leading to getting answers to the questions that needed research. As Kai was answering the questions, he was writing on his book, and before he knew what was happening, he’d given answers to all the questions that needed research.
He was done with the assignment, and he didn’t waste time shaking hands with Kai before saying to him, Experience exclusive tales on empire
“Thanks for helping me out with this”.
“It’s nothing. You’re my brother, my blood, I’m supposed to be helping you out with these things when necessary”. Kai stated.
..After that, Kai didn’t leave his room immediately, he had a particular conversation with Ryan.
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