Mage Porton clicked his fingers together, his eyes not showing any hint of emotion


Several cracking sounds rang around and everyone watch as the tribesmen that showed disrespect earlier had their arms twisted by an invisible force

It was as if the arms of these tribesmen moved on their own and twist themselves as if they were clothes


"It hurts! It hurts!"


They miserably shrieked from the pain to the point that tears gathered around their eyes. It was common for tribal people to be injured and their pain tolerance was quite high but it was not as if they cannot feel pain anymore. Not to mention, it is not every day that they experience having their limbs twist like that

"You are not living in your individual tribes anymore where you could speak and act however you want to. This is the City of Hope where the strong were as numerous as the blades of grass in a field. If you continue to show blatant disrespect, you might not even know how you die" Mage Porton continues and with another click of his fingers, the dislocated arms of the tribesmen returned back to normal

However, while their bones were twisted back to their original position, it was not as if the process was painless. This surely is a lesson that they will never forget in their lives

"Now, all of you have traveled from a far place and you must be tired. Take these Brain Crystals and use your spiritual power to activate it, all of you have to learn how to write and read if you want to survive in this city. For now, you are dismissed, rest and further details would be discussed tomorrow"

More people entered the rooftop holding the so-called Brain Crystals and they gave one to each tribesman before they were guided to their accommodation


The city that Rezen witnessed was prosperous and rich but it turns out not all parts of the city were like that

Other areas have buildings that looked as if they are brand new, tall magic towers, and are bustling with neat-looking people

However, the area where the accommodation of the tribal people are located looks a bit worn out

The buildings look old and shabby while the market was not that prosperous. There wasn't even a single magic tower nearby

The people are clearly living in poverty with some that are malnourished. Although this place is not a total slum, if the situation deteriorates a bit more, it might as well turn into a real slum where only the poorest of the poor would live

Even the clueless tribesmen noticed that this place is completely different from the other areas that they have seen outside

It was also quite far from where the flying ship landed and after they reached their destination, the tribesmen went down the so-called magic shuttle

The magic shuttle is one of the public transportation of the City of Hope. If the flying sticks could be said to be this realm's bicycle that floats then the magic shuttle could be seen as the bus

Since flying sticks require the user's mana to move, if the destination is far, the user's mana won't be enough

As such, many people would use magic shuttles. These shuttles have a large rectangular wooden floor with wheels attached on the bottom while the inside has seats and are completely enclosed

It is powered using mana stones and it could accommodate tens of people inside without any problem

The tribesmen were completely overwhelmed by the new things that they had seen and witnessed today

The things are unlike anything that they had ever seen before and many of them don't know how to react aside from being curious about everything

The city's management is not completely black-hearted as there was someone waiting for the tribesmen at their accommodation place

The place they would live from now on is a single building composed of many rooms inside

​ This was like an apartment building or dorm of Rezen's previous realm. Each of the rooms was identical in size and based on the number of rooms, no one would get their own room

"Hello, I am Usury and this would be your dormitory" The woman said as she pointed at the building behind her

Just like the other buildings in this area, this building also looks quite old so it didn't stand out

"You are free to divide the rooms according to your liking but every room is to be shared by four people and every floor has one restroom for peeing and defecating with several cubicles inside. Aside from the restroom, every floor also has one shower room where you could take a shower and the shower room are also divided so that many people could shower at once"

The woman was at least respectful on the outside. She wasn't overly enthusiastic but she was very professional with her job as she speaks the way that she has to

Based on what Rezen knows from Philome, the Elders only reluctantly let tribal people join the city because of the Guardian

From that information, the Elders shouldn't have any respect for tribal people and they naturally wouldn't treat them good

However, the Guardian is different. He loves humanity as a whole and as a person that is also a tribal person from a thousand years ago, it would be laughable if he were to discriminate against them

As such, this woman if she is part of a faction should be part of the faction under that Guardian based on her attitude

"Yuck, what is that stinky scent in the air?"

"Look at what they are wearing, they look funny! Hahaha!"

"All of them look ugly!"

Mean and rude comments were thrown one by one causing the tribesmen to look at the people that spouted such things

"Here comes another round of discrimination" Rezen mused as he stared at the city people that gathered around to ridicule tribal people

It seems like the fact that the City is accepting tribal people is not exactly a secret considering that even normal people know about it

"Well, they indeed look better with their clothes" Rezen thought

While the tribal people are only wearing crude clothes created from beast fur, the city people are wearing 'proper clothes'

They are wearing pants and shirts while covered with thick jackets to fight the cold of the winter

The City of Hope is also under winter but thanks to the society's development, winter is not as harsh here

The snow on the roads was repeatedly cleared and some buildings also have their own mechanisms to remove the snow from their roof or the space in front of them

The city still has snow but it was not as thick compared to the snow that the scattered tribes suffer from

"Everyone, please be kind" Usury said as she frowned at the people that seemingly gathered only to humiliate tribal people

"Pfft, why would we be kind to these savages?"

"Right? I heard that they even eat their own people when hungry!"

"Really? Eeww! That's disgusting!"

"How can they perform cannibalism? Don't they have any shame?"

Despite Usury's words, the people still continue to throw mean and rude words at the tribal people that didn't do anything wrong to them

"What cannibalism?! Do they think we eat our own family?! These bastards!" One of the tribesmen exploded from anger and he was about to attack when the tribesmen nearby stopped him

"Don't! Haven't you heard what that Porton said? We can't attack anyone here!"

"Look at what he had done with those people, he twisted their arms!"

"Just calm yourself. I also don't like this place, I can feel everyone's unfriendly gazes. We will escape from here when no one is looking!"

In the end, the terror from the representatives and the display that Mage Porton showed forced that tribesman to keep his anger to himself though he continued glaring at them

"If this goes on, some of these people will try and escape from here or a day where they can't keep their anger to themselves will come and they would attack without regard for any consequence" Rezen thought as if he was a mere spectator

While he is also displeased by the discrimination, he already learned the hard way what would happen to a person that is weak

If the tribal people are strong, these bastards wouldn't speak ill of them like this

"Everyone, this is the last time that I will say this. Be kind!" Usury said with a hint of a threatening tone but the city people just laughed at her without caring about her words

In the end, they learned the hard way not to disregard Usury's words

The professional woman suddenly turned into a lioness. She charged at the city people with a speed that no normal people could catch and before anyone could understand what was happening, the discriminators are already on the ground while holding their stomachs

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