My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 253 - Chapter 253: Chapter 251 – She just doesn’t understand why this man is so annoying!

Chapter 253: Chapter 251 – She just doesn’t understand why this man is so annoying!

Translator: 549690339

Yin Qin quickly drove to the Milky Way Building.

Unlike other companies, news media does not get the weekend off. Most employees have shift schedules and weekends are only for upper management.

Yin Qin figured he didn’t have much to do anyway, so he decided to stop by and take a look.

He drove straight to the parking garage.

The security guards didn’t dare to park his car for him. After Yin Qin parked, he whistled cheerfully, appearing to be in a good mood.

He walked towards the company building, took the elevator up and then headed to his own office.

After reviewing some notable company updates his secretary had shown him a few days ago, he remembered that YILANG’s special feature should be happening today. Not having much to do, he decided to head over to the special feature department and then walked into the broadcast scene.

In a studio.

No audience was present for such a special interview. The center of the wide stage was two comfy sofas, and YILANG’s designs were displayed behind the sofas. The simple backdrop relieved the monotony of the stage and promoted YILANG at the same time.

At this moment, YILANG’s top three designers were seated on the sofa, with a few staff closest to the stage in the audience area.

Yin Qin walked straight into the staff area.

Everyone was surprised to see Yin Qin and greeted him respectfully.

Wen Cheng, who was also among the audience, was stunned to see Yin Qin. He pondered when this playboy had ever worked overtime on a weekend.

However, considering Yin Qin’s prominent status, he greeted him proactively, “You’re here?”

“Just taking a look, ” Yin Qin replied indifferently.

Wen Cheng didn’t say much more.

Their relationship wasn’t great, barely adequate in public and virtually non-existent in private.

The special interview was still going on.

Yin Qin observed Li Wenjun sitting in the middle of the three designers, evidencing his superiority among them.

The host asked some typical questions.

The designers responded one by one, detailing their experiences and their latest design philosophies that were about to hit the market.

The interview flowed smoothly and professionally.

Yin Qin found it somewhat dull.

This kind of tailored report did not interest him at all; it catered only to industry insiders and die-hard fans of the YILANG brand. The idea that the average viewer might be enticed to watch and increase traffic was laughable in his opinion.

Unable to continue watching, Yin Qin got up to leave.

Just then, he heard the host announce, “Earlier, when we were preparing for this report, we conducted a questionnaire survey for the fans of you three designers. We have selected the top three most popular topics and hope that you can fulfill your fans’ wishes before the interview ends.”

All three designers nodded, indicating that the host can carry on.

Yin Qin sat down again.

He thought this segment might be interesting enough to attract some attention.

The host asked the other two designers, who responded brilliantly, considerably easing the atmosphere on stage.

Lee. It’s your turn,” the host said.

“Please,” Li Wenjun replied gracefully.

The other two designers were dressed somewhat flamboyantly, while Li Wenjun was always in a business suit. His mature demeanor was in stark contrast to the usual image of designers. This may be their small trick in the industry as designers always like to be unique!

Li Wenjun was a rare case of such a young person who already had a significant reputation in the fashion world, especially being from Yanshang Country and returning to work domestically now. There wasn’t any significant competition for li Wenjun from Yanshang Country in the fashion sector so his popularity was relatively high.

With note card in hand, the host asked, “Your designs are primarily inclined towards the soft and graceful femininity, especially incorporating ancient elements into your modern designs. Are you particularly fond of old things?”

“I like studying what our ancestors left behind and discovering the hidden depths within! The elements of each era are unique. As we all know, what’s trendy changes each year. However, if we think back, after five to ten years, we may suddenly find that what’s popular now resembles what was popular when we were young.” Li Wenjun responded skilfully, “This is called retro. I don’t strive to be overly avant-garde and I’m not particularly good at bold designs. I like to find resonance with the past in current trends!”

“No wonder your designs are always classic and timeless,” the host complimented.

Li Wenjun did not refuse the compliment. As a designer, he should never deny his own creations.

“One of your fans asked, saying that you excel in designing for women, does that mean you understand women well?” The host asked with a smile, “Fans are forever curious.”

