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~: 258 Branch Meeting

Shining Star Technology, the top floor of the headquarters building.

The CEO-Tang Shaohong's office, with a huge virtual screen, presents a complex three-dimensional organizational structure. It is impressively composed of 36 branches of the parent company Xingyao Technology, as well as its subsidiary company, Sun Company, just like a company. Pyramid, the star technology at the top, controls thousands of related industries through 36 branches.

For example, in the virtual network field, the main business entity is the branch company-Xingyao Network, but it has more than a dozen subsidiaries, a game company that operates the virtual game "Xinghai Era", and an electronics company that produces and sells virtual helmets and virtual cabins. , operating virtual network content, dubbing virtual content creation, virtual star agent,..., around the virtual network, there are hundreds of thousands of employees, with a daily operating income of more than 20 billion, among which, Xingyao Era's Income-based, accounting for more than 60%.

It has been 13 years since Xingyao Era has been operating from the internal testing channel, and the number of users is increasing every year. The user group is mainly 18-50 years old, and the active users are about 700 million. Only relying on the transaction fees generated by game virtual items, There is also the precipitation period of several trillion funds in the transaction process to obtain interest income. With these alone, Xinghai Era can create nearly 2 billion profits every day. In addition to other value-added services in the game, the daily income is 30 billion yuan. billion or so.

In the industry, other game companies, because of the emergence of virtual games, have been changing their careers, either relying on the virtual network platform of Xingyao Technology to develop new virtual games, or closing their doors and doing other industries.

The emergence of virtual network has completely eliminated the mainstream market for stand-alone games and 3D games in the electronic age. Except for some nostalgic game lovers, countless gamers have switched to virtual games.

Many game companies, through technical cooperation with Xingyao Network, have successfully developed some shooting, competitive and leisure virtual games, which have won the favor of many gamers.

However, they do not have the technology of Xingyao Technology in virtual network and strong artificial intelligence support, so they intelligently develop some virtual games with simpler plots and divert some game users, which cannot be compared with Xinghai Era of Xingyao Games.

Out of the branch Xingyao Network, there are Xingyao Mechanical Engineering, Xingyao Medical, Xingyao Materials, Xingyao Urban Construction..., etc., almost every branch company, the situation is almost similar to Xingyao Network, it is an industry Leading companies, subsidiaries, and grandchildren companies are countless.

To clear the financial connections and management relationships of the 36 branches one by one, the workload is very large.

Fortunately, Tang Shaohong is the CEO. She only needs to set the main articles of association, clarify the main strategy of the branch, and hand over the specific implementation work to the subordinates. However, even so, these tasks are enough. She has been busy for a while.

"Mr. Tang, it's getting late, aren't you off work yet? Tomorrow morning, you need to go to Ludao to attend the meeting!" The secretary to the president, Xu Ting, knocked on the door to remind Tang Shaohong.

Hearing this, Tang Shaohong looked at the time, and unknowingly it was already 11 o'clock in the night. At this time, she also remembered her schedule for tomorrow morning.

Tang Shaohong has not been so busy for a long time. Xingyao Technology is an enterprise driven by advanced technology. The development has been smooth and smooth over the years. There are no waves, and she does not need to work overtime.

"I'll ask Vice President Liu to help me with tomorrow's meeting. I'm not free. In addition, please inform the heads of all branches that they will all come to the headquarters for a meeting at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon." Tang Shaohong glanced at the company's organizational structure on the screen. , told Xu Ting to say.

"Okay, okay!" Xu Ting was taken aback and hurriedly responded.

Unexpectedly, President Tang temporarily canceled tomorrow's meeting, and it was rarer to call all the heads of the branch for a meeting.

"It's alright, get off work first!" Tang Shaohong glanced at Xu Ting and gestured.

After finishing speaking, Tang Shaohong faced the virtual screen and continued to work hard to complete the data, which will be used for the meeting tomorrow.

day, afternoon.

One after another, luxurious flying cars flew into the top floor of Xingyao Technology Headquarters Building.

At the solemn and solemn meeting, the Chief Executive Officer - Tang Shaohong, Chief Financial Officer - Li Weimin, Legal Director - Chen Desheng, and general managers of a number of branch companies came to the meeting one after another.

