My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 366 - Chapter 366: Chapter 366: Luo Xiaolang, your ignorance has caused so much trouble for others!

Chapter 366: Chapter 366: Luo Xiaolang, your ignorance has caused so much trouble for others!

Translator: 549690339

Yin Family Villa.

After settling Luo Xiaolang, Qin Keqin returned to the villa’s grand hall.

Yin Bin sat on the couch, asserting his demeanor as the patriarch. On seeing Qin Keqin, his face clearly shifted for a moment, but within a second, he regained his absolute authority.

With a stern tone, he said, “Yin Qin got Luo Xiaolang pregnant, they must marry, I cannot let our Yin family’s reputation be tarnished like this!”

Qin Keqin shot Yin Bin a glance.

Slowly, she replied, “I called you here not to have you make decisions, but merely to inform you – as Yin Qin’s father.”

“Qin Keqin.”

“Whether Yin Qin marries Luo Xiaolang is his personal matter, not something you or I can determine.”

“Luo Xiaolang’s pregnant and you still let your son do whatever he pleases, Qin Keqin, is this how you educate your son?!” Yin Bin’s anger flared.

Sometimes, it’s not her parenting that angers him, but the fact she dismisses him, regardless of the situation!

He’s the head of the house, yet she refuses to respect him!

“For the education of Yin Qin, I, at least, have been involved. But you – you’ve never participated, you have no right to criticize.” Qin Keqin’s voice turned cold.

Yin Bin fumed, livid.

Continuing, Qin Keqin said, “As to the matter between Yin Qin and Luo Xiaolang, I wish for you not to interfere. Yin Qin is an adult, he knows how to resolve his own issues. Don’t use your position as his father to force him into something he cannot accept.”

“Just let your son go wild? He’s got someone pregnant, and you still indulge him!” Yin Bin exploded.

He stood from the couch, seeing Qin Keqin still calmly sipping a glass of water.

Such a huge thing happened at home, yet she’s still this calm, driving him insane.

Qin Keqin leisurely finished her water, and facing Yin Bin, she remarked, “First, you’re not certain how Xiaolang got pregnant, so stop assuming that your son is at fault. Second, tying two people without feelings for each other into a marriage is just mutual torture. I do not believe marriage is their only way out. The third, I’ve brought Xiaolang back for her to safely carry the child to term, and potentially grow some feelings between her and Yin Qin, not to force them into matrimony. Whether they end up marrying or have feelings for each other is the premise.”

“So you’re okay with Yin Qin’s child being raised in a broken family?”

“I see no problem.” Qin Keqin placed her cup down. “Speaking from personal experience, I don’t believe a marriage ensures happiness. If I were to choose again, I’d rather raise a child by myself…”

“Qin Keqin, we’re discussing your son’s affairs, not ours!” Yin Bin seemingly didn’t want to hear Qin Keqin mentioning their past.

As if he feared someone touching his once painful spot.

Qin Keqin replied, “What I’ve just told you is my viewpoint. Naturally, what you wish to do is still up to you.”

With that, Qin Keqin turned to leave.

Watching Qin Keqin’s retreating figure, Yin Bin felt he was about to explode.

How dare this woman be so bold in his presence!

He’s the patriarch of the family. Every matter in this house should obey him, yet he’s constantly left out of family decisions!

His heart swelled with anger.

Just then, Yin Qin returned home.

He had been drinking.

Alone, tipsy.

Without his drinking buddy, Mu Cidian, he found the activity rather uninteresting.

So he ended up coming home very early.

Seeing his father on the couch, he casually sat next to him, even going as far as to casually sling an arm around his father’s shoulder.

Yin Bin frowned.

Smelling the liquor on Yin Qin welling up his earlier frustration with his wife, he felt a burning wish to severely beat his drunken son.

He sat upright, distinctly contrasting his son who was in a drunken stupor.

“Dad, did you know Xiaolang is carrying my child?” Yin Qin, reeking of alcohol, burped and mumbled.

“You have the nerve to say it?!”

“I’m really in pain!” Yin Qin wailed in anguish. “I don’t even like Luo Xiaolang. Why is she forcing me? Why does she have to have my child…I haven’t even enjoyed my single life, I haven’t completely gotten over Ji Baixing…wah wah…”

Yin Qin leaned onto his father’s shoulder, sobbing uncontrollably.

Yin Bin rolled his eyes.

How did he even end up with a son like this?

Crying over such a triviality, a 26-year-old man, utterly shameless.

Yin Bin felt deeply upset, but at that moment he didn’t push his son away.

Yin Qin howled and cried for a long while, wiping his tears and mucus with Yin Bin’s clothes.

Yin Bin could hardly hide his disgust.

Yin Qin said, “Dad, what should I do now? I don’t want to take responsibility, but I can’t stand seeing Xiaolang like this, she’s only 19… How could I be so cruel, no, how could Xiaolang be so cruel!”

