My hi-tech Library

Chapter 250: biological brain host

On the big screen, a flat creature appeared.

More than a dozen pairs of legs, dark blue all over, similar in size to a teddy dog. It seemed to be startled by an eight-clawed robot and jumped up from the lurking ground in a panic. Generally, it slid quickly, took its body, and disappeared in a blink of an eye in the blue plant forest.

Following the direction of the disappearance of the unknown creature, a building like a log cabin suddenly appeared on the live broadcast screen.

The eight-legged robot obeyed the instructions of the base, and quickly took a mechanical step, "Boom, blah..." and ran towards the building.

As the eight-legged robot moved forward, the live broadcast camera quickly pulled in, and the hazy appearance of the building in front gradually became clear.

"Wow! What a house!"

"The same architectural style as the African tribal brother's house!"

"Sigh of relief, it seems that the technological level of this underground civilization is not that high!"

"The construction level is good! It's made of materials! It still glows."

"A fluorescent tree? The world 10,000 meters underground on Mars is so beautiful. When will the tourist route be opened!"

"Tsk tsk! Such a small building is a single room!"

"Alien civilization has finally appeared, what about intelligent creatures! Hurry up and continue to explore!"

"It's been half a month, and the key meat scene is finally coming."

"What kind of creature is that, it looks like a large cockroach!"

"Quick, quick, catch it up!"


Life on Mars appeared in the live video of the underground exploration video. In an instant, the entire human society was boiling, and billions of viewers were watching the live program of Mars exploration. All of a sudden, people all over the world chanted and spoke enthusiastically. surging.

Xingyao City, Xingyao Technology-Subsidiary-Xingyao Media, ushered in a historic moment.

"Mr. Zhang, the ratings have risen again, and the ratings have broken the record of 90%." The announcer who was monitoring the background data excitedly reported to the leader, Zhang Xinminghui.

Xingyao Technology-Xingyao Media has always been the most inconspicuous media company under Xingyao Technology. It mainly cooperates with other media around the world to spread some competitive programs in Xingyao City, such as mecha competition, war scenes in Xinghai Era, or Yes, the content of the lunar base, space port, and Xingyao Feichuang voyage.

With these excellent and rich interstellar content, Xingyao Media has become the most efficient and influential company in the world. However, compared with the huge volume of Xingyao Technology, it only occupies a very small, very small space. a part of.

However, with the launch of the live broadcast of the underground exploration of Mars, Xingyao Media suddenly became the company with the most outstanding performance. Since the live broadcast for half a month, the global live broadcast ratings, broadcast duration, number of online viewers, transfer of broadcast rights, etc. Wait, all kinds of records have broken new highs again and again, and every second of advertising revenue has risen again and again.

"Good! Good! Immediately spread this record, the next ad auction can almost start, and let customers bid quickly." Zhang Xinming gave an order excitedly.

"Yes!" The subordinates responded excitedly.

"This live broadcast of the underground exploration of Mars should be able to be made into a long-term series of programs, everyone will keep an eye on me, pay attention to the communication with the experimental center, and must not make mistakes, can this year have a good year? It's all up to it." Zhang Xinming was full of emotions, encouraging his colleagues who had suffered from dark circles under their eyes.

"Understood, Mr. Zhang"

"Mr. Zhang, we all understand!"

The spirits of all the subordinates were lifted together, a bright smile appeared on their faces, and they responded with joy.

"Appeared, appeared, Martian intelligent creatures appeared!"

Just when everyone was paying attention to the ratings data, a staff member suddenly shouted excitedly.

Hearing this, everyone looked at the live broadcast screen.

I saw a muscular, four-legged, two-handed alien lifeform appearing on the surveillance screen, in the shape of a centaur in a game character, with horse-like limbs on the lower body, and a human-like upper body with a triangular head and bulging eyes. Drum, full of fangs, a pair of thick arms, only four fingers on the palm, about one meter tall, dark blue, and wearing a leather coat made of animal fur.

It moved very quickly, and with a pounce, it grabbed the eight-legged robot and dangled it in its hands.