Last time, Mr. Li just convened everyone to release a strategy meeting. The bosses of the branch have a lot of work at hand waiting to be dealt with. At this time, Mr. Tang called everyone together again. I don't know what to discuss. The heads of the companies , all with curiosity.

"Everyone is here! The meeting begins!" Tang Shaohong looked around the audience and announced.

As soon as Tang Shaohong's voice fell, the door to the conference room was automatically closed, and the whispered discussions stopped abruptly.

"Today, I have invited everyone to announce an important announcement. Because of the strategic news released by the company, the global stock market is now in a state of artillery, and there is a Longguo stock market. In less than two weeks, the stock index has doubled. The policy is full of confidence." Tang Shaohong looked at the crowd and introduced with pride.

Hearing this, everyone's mood was moved by Tang Shaohong, and they were all smiles and happy.

"Yeah! The stocks of the company's partners have doubled, which is so enviable!"

"No! The boss of Dongfang Group even called me to thank me, saying that our company helped him increase his worth tenfold. You are not angry!"

"I'm here too, I'm all about dinner, so annoying!"

"Others are okay, everyone is used to it, but I have found a lot of hot, such as: Longxing Industry, Xinyao Medical, these listed companies have not cooperated with our company!"

"Yeah! These capitals are almost offline, Minister Chen, has the head office considered issuing a warning letter?"


The heads of the branches all agreed with Tang Shaohong's statement. Your words and my words are happy and happy, and they are all proud of the company. At the same time, they express indignation at some listed companies that are popular.

Because of the news released by the company, the global stock market has skyrocketed, and the value of the stocks of those companies that cooperate with them has doubled. All this is because Xingyao Technology has given the world full confidence, but many companies use this A piece of information creates a hot spot and drives up the stock price, and in the end, it will definitely be a feather in the ground.

Everyone looked at the director of legal affairs, Chen Desheng, and hoped that he could take political action against those unscrupulous listed companies.

"After the meeting, the company will announce some important matters to the outside world. In this matter, it will also issue an announcement to warn the majority of shareholders." Chen Desheng nodded with a smile and accepted everyone's proposal.

After the meeting, will the legal affairs release important matters to the outside world?

What matter?

All the leaders realized that there was something in Chen Desheng's words, and looked at Tang Shaohong, waiting for her speech.

"Director Chen is right. This matter will be dealt with incidentally after the meeting. Now, please keep quiet, and I will start to talk about the main topics of today's meeting!" Tang Shaohong said solemnly, covering the entire audience.

The high-level officials kept quiet and looked at Tang Shaohong, preparing to take notes for the meeting.

"Mr. Li suggested to me that the company's 36 branches should be split out and prepared to be listed in each order!" Tang Shaohong looked around the crowd and introduced the theme of the meeting.


Break up the company! Ready to go public?

is this real?

The eyes of the high-level executives all lit up, showing surprises. Never expected that it was such good news that President Li agreed to split the branch and go public.

What a big surprise!

The equity design of Xingyao Technology is not suitable for listing. They only have the right to dividends at the relevant functional level. Although the dividends they receive every year are very considerable, once they leave or retire, these benefits can no longer be enjoyed.

However, if the branch is listed, the situation is different.

They should also be able to get some equity, and it is an equity that can be used for trading and cashing. For them, this is a rare opportunity to make money.

In terms of their net worth, the value of these shares is just the icing on the cake for their wealth. However, ownership of shares and nominal dividend rights are two different concepts. As long as Xingyao Technology does not fail, they can take these shares. For a lifetime, or even to be passed down from generation to generation.

All the high-level executives could not help showing smiles on their faces, and they were extremely happy.

"This is the division of each branch that I have sorted out. You can see if you have any additional comments. If you have any, feel free to mention it, and we will discuss and solve it!" Tang Shaohong drew the virtual screen in front of him, and then distributed the information to everyone. on the account.

Hearing this, everyone called out their office assistants to check the division of the branches under their respective management.

Xingyao Technology is like a big family with 36 industries under it. Now it is divided and divided into the financial situation of each industry. In the past, everyone got together to eat a big pot of rice, and the business cooperated closely. You have me, and I have you.