After saying that, he started crying again.

Yin Bin was at a loss for words with his son, he said, “A man should face the consequences of his actions, regardless of the circumstances, he should take responsibility.”

“Dad, do you know how annoying it is when you preach these high-minded principles all seriously?” Yin Qin looked at his father, earnestly giving him a reminder.

“Shut your mouth!” Yin Bin commanded with authority.

Yin Qin wasn’t scared, he said, “With you putting on airs like this, don’t expect to ever have another son with my mom.”

Yin Bin felt that one day he would be angered to death by his son.

“You know, I am starting to understand you a little. It seems like you were in the same situation as me back then. Dad, I suddenly understand you.” Yin Qin abruptly changed the subject, murmured.

Yin Bin was slightly taken aback.

“You didn’t like my mom either, but you married her under family pressure, and then you both suffered for a lifetime. If I make the same mistake, will I end up with a tragic life just like you…”

“I don’t see it as a tragedy.” Yin Bin suddenly said, word by word.

Yin Qin looked at him.

“Regarding your situation with Xiaolang, regardless of what your mother says, marriage is inevitable.” Yin Bin always put on a stern and unapproachable demeanor, whether at work or in private, “Prepare yourself mentally, I will have someone set the date for you.”

“Impossible!” Yin Qin suddenly became very agitated, “It’s absolutely impossible for me and Xiaolang to get married, absolutely not! I’d rather stay single for life than marry Xiaolang.”

He was practically jumping up and down.

Yin Bin frowned, “So you’re not planning to take responsibility for Xiaolang.”

“Why should I take responsibility for her? It’s already a lot that I don’t ask her to take responsibility for me, you have no idea how she bullied me…” Every time he thought of that incident half a year ago, he felt it was the biggest humiliation of his life.

Now, they want him to take responsibility for Xiaolang, he’d rather die than do it!

“Yin Qin, you’re a man.” Yin Bin declared righteously.

“No matter what you say, I will absolutely not marry Xiaolang, definitely not!” Yin Qin declared firmly, “You could kill me and I still wouldn’t marry her.”

Once again, Yin Bin was so infuriated by his son that he was seething.

Yin Qin staggered to his feet from the couch, “You listen to me, Yin Bin, you better focus your energy on dealing with the issues between you and your first love. Your love life has been full of gossips lately, if you wish to win my mom back, you should focus on yourself instead of constantly being bossy and giving me orders…”

“Yin Qin!” Yin Bin roared in anger.

“You deserve to be a widower.” Yin Qin added salt to the wound.

Yin Bin watched his son’s retreating figure.

He felt that there might come a day when he would indeed be infuriated to death by Yin Qin.

Frustrated to death.

Yin Qin was walking up the stairs on the second floor.

He looked up and seemed to see Xiaolang standing at the top of the stairs.

Was he drunk?

Was he hallucinating?

He must be hallucinating, that’s why Xiaolang was lingering around.

“Yin Qin.” Xiaolang suddenly spoke.

Yin Qin jumped in surprise, “You’re real!”

Xiaolang frowned.

“Damn it, why are you at my house, how did you get in?!” Yin Qin’s face was full of disgust and disdain, completely obvious.

Even though Luo Xiaolang was clueless about everything, after returning this time, she clearly felt Yin Qin’s dislike for her.

She said, “Your mother brought me over.”

“I knew it, damn it.” Yin Qin burst forth with a curse.

He knew that in this matter, everyone, people from all around the world, would think he was in the wrong.

They would all force him to do what he didn’t want to do.

They would all consider him worse than a beast.

The more things were like this, the less he would live up to their expectations.

The more things were like this, the more defiant he became.

Luo Xiaolang said, “I want to go downstairs to get some water…”

And with that, she walked past Yin Qin.

Yin Qin suddenly pulled Luo Xiaolang to a stop.

Luo Xiaolang looked at him.

“Luo Xiaolang, do you know? You’re naive at best; stupid at worst! You will never understand how much trouble your ignorance causes others!” Yin Qin’s cold voice constantly echoed into Luo Xiaolang’s ears.

Luo Xiaolang simply stared at Yin Qin.

Yin Qin released her, “I envy your profound ignorance!”

Then, Yin Qin left.

Luo Xiaolang clamped her lips tightly shut.

Yin Qin’s words lingered stubbornly in her ears.

Her chest felt heavy, and at times it even hurt.

Did she truly cause Yin Qin so much trouble?

He seemed to hate her.

Yin Bin returned to his room without taking a shower, and flung himself onto his bed.

He felt oppressed in his heart.

So oppressed that he felt like jumping off the building at any given moment.

With his eyes closed, his world spun, and all he could visualize was his recent encounter with Luo Xiaolang.

He had purposefully used harsh words on Luo Xiaolang just now because he wanted to let off steam.

He wanted to vent all his emotions on Luo Xiaolang.