A pair of light blue eyes entered the surveillance video with curious, puzzled, and wise eyes.

"My God! This is the intelligent life on Mars? It looks so ugly!"

"Damn it! Started me."

"Hey babble, what did this guy say, who can translate it?"

"Wow! Martian intelligent life finally appeared! This looks really scary."

"It's so cute, isn't it? It's actually biting with its teeth. It's not afraid of breaking the fangs."

"It's actually four-legged, I can't stand it!"

"Muscles are more developed than that of a slugger, this guy should be male!"


In the offices of dozens of people, all kinds of excited voices sounded, questioning, shocking, praising, all kinds, seeing the image of intelligent life on Mars, everyone couldn't help exclaiming, emotionally unable to Own.

too ugly! This Martian intelligent life is in line with human aesthetics at all. However, it is the first alien life discovered by human beings.

So no matter how ugly it is, it has gained the collective attention of human civilization, and billions of people around the world are discussing this Martian intelligent life.

Why does it look like this?

Is it an adult? why so short

What is it called, what does it depend on to survive,...

All human beings have too much curiosity about this Martian underground native, and can't wait to know everything about it at one time.

Xingyao experiment medium-sized, Mars base command room.

A kind of biological scientist, a cosmic expert, has carried out a comprehensive observation and understanding of this Martian species, and the analysis of various information.

The eight-legged robot was made of hard material and could not be swallowed. After the Martian creature grabbed it and studied it for a while, it discarded it in disgust. It took another prey and turned back to its house.

The machinery lurking around gathers from all directions to monitor it in all directions.

The Xingyao Experimental Center, with dozens of large screens, monitors the movements of the Martian life form from all angles and observes its every move.

"The prey seems to be cooked, when did this guy make the fire?"

"Don't forget that there is a magma river two hundred meters away, where should it get its geothermally processed food."

"Why are the lower limbs? This shape is very strange!"

"In order to pursue faster speed, the prey in its hands is also multi-legged. I saw that creature before, and this body is very fast!"

"While chasing the prey, attack with the weapon in your hand. This form is very suitable for chasing and hunting!"

"There should be other intelligent life! This species has a low level of intelligence, and it doesn't look like it will crawl to the ground."

"I also think so. The oxygen content of the air is 8.9%. The process of chasing prey in this body requires a lot of oxygen, which will greatly reduce the oxygen supply to the brain and reduce brain activity. Its IQ should not be much higher."


Scientists conducted a comprehensive analysis of various scanning data, and there was a lot of discussion, discussing the species definition of this alien life.

With the emergence of this alien intelligent life, everyone's tense spirits could not help but relax.

It is the first time to have contact with an alien civilization, and everyone has no clue. Especially, the Martian civilization is so close to the earth. If it is found that the civilization technology level is higher than theirs, then human civilization will become passive, and life and death will depend on the other side. in a moment.

Good now!

This intelligent civilization is probably in the Stone Age, thermal weapons have not yet been born, and there is almost no threat to human civilization.

However, scientists have conducted some serious research and discussions, and most of them believe that this Martian life form is not the main body of the Martian underground intelligent civilization, and there should be other intelligent species.

Scientists believe that the way this intelligent life hunts and uses tools is similar to that of a chimp, which is not enough to build the buildings it lives in.

Scientists applied to Li Yi to send more mechanical forces to the underground world of the Mars base to conduct a wider and wider search, and to send an additional scientific research team to Mars to conduct field research on life on Mars.

Facing the enthusiastic applications from scientists, Li Yi thought for a moment and agreed with their suggestion.

Life in the underground world of Mars is a very important event, how similar their species genes are to human genes, whether the two civilizations are genetically related, ..., all unknown information needs to be investigated clearly .

Governments of various countries are also highly concerned about the discovery of extraterrestrial life on Mars. When they learned that Xingyao Technology is planning to send additional mechanical power to Mars, they have expressed their willingness to support human and material resources, strongly intervene, and want to join the Mars scientific research project.

