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Chapter 292: Experiments at the Moon Base

Time flies, and three hours have passed.

With a sound of "Zeng", the virtual cabin door opened, and Li Yi came out of the cabin with a contemplative look on his face, thinking about something.

After playing 'Xinghai Era' for a few hours, after spending a lot of money, Li Yi bought a wind-hunting ship and successfully became a starship captain. For the first time, he had an interstellar battle with a 'star thief' player.

However, unfortunately, he failed the first Star Contest, the spaceship was shot down by a hostile player, and Li Yi quit the game with a wry smile.

Continuing to buy a high-end spaceship for revenge is easy, but it is not necessary.

After this "Virtual Star Wars", Li Yi experienced the charm of "Interstellar Voyage", and had some special ideas for Xingyao Technology in the field of interstellar spaceflight.

After so many years of development, Xinghai Era 'training' has produced many qualified 'captains'. Driving a spaceship has become a skill that many players must master. Driving a large spaceship requires collective cooperation. .

How to use the abilities of these 'captains' to accelerate the prosperity of human civilization in the interstellar era, Li Yi has a new idea.

"Da Hei, take a look at the Mars base!" Li Yi suddenly looked down at the virtual screen table and gestured.

"Okay, master!" Da Hei answered the order, and immediately, the figure of a metal city on Mars appeared on the virtual screen.

The magnificent metal city, the metal aircraft that come and go, the robots that produce dumpling boards off the line, the high-temperature smelting plant that does not work easily,..., form a huge mechanical world.

This is a world of metal machinery without human existence. After several years of development, due to the controllability of Dahei, the Mars base has swelled into a giant city of one million square kilometers. They are like a group of ants, working tirelessly.

"How many shipbuilding docks have been built in the Mars base?" Li Yi asked with concern while looking at Mars on the virtual screen.

"Master, Mars base, 32 small docks have been built, which can manufacture small spaceships within 300 meters in length, 3 medium-sized docks, which can manufacture spaceships within 1,000 meters in length, and 1 large dock." Dahei feedback to Li Yi .

As soon as Da Hei's voice fell, the Mars base on the virtual screen began to show the status of the spaceship docks.

Li Yi walked to the virtual projection table and reached out to touch the virtual projection to check the status of the Mars base dock.

The Mars base is an automatic manufacturing center for interstellar spacecraft. From the collection of minerals, metal smelting, parts forging, to the assembly line that integrates the spacecraft installation, under the operation of Da Hei, the built dock has already begun to manufacture spacecraft, but , mainly small transport ships, and mining ships.

Li Yi waved his hand to open the dock's design database.

In the next second, the model pictures of more than fifty spaceships suddenly appeared on the three-dimensional holographic screen. There were four kinds of sizes: small, small, medium, large, and strange in appearance. Some were flat, some were elliptical, and some were like Felt hats, ..., many models, orderly arranged in the three-dimensional holographic screen.

These are the ship plans that have completed the design review, passed the review of Daikuro, and can be manufactured in the automatic dock.

Li Yi clicked on the parameter information of several spaceships for a while, and couldn't help frowning, dissatisfied with the power parameters of these spaceships.

Antimatter power has obviously been successfully tested, but these interstellar spacecraft are still using the previous generation of nuclear fusion power engines.

"Big black, the second-generation antimatter engine spacecraft has not been designed yet?" Li Yi asked with concern.

"Master, the material of the spaceship cannot withstand the strength of the antimatter power engine, and none of the second-generation interstellar spaceships have passed the design!" Da Hei responded.

After that, the virtual screen changed, and began to show the demonstration experiment of the spacecraft installing antimatter power engine to fly.

Looking at the result of the failure of the antimatter spacecraft experiment, Li Yi was silent. Although antimatter can provide powerful power for the interstellar spacecraft, after the speed of the spacecraft is increased to 10% of the speed of light beyond a certain power, the hull of the spacecraft begins to become unstable. 20% of the speed of light, so the spacecraft will explode.

The reasons for its failure are still those few, the materials used to build the spacecraft, the impact of high-energy particles, and the lack of a powerful spacecraft energy cover.

For this problem, we can only wait for the big old people in the experimental center to complete the breakthrough of stellar technology.

