My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 384 - Chapter 384: Chapter 384: The Conspiracy Case (12) Succeeded in Trapping Ye Wenhan!

Chapter 384: Chapter 384: The Conspiracy Case (12) Succeeded in Trapping Ye Wenhan!

Translator: 549690339

Detention center.

The stern interrogation room.

Mr. Ye Wenhan sat in the center, smirking contemptuously at Song Zhizhi. He mocked, “Song Zhizhi, didn’t you claim to despise me? Yet you can’t wait to see me so soon?!”

Song Zhizhi looked at him, silent at that moment.

Ye Wenhan snorted mockingly, his face clearly showing his impatience. “I’m very busy, don’t waste my time. Speak up.”

“I want to speak with you alone,” Song Zhizhi finally said.

Ye Wenhan frowned.

Song Zhizhi glanced at the few prison guards standing nearby.

“There are certain matters that I want to discuss with you alone.”

Ye Wenhan stared back at Song Zhizhi, observing her serious and determined demeanor.

What in the world is this woman up to?!

A hesitation of two seconds, then he instructed the prison guards, “Song Zhizhi has something confidential to relate to me about the case, please all leave the room.”

The prison guards exchanged glances.

“What’s the matter? That won’t work?” Ye Wenhan’s tone had an edge. “This potentially highly affects the progress of the case. If delayed by you, can you bear the consequences?!”

A prison guard spoke uncomfortably, “Mr. Ye, Mr. Jun mentioned that Song Zhizhi’s case involves the interests of Yanshang Country, it’s extremely special, and these are unique times. No one should see her alone…”

“So are you saying that I need to report to Jun Minghan individually? Or is it that I need to bring Jun Minghan here before you’ll follow my directions?!” Ye Wenhan’s face was full of displeasure.

“No, Mr. Ye, we only…”

“Don’t worry, any issues, I will take responsibility!” Ye Wenhan cut off, “After all, I, as the head of Commercial Management, can’t shoulder that responsibility?!”

The prison guards obviously didn’t dare oppose Ye Wenhan.

Although Ye Wenhan didn’t have any official authority, his status itself was beyond ordinary people’s reach. Generally, no one dared to provoke him.

The economic lifeline and financial authority of Yanshang Country were in his hands. Even though Mr. Jun was the young master of the official family, he would still yield a little before Ye Wenhan.

“We’ll be just outside the door, ready to follow Mr. Ye’s instructions at any time.” The prison guards ended up complying.

“Hm.” Ye Wenhan nodded slightly, demonstrating a demeanor befitting someone of importance.

Song Zhizhi just watched Ye Wenhan, smug and triumphant.

Plotting underdog come into power.

Ye Wenhan must really enjoy the status and power he’s attained, as if he fell from the sky into a position of great influence and control!

The prison guards left.

The interrogation room door closed.

Only the two of them were left in the room.

Ye Wenhan snorted, “Song Zhizhi, now it’s just the two of us. Speak your mind.”

Song Zhizhi seemed to have something to say yet was hesitant.

“Do you still view me as the powerless and insignificant Yi Wenhan from before? My patience for you is limited. I’m only giving you three seconds. If you don’t speak, I will never show up here again!” Ye Wenhan’s expression showed utter contempt for Song Zhizhi, “Three, two…”

“I admit that I regret it,” Song Zhizhi said after gathering up her courage.

Ye Wenhan was taken aback.

Just then, he saw Song Zhizhi lower her head, looking somewhat awkward and distraught.

The next second.

Ye Wenhan broke into an exaggerated laugh.

He pointed at Song Zhizhi, “Song Zhizhi! I thought a woman like you would never regret! Weren’t you quite stubborn before? In just a few days, you suddenly changed your tune?!”

“I have to admit that I can’t defeat you,” Song Zhizhi looked at Ye Wenhan, “Ji Baijian also can’t help me.”

“It’s too late now! I tell you Song Zhizhi, everything is already too late! Even if you beg me, it’s useless!” Ye Wenhan scorned. “I did offer you a chance once, but you didn’t cherish it. Now that you’ve finally realized how powerful I am and started to regret, don’t dream of it, I will never let you off the hook.”

“What do you want me to do?” Song Zhizhi asked him, “How do you want me to behave in order to help me? I don’t want to go to jail.”

Song Zhizhi seemed genuine.

“No matter what, I will not help you!” Ye Wenhan said decisively.

At that moment, he suddenly stood and walked towards Song Zhizhi.

Song Zhizhi looked at her.

Ye Wenhan lifted Song Zhizhi’s chin. Hatred mingled with a grim satisfaction in his eyes. “Song Zhizhi, you’ve let me down. I thought you could resist a bit longer. But you capitulated so quickly, leaving me no sense of achievement whatsoever,” he said.

“Wenhan.” Song Zhizhi suddenly called his name affectionately.

Ye Wenhan quivered inside.

But in that moment, he acted nonchalant, an expression of contempt on his face.

“I was wrong,” admitted Song Zhizhi.

“Hmph.” Ye Wenhan scoffed.

“I shouldn’t have treated you that way.”

“Why did you treat me so badly!” Ye Wenhan asked fiercely.

He still couldn’t comprehend why Song Zhizhi had suddenly treated him that way.

A surge of anger welled up inside him as he recalled the humiliating scenes in front of Song Zhizhi, the way she could discard him at will. He absolutely could not reconcile himself to it.

Even now

Still, he couldn’t reconcile himself to it.

He still wanted to know the truth, and he still wanted to crush her.

Song Zhizhi cast her eyes down. “I was vain and thought that Baijian was more capable than you. So I abandoned you halfway through. I never expected you to evolve to this extent, I never expected that you were the heir of the Ye family. I regretted it long ago, yet I was too stubborn to admit it.”

