My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 364 - Chapter 364: Chapter 364: He Might As Well Just Die in a Head-On Collision (2 more episodes)

Chapter 364: Chapter 364: He Might As Well Just Die in a Head-On Collision (2 more episodes)

Translator: 549690339

“Yin Qin, I’m pregnant,” Luo Xiaolang suddenly spoke up.

There was something unique about Luo Xiaolang’s voice; it wasn’t as gentle, as sharp, or as smooth as most girls’. It was slightly deep and a little hoarse.

It was unmistakably feminine; it was just distinct.

This distinct voice, Yin Qin thought, might become an indelible mark that haunts him for the rest of his life.

He stood rooted at the door.

Staring at Luo Xiaolang, watching her calmly utter these words as though it was a casual topic, a trivial chit-chat.

He felt as if his head was about to explode at that moment.

Today must be an unlucky day for him.

Finding out about Li Wenjun’s infidelity with Ji Baixin was already devastating, and now, this…

He looked at Luo Xiaolang straight on, “Did you say you’re pregnant?”

“6 months,” Luo Xiaolang replied.

6 months.

God damn, 6 months already!

“Is the child mine?” Yin Qin asked.

“Probably,” Luo Xiaolang responded, “After all, you’re the only one I’ve been intimate with.”

The glimmer of hope that Yin Qin had kindled was extinguished abruptly.

Who else but him could have done it with Luo Xiaolang?


He was forced.

Hoping that it was someone else’s baby was just wishful thinking.

This drove him into a frenzy, and he suddenly slammed his head against the wall.

What in the world did he do to deserve such punishment!

He was forced once. Just once.

Did it warrant him carrying such a massive bombshell?

Such a bombshell that lay in Luo Xiaolang’s stomach.

Looking at Yin Qin’s breakdown, Song Zhizhi and Xin Zaozao stood by silently, while Ji Baijian now walked over from his seat on the sofa, appearing stunned by the sudden news.

Song Zhizhi didn’t inform him beforehand, probably because it would’ve spoiled their chance to see such a dramatic scene.

“Stop hitting yourself. Life would be hard when you’re even more stupid than you already are,” Song Zhizhi told Yin Qin, without missing a beat.

Suddenly stopping, he turned to Song Zhizhi, his forehead red and swollen, expressing the pinnacle of his despair, “Song Zhizhi, you knew about this all along, didn’t you! You kept it from me just so you could watch me make a fool of myself!”

“I only found out a couple of days before you did,” Song Zhizhi answered.

Indeed, she was serious about watching him make a fool of himself.

At that moment, Song Zhizhi’s laughter rang out, “Regardless, congratulations.”

“Shut up! Who the fuck wants such congratulations!” Yin Qin brushed it off entirely, his entire being in rejection. He wouldn’t even look at Luo Xiaolang, “I wonder what will happen if someone doesn’t want the baby at 6 months…”

“Are you an idiot!” Song Zhizhi was furious.

How could anyone say that out loud?

Yin Qin was crying without tears.

He didn’t want this.

He was forced. Forced into defilement, and now forced into parenthood.

Isn’t it hard for him as well?

“Go home and tell your parents, get your wedding done early,” Song Zhizhi was straightforward.

“No way!” Suddenly, as if the reality had finally sunk in, Yin Qin vehemently said, “I can’t marry Luo Xiaolang. Even if it’s a tough life, I can’t settle with spending the rest of it with Luo Xiaolang. Even if I can’t have Ji Baixin, I can find another woman. I’d rather die than be with Luo Xiaolang!”

His refusal was not masked, coupled with anger and determined expression.

Song Zhizhi’s face turned slightly unpleasant.

She glanced towards Luo Xiaolang.

While Luo Xiaolang seemed indifferent to these things, appearing calm, this time, Song Zhizhi thought, Xiaolang seemed different… somewhat unlike her usual self.

Being outright rejected would upset even those who didn’t care; not to mention, Luo Xiaolang did have feelings for him.

Song Zhizhi looked at Yin Qin, “What are you complaining about being with Xiaolang for? I think Xiaolang is the one who’s wronged here!”

“What is she wronged about, look at her, just like a man. How am I supposed to live with her? How am I supposed to marry a man!” In more despair, Yin Qin felt like jumping out of the window, dying would solve all of his problems.

“Then how did you get a child with a man?” Song Zhizhi retorted.

“…” Yin Qin stared at Song Zhizhi, speechless.