Li Yi called out the backstage of the laboratory center to check the experimental progress of the major projects of the research center. After reading it, his brows immediately wrinkled. Several key projects did not seem to have started.

"Da Hei, help me connect to Sun Bingwen's video!" Li Yi frowned and ordered the big gangster dissatisfied.

"Okay, master!" Da Hei answered the order, and the next moment, Sun Bingwen's figure appeared in the holographic projection.

"Mr. Li! It's so late that you haven't rested yet?" Sun Bingwen asked curiously as soon as the video was connected.

"Don't you have a rest!" Li Yi greeted with a slight smile after seeing Sun Bingwen who was still in the laboratory.

"You're getting older! I slept late! I'll go back in a while." Sun Bingwen explained.

"Yeah! Let me ask you something, you only selected these projects, why haven't the other projects started?" Li Yi nodded and asked straight to the point.

"Mr. Li, those are all big projects, with a lot of continuous investment and too many startups at the same time. The financial pressure on the R&D center is too great! After discussion and voting, we can only start these eleven projects first." Sun Bingwen knew Li Yi What to ask, quickly explain.

Hearing this, Li Yi acquiesced for a while, and understood Sun Bingwen somewhat.

Stellar-level technology is not so easy to develop. At the same time, the investment income is not proportional to the scientific research investment. Launching eleven major projects at once has indeed squeezed the cash flow of the experimental center.

"Mr. Li, the Wanliyan project is underway, do you want to visit now!" Sun Bingwen suddenly opened his mouth and suggested to Li Yi.

"Oh! Is the 'Wanli Eye' built?" Li Yi asked in surprise.

Wanliyan is a large-scale tunnel astronomical telescope built on the moon base, which is the interstellar version of the tunnel astronomical telescope.

"Yes! Tonight is preparing to start the first observation experiment of the outer galaxy!" Sun Bingwen explained with a smile.

"Okay!" Li Yi nodded and instructed Dahei: "Dahei, connect to the moon base, let's cut to see!"

"Okay, master!" Da Hei responded and immediately activated the virtual projection technology, and the entire study screen changed, showing a virtual screen of the experimental command room of the lunar base.

In the laboratory command room, dozens of researchers are sitting nervously in front of the screen displaying various instrument data, closely watching the detection data.

The tunnel astronomical telescope "Wanliyan" is preparing to try the first ultra-long-range detection work, and the researchers on the scene are busy proofreading the data of the instrument.

"Master, the preparations for Wanliyan's experiment are ready, and the experiment can begin." Da Hei reminded Li Yi.

"Well, Da Hei, what is the appropriate distance?" Li Yi nodded and turned to ask Da Hei.

"Master, this is the first trial of the space astronomical telescope, and it is recommended to observe it nearby." Da Hei replied.

"Okay, adjust the direction and aim at the Alpha Centauri galaxy." Li Yi nodded and ordered.

"Understood!" Da Hei responded.

Immediately, at the far-off lunar base, a giant cannon-barrel-type instrument slowly turned, and the nearly ten-meter-thick 'muzzle' faced the position of Alpha Centauri.

Li Yi stared directly at the monitoring screen, watching the "Million Mile Eye" to adjust, and he couldn't help sitting up straight.

"Master, the target is locked, we can start." Da Hei reported to Li Yihui.

Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to humans, but it has a distance of 4.25 light-years, that is, the long distance of 4.25 Earth years to travel at the speed of light. For generations, scientists and astronomers have been thinking about whether it will fly Having a planetary system like our own sun and whether life also exists there, however, the vast distances have hindered human observation of this galaxy.

Due to the closest distance to the solar system, human research on Alpha Centauri is the most detailed, and it has been determined that the Alpha Centauri system is a three-star system, which contains two very close stars (A and B) and a A distant companion star (Proxima Centauri). According to the recent exploration of a rocky exoplanet orbiting Proxima Centauri, it is likely to be a habitable planet.

The mass of this planet is similar to that of the Earth, and its orbital distance (distance from the central star) is also in the "habitable zone". It is not far or near to the star. The surface of the planet is neither cold nor hot, and there is liquid water, regardless of the central star. If planets with liquid water on their surfaces can be found in the "habitable zone", then life may exist.

