MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage

Chapter 54 Meeting The Strongest Player

Turning towards the voice I shrugged my shoulders throwing off the hand.

I didn't like being touched, especially in the game where some people can steal your items with only a slight touch.

Lifting my eyes up I saw a young man with a newly cut beard and a neat haircut. He was smiling, but I noticed his eye twitch as I pushed his hand away.

Looking at his appearance I instantly knew who he was.

' Red hair, brown eyes, good posture, he's definately the Angry Bird '

Everything clicked inside my mind. In my previous life Angry Bird was a name of one of the Strongest Players. He was given such a nickname, because of his easy to provoke personality.

He was also from a wealthy background making almost nobody stand against him. From his birth he was treated as a king. His parents were billionaires after all.

That's how his personality came to life. He was basically a young master with a pride of a lion.

Recalling his personality with a monotone voice I quickly declined his offer quickly walking away. Of course the King himself didn't just let this go.

Extending his hand he once again took hold of my shoulder this time repeating the sentence with a louder tone.

" Join our group, will you? "

I was pissed, shaking his hand off and gave him a stare.

" I will not join your team and I suggest you don't touch my shoulder, unless you don't want your limb to be attached to your body "

I said while eyeing the man. I don't want trouble, but if he touches me again, he'll pay.

I was about to turn around when I felt another hand land on my shoulder.

A vein popped on my forehead. Shifting to the side I threw a fist covered in Demonic flames right behind me.


I managed to navigate my fist downwards so the momentum would be transferred to the ground. It wasn't the Angry Bird that was standing behind me, it was an elf trying to hide her true beauty within a hood.

Her body was covered in green, shiny armor. She was also wearing a hood that barely covered her face. Since it didn't have any special properties to hide one's face like Shadow Cloak it was only partially useful.

' Strongest Player? '

My body momentarily froze. Slowly raising from the ground and scratching my aching fist I lifted my eyes upwards meeting her gaze.


Suddenly everything around went quiet as if the Shadow Realm was casted over the area. Her two, light blue eyes as cold as ice met mine freezing me on the spot. Her as white as snow hair and beauty made me momentarily hold my breath. Fortunately none of my expressions were seen, since my face was hidden in a hood.

Unknowingly fixing my posture I noticed that she was a head shorter than me. Even though I was acting calm I couldn't contain my excitement, it was the strongest player!

Since in my last life I was at the bottom I naturally had someone I aspired to be. That person was the Girl before me. Without any wealthy background or spending money on the game she managed to surpass all the young masters and millionaires becoming the strongest one.

She had some real skill!

In my previous life if I would've met her I'd bow and plea for guidance, but now it was different.

" I want to hire you "

She almost inaudibly whispered, prompting me to lower my head.

' Maybe I misheard? '

A thought passed through my mind. Seeing me lowering my head made her body slightly stiffen.

' So she still hasn't gone over that, huh? '

Due to her beauty she's like a magnet. Boys are attracted to her like bears to honey, or teenagers to vaping. Throughout her life she built a wall disallowing anyone from coming too close, she doesn't even interact with males.

' Well, she'll get over it eventually '

I shrugged my shoulders. Since I didn't want to make her uncomfortable I instantly got down to business.

" How much are you willing to pay? "

Since she started playing the game as early as I did she must've attained some wealth. I still didn't want to name a specific number, since it might paint me as a greedy person. Having a good connection with strong players was crucial.

" Name your prize... "

She gave me an answer while tucking her hair behind her ear. This action alone would freeze many men in spot, but I, who was dense as fuck, didn't even notice her actions.

' Wait... she can't be planning to hire me as a mercenary with no right to the loot? Well in that case I'll just negotiate '

My mind was running a marathon trying to decipher her hidden agenda. Since in my previous life I was used to people using others for their own benefits I had built a similar wall disallowing me from trusting others easily.

" How about the Loot? "

Without any change in my tone I spoke slightly confusing the Elf. To her, most of the men would succumb to her beauty becoming almost brainless. She was happy since she found someone who isn't affected by her charm, but at the same time annoyed.

' He noticed '

She quietly clicked her tongue. I of course heard it, since my Attributes were higher. My Senses also became sharper after Leveling up. Especially when they were further implemented when I've gotten a Beast Tattoo. My smell, sight and hearing was enchanted, but not that majorly to be mentioned.

' I need to reach Lv. 15 to unlock a new Attribute '

I thought while bringing my full focus to the person before me. Her long eyelashes were covering her blue eyes that were trying to see through my hood. I couldn't help, but chuckle at her actions.

" You'll be able to choose one item from the Loot "

The Elf voiced her opinion.

On paper it wasn't that bad, but since I wasn't going to attempt to clear the Raid normally I didn't agree immediately.

" I'll join the Group, but I will not try to kill the boss, since it's impossible with our current level "

I stated making the Elf raise her eyebrows.

" You... Won't kill... the boss? "

She slowly repeated every single word of my sentence.

" Yes! "

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