My hi-tech Library

Chapter 199: Personal Air Vehicles (1)

After a lapse of 3 days, many domestic and foreign media reporters, with invitations to the press conference, gathered in Ludao one after another to prepare to participate in the press conference of Xingyao Technology.

"It's only been so long, the city of Ludao has changed a lot!"

"Yeah! So many smart machines on the street, it feels like a futuristic city!"

"Oh my god! So many towers! What is Ludao building!


The media reporters who arrived at Ludao, like a country bumpkin entering a big city, were dizzy and dazzled by the advanced buildings, intelligent vehicles and intelligent machinery in the city of Ludao.

Because of Xingyao Technology, a leading enterprise, the Ludao government receives a huge amount of tax every year. After getting rich, the city continues to launch large-scale projects, and the construction speed is extremely fast.

YY novel

The leadership of Ludao has long since customized a strategic development plan to build an advanced smart city around Xingyao Technology.

Xingyao Technology released the aerial dock base construction project this time, and Ludao also began to build aerial three-dimensional transportation to cooperate with the aerial city. Therefore, the entire city has built aerial docking towers dozens of meters high, forming a line A long dragon, extending to the outside of the island, looks spectacular.

In order to find out what's going on in the city as soon as possible, media reporters gathered in the International Convention and Exhibition Center and waited anxiously for the opening of the Shining Star Technology product launch conference.

After much anticipation, the venue finally opened.

Media reporters and guests lined up to enter the venue.

The square venue was lined with neat metal seats, and the press conference table was also a rectangular metal table, silver-gray as a whole, simple and clean, full of science fiction.

The simpler things are, the more extraordinary they are.


The metal chair is suspended in mid-air.

Discovering this feature, the reporters used their cameras and mobile phones to take pictures frantically. At the same time, they sat down to experience it for themselves and did not feel any shaking. The suspended seats were motionless and very heavy.

The audience entered the venue one after another, and they all focused on the floating seats and continued to study.

"Kakaka..." The lights on the ceiling suddenly went out, and a beam of light fell in the center of the booth.

Only then did the audience realize that the product launch of Xingyao Technology was about to start. They all forgot the time to study the floating chair, and couldn't help but sit down one after another.

In the center of the booth, under the white beam of light, Tang Shaohong, dressed in a red dress, walked towards the center of the booth with a smile.

"Clap clap clap..."

Seeing Tang Shaohong's appearance, there was a burst of warm applause from the audience below the stage to welcome her appearance.

"Everyone, long time no see!" Tang Shaohong stood in the center of the booth and waved to everyone with a smile.

The warm applause immediately ceased.

Tang Shaohong smiled slightly, looked at the reporters in the audience, and said with a smile: "Thank you for coming to our company's third product launch conference. On behalf of all the staff of the company, I warmly welcome you all."

Tang Shaohong's opening remarks kicked off the launch of Xingyao Technology. The audience looked at her with hot eyes, looking forward to her next speech.

What kind of products will Xingyao Technology release? Countless people are full of anticipation at this moment!

"Crack", "Crack", ..., the photographer pressed the camera quickly and recorded this historic moment with film.

Tang Shaohong was accustomed to the reaction from the audience and smiled.

For the third time hosting a product launch, Tang Shaohong was a little nervous, but more excited, a proud excitement. At the same time, there was also a little nostalgia. This should be her last time as the chief CEO of Xingyao Technology. 's identity came to power.

Tang Shaohong looked at the audience with a smile and chose to announce: "Thank you for the applause, let's move on to today's theme!"

After speaking, Tang Shaohong took a step forward, walked to the right side of the booth, and then reached out to the center of the booth.

"Kakaka..." The ceiling above the booth suddenly sounded a series of lights turning on, and three bright white lights were projected.

The huge venue suddenly fell silent, and the audience's eyes turned to the place where the beam of light was projected, waiting for the "miracle" to come.

I saw that the metal booth where the beam of light was located suddenly cracked, and something slowly rose.

After more than ten seconds, two handsome sports cars and an aircraft with a dragonfly body slowly rose up. The streamlined appearance was as smooth as a mirror, inheriting the consistent style of Xingyao technology products. The product has defeated everyone's imagination of sports car aliens and personal flying machines.

"Crack", "Crack", ..., the reporters in the audience pressed the shutter to make a sound.

Two sports cars, one black and one white, and a blue aircraft, their appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention with their super high appearance.

"Wow! This time the product is a hydrogen energy car? The two sports cars are so beautiful!"

"Beautiful! The design is amazing!"

"The site on the running side of the two cars is too are both close to the ground, how do you drive? How hard is it that there is another Qin Kun?"

"Xingyao Technology has started to build cars? I'm afraid this shape is unusual!"

"That aircraft looks so cool, is it a V-shaped double rotor?"

"It was a surprise at the beginning! If the price is not right, you must grab one or two!"

"Mr. Tang, hurry up and quote the price! Just for this value, it's appropriate to buy a collection!"


As soon as the sports car and the aircraft were unveiled, the high-level appearance immediately attracted the audience, and the audience burst into cheers.

The metal textured low tires of the two sports cars are full of technology, low chassis, smooth lines, rounded and smooth. The curves of the whole car and the arrow-feather design of the rear wing give full play to the principle of aerodynamics, and their chassis is almost close to each other. The ground is lying on the booth.

Under the light, two sports cars, one black and one white, reflect the streamer. The black sports car is like a natural black hole that absorbs the light all the time. In front of the strong light, it is still a prince of the dark night, calm and restrained; the white sports car is like a A natural diamond, with the unique colorful light of diamonds shining under strong light, shining brightly.

There is also that blue aircraft, whose body is slender and light like a dragonfly, with oblique V-shaped wings, precise structure and cool appearance. It must be very cool to sit on and fly into the sky.

Facing the excited reaction of the audience, Tang Shaohong smiled like a spring breeze, as expected.

"Everyone, please keep quiet. Next, let me introduce these three aircrafts to you." Tang Shaohong smiled, looking at the audience below the stage, and said.


Not a sports car? Are they all aircraft?

Hearing Tang Shaohong's words, the audience was all shocked, and the audience immediately became quiet, waiting for her explanation.

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