Proxima Centauri was discovered a century ago. , countless astronomers have struggled to understand its motion, but the red dwarf's mass and luminosity are smaller and weaker than the Sun's, and it's so dim that the task is made more difficult.

Now, the 'Ten Thousand Miles Eye' is about to be activated. Is there alien life on that planet, is it suitable for human migration, and what is the situation of that galaxy? How do the three stars move? ..., everything will be revealed, and all the scientific researchers on the scene are extremely nervous.

Li Yi stared at the monitoring screen, nodded and said, "Turn it on."

"Understood!" Da Hei answered the order. Immediately, the 'Million Mile Eye' gun body in the holographic screen trembled, the red light flashed away, and a vast energy was projected, and instantly disappeared in the space not far ahead.

"Sword Comes"

Vaguely, a black hole was opened by the vast energy, and disappeared in an instant.

"Master, the detection was successful, and Wanliyan took a picture." Da Hei reminded Li Yi.

Li Yi stared at the holographic screen: "I saw it, I saw it!"

The holographic screen shows an unfamiliar galaxy, three moving stars, the main star Alpha Centauri A: has the same brightness as the sun, the main star Alpha Centauri B: this star is a companion star of the main star Alpha Centauri A , located at a distance of 13.8 arcseconds from the α star. The two stars revolve around each other. The main star Alpha Centauri C: also known as Proxima Centauri, is the third star of the star system, a red dwarf, There are also a few planets around each star, and the whole galaxy takes on a peculiar structure.

"Crash!" The researchers at the Moon Base suddenly stood up and cheered happily.

"It worked, we made it! It's unbelievable!"

"Oh my God! They are so beautiful, they have so many planets around them!"

"They're so beautiful, how they got into this structure, it's really beautiful."


The researchers looked at the holographic screen with intoxicated expressions on their faces, and couldn't help but shouted, looking particularly excited.

Da Hei reported to Li Yihui: "Master, the parameters have been analyzed. There are a total of 37 planets in this galaxy, and none of them is suitable for human survival."

"Well, I see!" Li Yi sighed.

Alpha Centauri is a three-body galaxy, the so-called three-body galaxy, to put it bluntly, this star system has three suns. The three stars are named Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B, and Alpha Centauri C, respectively. A and B are relatively close to each other, forming a binary system, while C is farther away. Gravitational interactions are associated with this binary star system.

The system of the three suns is a chaotic and terrifying world. The gravitational force generated by the movement of celestial bodies will cause all planets to produce chaotic gravitational changes. Their laws of motion are irregular, and life on Earth will definitely not be able to adapt to this gravitational environment.

Da Hei nodded, looked at Li Yi and asked, "Master, do you want to continue testing other galaxies?"

" Let's continue!" Li Yi nodded.

"Okay, master! Next, we want to detect that galaxy?" Da Hei answered and asked.

"You screen it! Screen a planet that is most likely to have water resources." Li Yi thought for a while, and instructed the big gangster.

"Master, it is recommended to observe Kepler-186F first. This is a red dwarf star orbiting about 500 light-years away from the earth. There are 5 planets in this galaxy, of which Kepler-186F is the outermost planet. Judging from its distance, it is just in the outer layer of the habitable zone where liquid water can be retained." Da Hei suggested to Li Yi.

"500 light-years, it's a bit far, let's move closer." Li Yi frowned.

500 light-years means that even if humans develop sub-light speed spacecraft, it will take thousands of years on the way to immigrate to that planet, and countless changes are likely to occur in the long distance.

"Master, why don't you change to TRAPPIST-1, which is 40 light-years away from the earth. There are currently seven planets observed, three of which are located in the 'habitable zone'." Da Hei nodded and replied to Li Yi.

"Well, this distance is still close! That's it." Li Yi nodded with a smile.

In modern times, with the vigorous development of science and technology, human beings have made a lot of achievements in the field of astronomy, especially the observation of exoplanets to find planets suitable for human survival, which has reduced a lot of effort in the observation of the 'Wanliyan'.

"Okay, master!" Da Hei answered the order, and immediately sent a command signal to the sky, and the "Wanliyan" in space adjusted its body accordingly and aimed at another galaxy.

There are more than 200 billion stars in the Milky Way, and there are countless planets orbiting the stars. It is not impossible to find a planet similar to the earth among so many stars.

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