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Chapter 67: gambling treaty

Entering the office, the door is closed,

Li Yi, Xu Xiuyong, and Lin Lijun sat on the sofa and began to discuss the follow-up cooperation.

Xu Xiuyong brewed tea enthusiastically, and brought a cup of tea for the two of them by himself. He said with a bright smile, "Mr. Li, this research and development went very smoothly, and the research and development funds have also been saved a lot, and there is still 30 million yuan left."

"Well, according to the agreement, the remaining funds will be distributed as they should." Li Yi nodded with a smile and said solemnly.

The contract is jointly customized by the two parties, and there are provisions for many situations, which are all executed according to the contract, and no mistakes can be made.

Xu Xiuyong nodded with a smile, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Mr. Li. I will immediately let the finance pay back to Xingyao's account for the remaining 60%."

"The rest of the money is not in a hurry. Let's talk about it. How can we cooperate? The investment in the last time was not successful. This time, I plan to fully acquire Jinyuan Technology. I don't know. President Xu disagrees!" Li Yibai He waved his hand and asked honestly.

Hearing this, Xu Xiuyong's face darkened. He didn't expect Li Yi to be so young and so ambitious that he wanted to swallow Jinyuan Technology whole.

"Mr. Li, Jin Yuan is the hard work of my life. I never thought of selling it at the most difficult time." Xu Xiuyong looked at Li Yi and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Mr. Xu, don't be too busy to refuse, first listen to my suggestion." Lin Lijun hurriedly interjected and introduced with a smile: "The next development strategy of Xingyao Technology is to vigorously develop intelligent manufacturing, and we have completed the first one. The plan, with hundreds of thousands of engineers, is constantly improving our software side, and next, Xingyao will definitely deploy the production side of intelligent manufacturing, which is imperative."

"Among many 3D printing companies, companies similar to Jinyuan Technology will all be our goals. Jinyuan is not the only choice."

"Mr. Xu, Xingyao Technology has a very strong R&D team. You have also seen the excellent efficiency of the simulation experiment system to assist R&D. I believe that there will be a large number of new materials and new technologies soon. Facing such fierce technical competition, If Jin Yuan does not have this advantage, it will definitely be difficult to sustain in the future." After a pause, Lin Lijun then reminded.

Hearing this, Xu Xiuyong's face became very ugly, and he thought silently.

"Mr. Xu, we have a good foundation for cooperation, so we give priority to communicating with you. I hope you can seriously consider it." Looking at Xu Xiuyong who was in silence, Lin Lijun continued to persuade him.

The current situation of Jinyuan Technology is very sad. If Xingyao Technology also enters this industry, it is conceivable that it will face a more competitive market in the future.

However, Xu Xiuyong was unwilling to ask him to give up the enterprise he had been working for his whole life.

Xu Xiuyong lit a cigarette and smoked it one by one. His face was full of sadness, and he was very worried. He was completely different from his high-spirited appearance before.

Looking at Xu Xiuyong who was in difficulty in choosing, Li Yi couldn't help laughing and said sympathetically, "Mr. Xu, don't be embarrassed. If you are not good at making choices, we can sign a gambling contract."

Hearing this, Xu Xiuyong looked up at Li Yi and asked with concern, "What is the gambling treaty?"

"Xingyao Technology purchased 97% of Jinyuan's shares with 600 million funds, and you hold the remaining 3%, and you are responsible for the management of Jinyuan. After three years, if the 3% of the shares in Xu's hands cannot exceed 3.5 billion, That is 5 times the current market value of Jinyuan Technology, then Xingyao Technology will fully accept your 3% stake, what do you think!" Li Yi and Xu Xiuyong looked at each other and asked with a confident smile.

Hearing this, Xu Xiuyong was shocked, looked at Li Yi in disbelief, and was shocked by the content of the bet.

"Mr. Li, the content of this gambling is too much!" Lin Lijun's expression changed greatly, and he hurriedly stopped it. Li Yi did not tell him about the gambling in advance.

3% of Jinyuan Technology’s shares are worth 3.5 billion, so after three years, it is very difficult to achieve Jinyuan Technology’s market value from 600 million to 106.6 billion. In addition, Jinyuan Technology is an industry, a manufacturing industry, not an estimate. The difficulty of Internet companies that are prone to inflation has increased a lot.

Difficult as the sky.

"Mr. Li, are you serious?" Xu Xiuyong was surprised and looked at Li Yi to confirm again.

"This is still fake, but I can only give Jinyuan Technology a valuation of 600 million yuan. You need to help with the equity held by other shareholders." Li Yi nodded with a smile.

"600 million, Mr. Li, this is 100 million less than the previous price!" Xu Xiuyong smiled bitterly and said embarrassingly.

"It's a bit difficult, but for President Xu, it can still be solved! Otherwise, I won't sign this gambling contract with President Xu." Li Yi smiled slightly, don't think so.

Just kidding, he gave Xu Xiuyong such a big benefit, how could he not use his abilities.

Xu Xiuyong thought for a moment, then nodded with gritted teeth: "Yes, but I need President Li to cooperate with me."

"Okay! How do you need to cooperate? You can tell President Lin. I hope this matter can be resolved as soon as possible." Li Yi glanced at Lin Lijun and said expectantly.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Xu, you can tell me if you have any I will fully cooperate! Lin Lijun nodded at Xu Xiuyong. Since Li Yi has made a decision, Lin Lijun will never go against his wishes.

At this moment, Lin Lijun admires Li Yi more and more. Before, he was conquered by Li Yi's rich knowledge, but this time, he was convinced by his amazing courage and outstanding vision.

This is just the beginning of the acquisition of a small business, so I dare to make a valuation based on the market value of 100 billion in three years. If there is no strong confidence, who would dare to make such a decision.

Xu Xiuyong nodded and discussed with Lin Lijun in a low voice.

The best way to force other small shareholders to sell their shares at a low price is to create difficulties for Jinyuan Technology, and to unite with the "foreign enemy" of Xingyao Technology. For the major shareholder of Jinyuan Technology, Xu Xiuyong, it is not too simple.

Besides, Li Yi gave Jinyuan a valuation of 600 million yuan, which is within a very reasonable range. Other minority shareholders have bad knowledge and will definitely be willing to take action.

The closed office door only opened three hours later.

Li Yi and Lin Lijun left Jinyuan Technology under the gift of Xu Xiuyong, and did not accept the invitation of Jinyuan's welcome dinner.

Soon, the news spread, because Xingyao Technology failed to invest in the last time, it has already found other companies to cooperate, and the follow-up research and development projects of new materials have disappeared.

Hearing this bad news made all the researchers feel very sorry.

A few days later, Jinyuan Technology held a general meeting of shareholders. At the meeting, Xu Xiuyong put out the account book of the company's financial difficulties, and asked shareholders to increase capital according to the ratio to alleviate the company's financial difficulties.

Next, the company's production and sales were not smooth, and major customers were lost. . . . Wait, the bad news of Jinyuan Technology continues.

With a few tricks, the small shareholders who are going to pay for the capital increase will be bloodless.

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