Now that we are going to separate listings, each financial transaction must be clearly divided, recorded in the company's financial report, and announced to investors.

"Mr. Tang, should the virtual equipment manufacturing plant be included in Xingyao Machinery? This has always been a project our company is responsible for!" Shen Yubin, the head of the branch in charge of Xingyao Network, asked Tang Shaohong with a frown.

"Yes, the main purpose of the spin-off and listing of the company this time is to concretize the functions of the branch company, to coordinate and integrate resources, and each to specialize in a certain field!" Tang Shaohong replied to Shen Yubin, then looked at the chief financial officer and reminded : "The division of the branch's industrial transfer is handled in the transfer and allocation mode to balance the financial status of each branch. The financial work in this regard is very complicated, and the data involved is very large. The financial department must cooperate with colleagues in the branch."

"Understood!" Chief Financial Officer - Li Weimin nodded with a wry smile, understanding Tang Shaohong's reminder.

As the chief financial officer of Shining Star Technology, no one knows the financial situation of Shining Star Technology better than him.

Xingyao Technology has departments that make a lot of money, as well as branches that lose money very seriously. The most profitable department is the Yao Experimental Center, which holds all the technology patents of the entire company and obtains it every year through patent licensing fees. The income is in units of ten trillion.

Cold nuclear fusion, virtual network technology, nano-medical cabin, space engine, super battery, life-extending gene technology, ..., etc., the licensing fees for thousands of Chinese technology patents can only be supported by receiving soft-handedness. , raising hundreds of thousands of scientific research workers, carrying out various expensive scientific research work.

However, the department of Xingyao Experimental Center, like the parent company, is not within the scope of listing and splitting.

The second earner is Xingyao Network. The virtual network industry is also the gold-absorbing industry of Xingyao Technology. Virtual games, virtual advertisements, etc. The scale of three billion users is an inexhaustible gold mine.

The third profitable industry, Xingyao City Construction, relies on the construction industry of the city in the sky, and cooperates with governments of various countries to build and operate the city in the sky. This is an industry with large investment and long-term income. gold-absorbing ability.

The fourth lucrative industry, Xingyao Medical, Nanomedicine, Gene Cancer Drugs, Longevity Gene Drugs, etc., the production capacity of Life Extension Gene Drugs is in an explosive period. Due to the bottom price strategy in the domestic market, the current profitability is not very strong. However, when the production capacity rises and overseas sales are released, the earning ability of this branch is not inferior to that of Xingyao Network.


The biggest loss of money is Xingyao Aerospace. This branch is currently in the process of laying out the industrial chain, integrating the upstream and downstream industries, and developing the starship market. It urgently needs a lot of financial support...., tens of billions of funds every quarter. The investment has been going on for several years. If not for the long-term blood supply of the parent company, it would have collapsed long ago. However, when this industry enters a mature stage, its income will be amazing, lasting, and the prospects are extremely bright.


Li Weiming quickly went through the financial situation of the 36 branches in his mind. After watching Tang Shaohong's industrial division of the 36, he began to think about how to work.

The financial allocation of 36 branches has been straightened out, and the accounts of thousands of companies are involved. Fortunately, there is a powerful artificial intelligence to assist in the work. If it was placed in the past, Li Weimin would not have the confidence to lead the financial department to complete these tasks.

"Mr. Tang, how long will it take to arrange the listing of that batch of companies first? The financial situation of our branch is not optimistic. Now the company is in a situation of rapid industrial expansion. If the listing process is delayed for too long, the projects on our side will be delayed. Arrangements." The branch company-Xingyao Aerospace-Zhan Liancheng looked at the materials for a while and asked Tang Shaohong.

As soon as Zhan Liancheng's voice fell, other people couldn't help but look at Tang Shaohong, the other answer to this question.

Not everyone is willing to list a branch company. Some industrial companies are not so profitable and their prospects are not so clear. Some still face the risk of huge losses. It is also possible to face bankruptcy and delisting.

Therefore, some branch directors hope to be content with the status quo and survive under the constant support and support of the parent company, Xingyao Technology, with unlimited funds.

All the high-level officials looked at Tang Shaohong, expecting her answer.

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