But what good would it do?

Luo Xiaolang couldn’t feel it at all, Luo Xiaolang understood nothing at all.

Would she understand whatever he said?

She only knows how to do what she wants.

If she wants to attack him, she attacks; if she wants to have this baby, she’ll have the baby; she probably doesn’t even realize what each of these actions actually implies!

She never uses her brain to think, she makes her decisions based solely on her preferences!

Sometimes, he even doesn’t know how to make Luo Xiaolang understand that what she’s doing now, is simply infuriating!

This is true moral abduction.

It’s an abduction of him!

Someone entered the room from outside.

Yin Qin opened his eyes, sees who it is, and rolled over, presenting his back to the newcomer.

Qin Keqin approached him, “Have you been drinking?”

“I’m drunk, so I’m unable to talk business.” Yin Qin declined.

“Go take a shower, I have something to talk to you about.”

“I’m not going.”

“Yin Qin!” Qin Keqin’s face darkened.

Yin Qin abruptly sat up from the bed, he said fiercely, “Is everyone in the world pressuring me into marrying Luo Xiaolang? Do you all want me to compromise my own happiness for the so-called ‘morality’ and ‘responsibility’? You never care or even need to understand what I have been through, what I have suffered, whether I might be happy or not. As long as I’m a man, I should simply own up to my responsibility, no reasons required, and shoulder the so-called ‘responsibility’!”

Qin Keqin looked at her son, whose face was flushed with agitation.

She said, “I didn’t tell you to marry Luo Xiaolang.”

Yin Qin was taken aback.

He thought he had heard wrong.

“I didn’t ask you to marry her.” Qin Keqin repeated.

“Then why did you bring her here? Are you deliberately making it hard for me?”

“It’s not a lie that Luo Xiaolang is pregnant with your child. Regardless of how it happened, it’s a fact that cannot be disputed.”

“So what? You’re still forcing me to marry her.”

“During her pregnancy, don’t you think we have a responsibility to take care of her? Luo Xiaolang is an orphan, she has no parents. Shouldn’t we help her out when it comes to bringing a child into the world?”

Yin Qin was unconvinced and glared at his mother but refrained from retorting in that moment.

No matter how much he hated Luo Xiaolang, no matter how broken he felt, just thinking about Luo Xiaolang facing all this at only 19-years-old made his heart ache.

Not wanting to be forced, yet being trapped by morality, he suffered and struggled internally more than anyone else.

But it seemed as if no one could see this, everyone thought he was to blame. As long as he didn’t fulfill his responsibility, he was in the wrong.

Qin Keqin continued to say, “I brought Xiaolang back here so I can take good care of her during this period. I never thought about forcing you two to get married. Rest assured, I won’t force you to marry her until you genuinely like Luo Xiaolang. I’m not concerned about wronging you, but Luo Xiaolang.”


“You still have Ji Baixing in your heart, which is not fair to Xiaolang,” said Qin Keqin frankly. “The child belongs to you, so you should take responsibility for your child. As for Xiaolang, she has her own life and doesn’t need to be tethered to you.”

“So, are you saying that I’m not good enough for Luo Xiaolang?” Yin Qin missed the point again.

“Being self-aware is a good thing.”

“Are you blind, Mom? Which of your eyes thinks that I’m not suited for Luo Xiaolang? Look at Luo Xiaolang! She’s like a tomboy, bold and irregular, she can probably knock me dead with a punch. Where’s her feminine side? And you’re saying I’m not suited for her?!” Yin Qin stunned, with his eyes wide open.

With a look of disdain on her face, Qin Keqin responded, “Men really are superficial creatures.”

“What kind of mother talks about her own son like that?”

“I wish Xiaolang’s baby is a girl.”

“I like boys!” Yin Qin disagreed, “If I have a daughter that looks like Luo Xiaolang, I’ll knock my head on the wall!”

“Then you might as well die!”

Yin Qin was furious.

Calmly, Qin Keqin said, “Luo Xiaolang will be staying here from now on, and I won’t accept any objections. As for marrying Luo Xiaolang, that’s between the two of you. I won’t interfere.”

“Will you keep your word?” Yin Qin stared at his mother.

“When have I ever lied to you?!”

Upon reflection, Yin Qin found that to be true.

His mother never lied to him, even though she occasionally disdains him.

That’s why they’ve always been on good terms.

“Deal!” Yin Qin quickly agreed.

“What deal!” Qin Keqin smacked her son on the head, “I’m not asking for your opinion, I’m just informing you.”

Yin Qin pouted.

Qin Keqin then turned around, “Go take a shower and sleep. You stink just like your father.”

“I take a shower every day, I’m very clean everyday!” From the doorway, Yin Bin’s voice abruptly rang out.

His unusually loud voice indicated that he could absolutely not tolerate being slandered in such a way!

Qin Keqin was somewhat speechless.

She was just saying it casually after all.

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