“Actually, I’m a very introverted person in private. Apart from being locked up at home and in my work designing my own things, I hardly come into contact with others. My understanding of women probably comes from some influences from my grandma. She was a very refined person. In my memory, whether at home or out, she never dressed casually. Every day, she wore a beautiful qipao and applied lipstick. She always told me that there is only one life, and how can you not live it beautifully! This sentence had a significant impact on me. Actually, my grandmother’s living conditions were not good. She hand-made the qipaos herself and only had one lipstick, but she lived her life more elegantly than most people. ” Li Wenjun said, “Perhaps it’s under my grandmother’s influence that instilled a love for design in me. When I was young and accompanied my grandma making qipao, I would say that when I grow up, I want to make the most beautiful clothes for her.

However…my grandma passed away when I was in college, and she never wore any of my designs!”

“That must have been a regret.” The host was also moved by his story.

“Yes,” Li Wenjun nodded, looking somewhat melancholic.

The host said, “I believe that with your achievements now, your grandma would be proud of you.” “Thank you.” Li Wenjun smiled.

The host, naturally knowing how to keep the rhythm of the show, quickly changed the topic after the melancholy atmosphere disappeared, “The last question, fans say that LEE designer knows best what women need. In these two years, every new product launch has brought some little surprises for women, like lipstick bags specially designed for women and specially designed mommy bags.

Everyone is curious about LEE’s love life?”

Li Wenjun seemed to smile, appearing a bit shy at that moment.

Upon seeing this, the host was quick to follow up, “Does LEE have a girlfriend?”

“No,” Li Wenjun shook his head.

“Impossible. Well -dressed, handsome, and brilliant, how can someone like you not have a girlfriend? If I hadn’t been married, I’d want to marry you,” the host said jokingly.

Everyone in the studio, including the staff, laughed.

Yin Qin leaned back in his chair, calmly watching Li Wenjun.

Well-dressed, handsome, demonstrably capable…

Was this really what Ji Baixin liked?!

“I really don’t have a girlfriend at the moment, but there is a girl I’ve been fond of,” said Li Wenjun, seemingly showing a sweet sensation.

“Why hasn’t it developed into a relationship yet?” The host gossiped.

“The right time hasn’t come yet,” Li Wenjun answered with a smile.

“LEE, with your excellent overall qualities, I believe the girl you’ve been fond of will definitely accept your confession.”

“I hope so.”

“Can you reveal what kind of girl she is?” The host was still keen to pick up on the gossip points the public would like.

Li Wenjun hesitated for a moment, then, after some thought, he said, “She’s very beautiful, she likes to laugh, and she’s also especially gentle and considerate.”

“She must be a good girl then LEE, don’t forget to tell everyone when have good news.”

“I will, ” Li Wenjun replied.

The host said a few more words.

The interview was nearing its end until it finally concluded.

Everyone gradually left, leaving Yin Qin who suddenly didn’t want to leave.

He sat in the empty studio, looking at the stage in front of him. All the props on the stage had been removed at this moment leaving it empty, yet he kept on gazing at it. What lingered in his mind was Li Wenjun’s evaluation of Ji Baixin.

She loves to laugh, she’s especially gentle and kind.

He had never sensed any of these characteristics from Ji Baixin while he was growing up.

What he saw the most was Ji Baixin’s deep, deep disgust for him.

“Deputy Director.” A staff member walked in.

Yin Qin looked up.

“We’re about to close, um…”

Yin Qin uncrossed his legs and left the studio.

He, a singleton, reluctantly came here because he had nowhere else to go.

He walked straight toward the elevator.

As it happened, Weng Cheng and his assistant were also preparing to leave. Yin Qin casually asked, “Not working overtime?”

“The exclusive interview is done, we’re just waiting for editing and then for screening, we don’t have much to do today.” Weng Cheng explained, then asked him somewhat strangely, “What made you go to the company today?” “On a whim.”

Weng Cheng frowned slightly.

Yin Qin looked indifferent as always.

In contrast to Weng Cheng, who always appeared serious, Yin Qin seemed like a slacker.

He whistled as he walked out of the elevator, heading to the parking lot.

There were many cars in the parking lot.

Yin Qin spotted a familiar one.

Turns out, Ji Baixin came to wait for Li Wenjun.

He walked past her car nonchalantly.

Appearing indifferent.

What if they were doing intimate things in the car? Completely lost in each other, forgetting to leave, so what?!

He walked on.

He heard Weng Cheng’s assistant say, “Just a moment ago, designer Lee claimed he didn’t have a girlfriend, now, they seem deeply in love.”

Weng Cheng scoffed, “The fashion world is chaotic, just like the entertainment industry. Most celebrities do not admit they’re dating unless it benefits them or they’re about to marry. Announcing a relationship equals suicide! Designers are just the same; in fans’ minds, they ought to be solitary. Once they have a partner, their designs change.”

