Preparations for the new roads were going smoothly

“…I see that they had stacks of bricks over there.”

“Yes. Rocks would be cheaper, but since this is the first one, we decided to use bricks. Father seems to be rather excited about this project.”

“Haha. Mr. Ekenhard probably thought it just sounded interesting.”

We sent a signal to Rahle, who was staying up in the sky, and waited for them to come down.

“Leo! Sister! Mr. Takumi!”




We talked about the bricks until Rahle descended, and Tilura called to us.

Ms. Johanna looked very stiff, but it was clear that Tilura really enjoyed these journeys through the sky.

Even though she had been crying the first time.

“Tilura, we will now make our way back to the mansion. Are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Rahle isn’t tired either.”


Claire was a little worried, as they were up there the whole time, but Tilura seemed like she had energy to spare.

Rahle also flapped its wings as if to reassure us that it was fine.

“Besides, it won’t take much time at all with Rahle.”

“That’s true. Still, you will be careful?”

“Yes! I’ll be waiting for all of you at the house!”


“Ah…Ms. Johanna. Please take this…”

“…Are these the herbs for fatigue?”

“Yes. Sebastian said they helped when he rode on Rahle.”

I probably should have given them to her earlier, but I had missed the chance to do so.

Ms. Johanna still looked grateful as she received them. Then we stepped away from Rahle so as to not get in the way.

Ms. Johanna immediately stuffed the herbs into her mouth, and Rahle flapped its wings and rose up into the air. I just hoped that Ms. Johanna would not choke on the herbs.

“Now, let’s go to Ractos. Liza, over here…”

“Thanks, papa.”


“Yes, let’s go. Ah, Sherry, you’re with me?”


Sherry jumped down from Riruru’s back and ran to Claire’s feet.

Apparently, she wanted to walk with us.

Around the gate, there were about ten guards patrolling, while others carried the bricks and materials. There seemed to be a decent amount of traffic today.

While there were some people who looked surprised by the sight of the fenrirs, they did not seem to be afraid, so it was fine.

“Hmm… I see…”


“What is it?”

“Oh, Mr. Takaumi. Lady Claire.”

Sebastian had been talking to a middle-aged man near the bricks, and he seemed to be deep in thought.

It wasn’t until we were quite close that he noticed us.

“Is there a problem here?”

“I don’t know if I would call it a problem. But it does require some consideration.”

“What is it?”

“Hmm… We will get in people’s way if we stay here. So I will tell you as we walk.”

“Very well.”

And so we entered the town through the eastern gate and made our way to the western side.

“For the most part, things are going smoothly. Though, we are still gathering all of the materials. But everything is according to schedule.”

“It did not look that way to me.”

“Indeed… One of the purposes of the roads was to hire more people from around Ractos. However…”

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