Xingyao Technology did not refuse anyone who came, and took advantage of the situation to throw out the Star Fleet formation plan. Therefore, representatives of Xingyao Technology participated, and global dignitaries gathered various large-scale meetings, one after another.

The joint scientific research team formed by various countries was transported to the Mars base, and it was quickly confirmed that there was a Xingyao spacecraft that took over the transport mission in ten days. In addition to the joint scientific research team composed of 50 scientists, there were also a large number of armed machines and underground exploration machines.

The exploration of the Martian underground world has never stopped, and many large-scale architectural sites have been discovered, which seems to confirm that the alien life in the shape of a centaur is not the main body of the Martian underground intelligent civilization.

The exploration mission of the main body of the Martian underground intelligent civilization is still in progress.

Li Yi gradually lost interest in the exploration of the Martian underground, and did not care about other projects. He devoted all his energy to the development of biological brains.

The huge biological laboratory, with various large and complex equipment, occupies most of the area of ​​the laboratory. At the end of the laboratory, a silver manipulator ends with a tiny nanotube needle, which moves sensitively and is the glass groove directly below. Edited to inject biochemical materials.

The theme material of the bio-intelligence brain is in the cold chamber of the large robotic arm. In the square glass tank issued, there are only 10-micron biological needles. The synthetic structures of the bio-intelligence brain must be arranged with an accuracy of nearly a thousand times per second.

"Master, biological brain host, 100% compiled." Da Hei's virtual figure appeared from the big screen.

"Okay, let's do the first calculation test." Li Yi nodded happily and instructed.

"Understood, Master, is the experimental process of simulating and calculating the target selected, and the particle beam colliding to generate antimatter okay?" Da Hei asked Li Yi actively.

"Is it calculated? It will take a long time!" Li Yi asked in surprise.

All particles have anti-particles, and this has been verified through experiments. For example, the anti-particles of positrons are negative electrons, and atoms and matter all have anti-atoms and anti-matter.

Once two positive and negative particles collide, they will be destroyed. Physics is called annihilation. The result is the release of energy and becomes a beam of light. The intensity of the energy released by antimatter is countless times the energy released by nuclear fusion.

However, it is a very difficult, very high challenge to complete the development of antimatter.

Through particle collision, antimatter can also exist for a short period of time, and the probability is very small and difficult to capture. Therefore, through simulation calculation, during the particle beam collision process, in a very small time, countless particle collision changes will be generated, which will require An unimaginable operating speed.

It is because of this that Li Yicai was so surprised that Da Hei chose this calculation target.

"Theoretically, it can be done!" Da Hei responded affirmatively.

After hearing Da Hei's answer, Li Yi couldn't help but be moved, and quickly agreed: "Okay, just follow this calculation target."

"Okay, master!" Da Hei answered the order, and immediately, with a sound of "bass", several large-scale instruments around the laboratory were activated at the same time, and several long tubes in the experimental area extended from the instrument table to the creatures in the glass cave. The brain host is connected.

The next moment, Da Hei's figure disappeared from the big screen of the experiment, and a large number of complex mathematical symbols, physical formulas, densely packed, all kinds of data appeared on the big screen, beating wildly, "swiping", a waterfall of data. The flow slopes down.

A three-dimensional particle beam collision model takes place on the big produces countless particle impact trajectories, particle explosions in the microscopic world, countless collisions, and instantaneous expansion scenes. All kinds of data remarks are generated out of thin air and continuously deduced.

In the lower right corner of the big screen, a percentage of data, starting from zero, is at a speed of several tenths per second, not increasing, but accelerating.

Li Yi opened his eyes wide and paid close attention to the calculation process on the big screen.

In less than three minutes, the percentage data in the lower right corner successfully reached 100%.

"Master, the calculation result of the experimental process of particle beam collision to generate antimatter has been completed. Duration: 2:45 seconds, maximum calculation speed: 75 gai times per second." Da Hei reported the calculation results to Li Yi.

"75 gigabits per second, so fast? Are you sure?" Li Yi asked in surprise.

"Master, this is the result of the calculation." Da Hei responded, and the next moment, the entire calculation process appeared on the big screen.

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