“Good point.” the assistant quickly assured, “However, do you think Lee having a girlfriend might boost our feature’s ratings?”

Those in media always seek out anything that could generate traffic!

Weng Cheng corners of mouth drew up in a smile, “It’s a possibility” he conceded.

This feature seemed to lack novelty. If they started promoting earlier, before the airing, it might be more effective.

Getting affirmation from Weng Cheng, the assistant promptly responded, “I’ll get some paparazzi to follow Lee in the meantime.” “Be careful not to get caught.”

“Trust me.”

Weng Cheng nodded.

At this point, Yin Qin had already gotten into his car.

He didn’t hear the conversation between Weng Cheng and his assistant, his mind was solely focused on the image of Ji Baixin kissing Li Wenjun.

He thought he was unaffected by it.

Ji Baixin had been living with Li Wenjun since she was 18. He thought he understood the implications very clearly. But witnessing it right in front of him still stirred up strong emotions, his chest aching painfully—it was unbearable.

Suddenly, he started the car and sped away!

Weng Cheng frowned, watching the car zoom past them.

The assistant followed his gaze. “It’S because he was born lucky. He thinks he can do whatever he pleases.”

Weng Cheng sneered.

Sooner or later, the Milky Way Group would be his!

Yin Qin was driving recklessly through the streets.

Desperate to vent his frustration, yet feeling he should hold it back, he constantly told himself, Baixin would, eventually, belong to someone else. He should learn to let go, learn to let go!

He suddenly slammed the brakes!

Damn it, couldn’t Ji Baixin be a bit more discreet?!

Couldn’t she have done these things at home?!

Did she have to do it openly, in front of everyone?!

His tight grip on the steering wheel made his body tremble.

He really wanted to strangle Ji Baixin, and make her suffer as much as he did—or even die together in resentment, haunting each other for eternity!

He kept suppressing his feelings, but they continued to ferment.

Cars behind him began honking, urging him to move. The streets of Jin City had turned into a massive traffic jam in a split second.

A police officer knocked on his car door.

Yin Qin lifted his head and rolled down the window.

“Sir, are you feeling unwell?” the officer asked.

“My heart’s not doing well,” Yin Qin replied. “Do you need us to call an ambulance for you?”

“Can the hospital perform a heart removal?”

“…There should be better treatment options,” the officer said, trying to console him.

Yin Qin started the car and abruptly sped away.

How was he supposed to stop feeling anything for Baixin? How could he extract her name from his heart?

Maybe the only way was a heart-removal surgery!

He drove recklessly and parked his car in a residential building’s underground garage, then rode the elevator up.

Looking at his own reflection in the elevator’s mirrored walls, he noticed he maintained a nonchalant expression.

When the elevator arrived, he knocked on the door.

The door opened.

Luo Xiaolang looked at Yin Qin in bewilderment.

Song Zhizhi had called to tell her earlier that she and Ji Baijian were going to the Ji’S house, freeing up her day. Since she didn’t have anything to do, she stayed home, lounging around watching TV and playing with her phone. Occasionally, she would punch her boxing sandbag. She hadn’t expected Yin Qin to show up after she’d finished boxing and was about to take a shower.

Her first instinct was to close the door and leave him in the hallway.

She believed Yin Qin had taken the wrong floor.

Before she could shut the door, Yin Qin quickly wedged it with his foot, looking smug, Luo Xiaolang stared at him, “Ji Baijian’s place is upstairs. He went to the Ji’s today.”

“I’m here to see you,” Yin Qin smiled, “Let’s play some games together.”

Luo Xiaolang furrowed her brows.

She found Yin Qin extremely dull.

And she just couldn’t understand him.

“I don’t want to play games with you,” she said.

“Why?” Yin Qin looked disgruntled.

Sometimes he wondered if he had masochistic tendencies.

He had suffered rejection from Baixin, and he knew he’d face the same fate with Xiaolang, yet he still sought her out.

Maybe he harbored a deep affection for being mistreated.

Otherwise, why would he like Baixin so much? Why would he adore that woman so much?

Glimpsing thoughts about that woman caused his heart to ache again.


Before Xiaolang could answer, Yin Qin forcefully opened the door and rushed into her home.

Watching his behavior, Luo Xiaolang couldn’t understand why this man behaved so annoyingly!

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