He was already feeling enough pain in his heart due to the time he wasted, he couldn’t afford to add more pain to the one he was already feeling.

His plan failed today, but that doesn’t mean he would stop. He’d try his very best to discover where Miss Amaya’s house was situated tomorrow.

He has to be mindful of time, once tomorrow reaches, he’d have 13 days remaining to accomplish the quest…

He hadn’t handled the first thing he planned on handling, and there were still a lot of things he needed to do before he’d then talk of screwing Miss Amaya. He has to be super mindful of time.

‘I would have to head home alone now, I’m sure Dylan would have gone home by now. I could have simply headed home with him if I knew I would just be wasting my time by coming here’. Ryan thought to himself.

And after that thought ran through his mind, he began heading home.

He’d walked out of the school compound by now and was walking on the road with a bit of gloomy expression on his face due to the failed plan.

The gloomy expression was vanishing from his face little by little as he was still walking until he arrived at his home…


“Where did you go yesterday during closing hour? I was searching around for you”.

This was what Dylan said to Ryan the next day at school…they were in their classroom currently. Ryan was just glancing at Dylan without a single word flowing out of his mouth, he didn’t know what to say. Sёarch* The NôvelFire.nёt website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

If at all he says anything, it would be a lie. He can’t tell Dylan he was waiting for Miss Amaya to come out of her office so he could begin trailing her that yesterday. Enjoy new adventures from empire

Telling him that would be completely stupid, so he was just glancing at Dylan trying to form a good lie in his head.

“Or were you picked up by a guard yesterday?”. Dylan uttered once again with his gaze focused on Ryan.

The moment Dylan made that utterance, an idea crashed into Ryan’s head. He could simply agree to what Dylan said as the reason why he left the classroom so fast.

He wouldn’t have to crack his brain anymore trying to come up with a good lie since something like this had already presented itself. So he said to Dylan,

“Yes, that’s the reason why you were searching around for me. I left the classroom immediately the moment it got to closing hour ’cause I was supposed to head home as fast as possible due to an event that was supposed to take place at home,

The guard and I agreed that he’d come pick me up quickly. So even though I left the classroom so quickly the moment it got to closing hour, I met the guard already waiting for me at the compound with a horse,

Sorry that I didn’t inform you, I forgot and was in a rush”.

Dylan nodded his head a little before saying, “I understand. You vanished from the classroom so quickly, I was surprised, that’s all”.

Ryan placed his right palm on Dylan’s right shoulder before saying to him again,

“The same thing would be repeating itself today. A guard would be coming to pick me up, and he’d arrive at this academy on time before it even gets to closing hour. So I have to quickly leave the classroom today as well the moment it gets to closing hour”.

Ryan was telling him this because he knew since he couldn’t achieve his aim of locating Miss Amaya’s home yesterday, then he’d have to try his very best to accomplish it today.

And that would mean him leaving the classroom immediately the moment it gets to closing hour just as he did yesterday…

His only hope was that he’d get to see Miss Amaya walk out of her office today then begin trailing her. He hoped what happened yesterday wouldn’t repeat itself today.

He didn’t like the fact that he was lying to Dylan. Dylan had been an excellent friend to him, he shouldn’t be lying to him. But he couldn’t help it because to accomplish his current quest, some lies would have to be told.

“Is that so? The both of us wouldn’t be able to head home together today as well?”. Dylan stated glancing at Ryan.

“Exactly, I’m sorry”. Ryan said.

“No, you don’t have to be sorry, I understand”.

Ryan took his palm off Dylan’s right shoulder, then his voice resounded,

“More times would arrive when the both of us would be able to head home together. And as for the both of us visiting each other’s homes, I’m still keeping it in mind. It would definitely take place one day”.

Dylan nodded his head a little to Ryan’s statement, then the both of them began heading toward their seats until they reached and balanced on them…

They’d been standing at the back of the classroom all this while having that conversation. The moment Ryan stepped foot into the classroom, Dylan didn’t waste time to walk toward him, so he could question him about what happened yesterday.

He didn’t let him reach his seat, he didn’t let him drop his bag. So while they were having that conversation, Ryan was carrying his bag.

..But since they’d finished having that conversation, the both of them had walked to their respective seats and sat on them.

Ryan was just stepping foot into the classroom for today, and no teacher had entered their classroom to teach them or anything. But a teacher would step foot into their classroom soon.


Ryan kept hoping he’d be able to trail Miss Amaya successfully today and discover where her home was situated while in the classroom.

He kept hoping the same thing that happened yesterday wouldn’t repeat itself today…Miss Amaya shouldn’t dare leave the academy when it hadn’t gotten to closing hour.

The time had reached for everyone to head home again, closing hour arrived a few seconds ago. Without wasting time, Ryan stood up from his seat, wore his bag, and walked out of the classroom.

From the look of things, he was the first student to walk out of the classroom today…

He made his way to the school compound, and upon arriving at it, he saw that it was so scanty, there were barely any students on it. Well, he wasn’t surprised by this at all.

He basically left his classroom almost immediately the moment it got to closing hour. Now that he’d arrived at the compound, his next destination was Miss Amaya’s office.

As he was heading toward her office, he kept hoping she’d still be in it along with other teachers. If she’d left again, then it would be another failed plan…and time was counting.

He’d reached her office, and he was standing some meters away from it just as he did yesterday. Now, he could hear a few voices coming from the office, they weren’t as much as yesterday’s own.

And from what he’d discerned, a few teachers were conversing among themselves, while the rest were working.

All he wanted to know was if Miss Amaya was inside the office as well. He was really curious, he needed to confirm if she was in or not. And the best way to confirm if she was in or not was to peep inside the office.

And for him to peep inside it, he’d have to walk closer to it. Now, that was super risky considering the fact that more students were already arriving at the compound now…the scantiness was reducing.

Students could sight him peeping into the office, and suspicions would start flowing around. Who knows? A particular student could even walk into the office to report that he was peeping into it.

Thinking about the riskiness that comes with peeping into the office, Ryan was so hesitant to do it. But he had to do it if he was really serious about wanting to find out if Miss Amaya was among the teachers inside the office.

So he began walking closer to the office until he reached it. He made sure to stand in a way where the teachers inside the office wouldn’t be able to see him.

And at that moment, he heard a voice that sounded like Miss Amaya’s own. He’d been familiar with her for years now, he knew what her voice sounded like.

So hearing that gave him hope that she was inside. But he tried not to be too hopeful ’cause he could get disappointed…

All he needed to do now was peep into the office to confirm if she was truly in or not. After breathing in and out, he peeped into the office, and his heart gladdened the moment he saw Miss Amaya inside it.

She was sitting in her seat with her desk in front of her and a book on the desk. She was making use of a reed pen to write some things on a certain page of the book while conversing with a particular teacher.

..So she was working and conversing at the same time.

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