He knew arguing with Song Zhizhi would end up killing him.

“I was forced, I tell you, forced!” Yin Qin yelled. “She knocked me out and then…”

“Did she drug you then?” Song Zhizhi asked, an eyebrow raised.

Yin Qin paused for a moment, “No.”

“That’s right,” Song Zhizhi said. “Xiaolang didn’t drug you, whether you guys established a relationship depends on your physical condition.”

“…” He might as well just die.

He might as well bash his head and die.

Song Zhizhi said, “You’re gonna have a child, just accept it!”

“No!” Yin Qin was still refusing, refusing with all his heart and soul!

Song Zhizhi looked at him.

Yin Qin said, “Don’t push me, don’t push me!”

He felt like he was breaking down.

He was utterly devastated.

Song Zhizhi pursed her lips softly.

Yin Qin said, “I’m leaving”.

“Yin Qin.”

“I’m leaving.” Yin Qin repeated sternly, “Don’t stop me.”

Then in that moment, he really dashed out of Ji Baijian’s house.

He didn’t even bother to change his shoes, he ran away in his slippers.

Song Zhizhi hadn’t expected Yin Qin to resent it this much, yes, he might resent it, but not to this extent. Did she really underestimate the place Ji Baixin held in Yin Qin’s heart? Or did Yin Qin really not have any feelings for Luo Xiaolang?

She had warned Xiaolang long ago not to develop feelings for Yin Qin. Ji Baixin holds a too high place in Yin Qin’s heart, any woman dating Yin Qin will feel wronged. But now Xiaolang was pregnant, she could only play matchmaker to keep them together.

Everyone watched as Yin Qin ran away.

Only Luo Xiaolang was left.

Luo Xiaolang remained calm and composed.

Sensing Song Zhizhi’s gaze, she looked up at her, “Did Yin Qin suffer too much of a blow?”

Luo Xiaolang was asking.

Song Zhizhi nodded.

Indeed, it was a considerable blow.

Luo Xiaolang didn’t say anything else.

Xin Zaozao promptly suggested, “Shall I take Xiaolang home first?”

Song Zhizhi nodded.

They had intended to have a nice meal.

She really shouldn’t have expected too much from Yin Qin.

Xin Zaozao and Luo Xiaolang left.

As they were departing, Xin Zaozao made an OK sign to Song Zhizhi, telling her that she will be with Xiaolang and that Song Zhizhi doesn’t have to worry.

Xin Zaozao knew that Song Zhizhi still needed to work on persuading Yin Qin.

No matter what the initial reaction was, the marriage of the two is almost a certainty, it is better if they are both willing.

After Xin Zaozao and Luo Xiaolang left, Song Zhizhi closed the door.

She turned around and saw Ji Baijian standing there, deep in thought.

Song Zhizhi said, “I didn’t think about hiding things from you.”

“Hmm.” Ji Baijian nodded.

“Are you a bit angry?” Song Zhizhi asked him.

She felt like she might have manipulated Yin Qin somewhat.

Though, Yin Qin impregnating Luo Xiaolang comes first.

Ji Baijian looked at Song Zhizhi and shook his head, “No. Yin Qin should realize the facts and let go of Baixin.”

Song Zhizhi nodded.

She thought so, too.

“Come here,” Ji Baijian suddenly extended his arm.

Song Zhizhi naturally leaned into Ji Baijian’s arms.

The two sat on the sofa of their home.

Song Zhizhi asked, “How can I persuade Yin Qin? When it comes to personal emotions, I think Yin Qin is even more stubborn than I thought.”

“It’s not stubbornness, it’s that he’s really been in love for many years and can’t easily let go.”

“So how do we get Yin Qin to willingly marry Xiaolang?”

“From what I understand of Yin Qin, the more you force him, the more he will resist. Instead, just let things develop naturally. After all, Yin Qin is a soft-hearted person. When he sees Luo Xiaolang carrying his child, he will eventually feel bad.”

“So you mean, instead of forcing Yin Qin, we let Yin Qin feel guilty and accept this marriage by himself?” Song Zhizhi raised her eyebrows.

She always felt that her husband was really good at leveraging people’s feelings.

Yin Qin was not as carefree as he appeared, he’s not the type to act irresponsibly. So eventually, he would compromise.

If they tried to push him now, he would feel like he’s the most aggrieved person in the world leading to stronger resistance, which would result in more harm than good.

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