Ye Wenhan responded with derisive laughter, seemingly unmoved.

However, inside, he felt ecstatic.

Finally, this woman, Song Zhizhi, admitted her mistake and regretted letting him go.

He was right all along. She was just attracted to Baijian’s glory and wealth. He lost because he had nothing at the time. But now he had risen to such a position of power, so of course, she would regret it. She was just too stubborn to admit it earlier.

Ye Wenhan forced Song Zhizhi to look at him, proudly asserting his dominance. “Song Zhizhi, did you think a few words would soften my heart? Do you remember how you treated me? I wish you nothing but misery! You have no idea how delighted I am to see you begging. I don’t feel a shred of pity, you deserve your fate! You deserve all of it!”

Ye Wenhan gritted his teeth.

He was venting his feelings ruthlessly.

At that moment, he felt a true sense of pleasure.

How stubborn could Song Zhizhi be? She was just a woman, just a coward, just a shallow, vain woman. Seeing her being submissive to him now made him want to laugh even in his dreams.

He had endured for so many years, and finally, the day had come.

Today was the day!

Song Zhizhi said, “Wenhan, I was wrong. I did things that hurt you. I know how much you hate me. Everything I say now is pointless and I deserve the situation I’m in. In the end, I know that I can’t resist. I might go to jail, maybe for a long time. I understand that I can’t fight this, so I want to reveal all my feelings to you.”

Seeing her tearful and dreamy eyes, Ye Wenhan raised an eyebrow, seemed nonchalant about it all.

Song Zhizhi looked very upset. “Actually, I still like you. My feelings for Ji Baijian were all faked, just because of his status, because he could provide me with unending wealth and glory. But deep down, I’ve always loved you…”

“You loved me and yet you treated me that way! You ridiculed me and made me feel embarrassed! If I wasn’t so capable, could I even make it to where I am now!” Ye Wenhan said coldly.

It was not because you were capable!

It was because you had an unscrupulous father!

Of course, Song Zhizhi wouldn’t reveal that. She just accommodated Ye Wenhan, “I treated you that way because I wanted to forget you, because I didn’t want to regret my decision. Wenhan, I’m sorry. I hope you can forgive me for who I was. Regardless of what I face in the future, I hope you won’t hate me as much. All this is my own doing.”

“Indeed, it’s all your fault,” Ye Wenhan enunciated each word.

Song Zhizhi suddenly asked in a blurred voice, “Do you really not love me anymore?”

Ye Wenhan looked at Song Zhizhi, her teary eyes and painful expression.


She was upset because she was using the same tactics that he once had used against her.

She had to go against her feelings and go to great lengths to appease him.

At that moment, Ye Wenhan felt some stirrings in his heart.

But he did not like Song Zhizhi at all.

He never did.

All he ever wanted was power and status. Since childhood, his mother, Nie Wenzhi, taught him to endure humiliation and hardships in order to achieve greatness someday.


He had finally become the man his mother had always described, how could he possibly still have feelings for a woman like Song Zhizhi, someone who had tasted defeat at his hands?

Looking at Song Zhizhi now, he would only feel exhilarated!

He said coldly, “Song Zhizhi, I’m not afraid to tell you, I’ve never liked you! Everything I did was just for my own gain. All the good deeds I performed in college to woo you were all just an act, designed to use you to climb to a higher position. You, however, were quite clever. Had it not been for your sudden involvement with Ji Baijian, your situation would probably be even worse than it is now! For a while, I actually admired you, thinking you possessed some sort of precognition. It seems I was mistaken. All you are is a homeless stray dog!”

Song Zhizhi just stared at him.

Looking at the audacious behavior of Ye Wenhan.

He must be feeling extremely pleased with himself today.

So much so that he seemed to be on cloud nine.

He had been patiently biding his time for so many years, eagerly anticipating the moment she would stoop so low, begging him for mercy.

He could finally let out all the pent-up emotions he had been harboring all these years!

She asked, “Is there nothing I can say to change your mind?”

Her gaze fell.

Even as he tilted her chin up, she refused to look at him.

“It’s no use, Song Zhizhi!” Ye Wenhan laughed deviously, “I plan on making your life a living hell. First, it’s you, next it’s Ji Baijian, and then it is your father Song Shan, and Song Zhidao! I’m not afraid to tell you, I won’t let Song Zhidao get away with stealing the fifth daughter of the Jun family from me. He’s going to die a terrible death.”

Song Zhizhi knew exactly why Ye Wenhan hated Song Zhidao – he had stolen his thunder. He absolutely wouldn’t let it go.

She gritted her teeth in secret.

Everything seemed to be going back to how it was in her past life.

In her previous life, her family was ruined and livelihood destroyed at the hands of the Yi family!

She was on the brink of explosion.

She forced herself to stay calm, “My brother did bite off more than he could chew. He is not worthy of the fifth Miss of the Jun family. If I were in her shoes, I would choose you over my brother too. It’s only a matter of time before she ends up with you.”

“Song Zhizhi, you are so very pragmatic when it comes to wanting my help. Do you know how satisfied that makes me feel?” Ye Wenhan laughed cunningly.

“Yes, I admit that I’m pragmatic. I admit I am terrified of going to jail, of spending my life in a place like this. But I also know that there’s no use in saying anything now. Even if I told you that I regretted everything the moment I found out you were the head of the Ye family, it won’t get me your forgiveness. We can’t possibly get back together, and you won’t be able to help me. Your current status is way above what I can reach. I called you here today to express my true feelings.”

Ye Wenhan scowled at her.

What else was this woman up to?!

She didn’t manage to gain any benefit from him, yet she was just going to let him go!?

He began to wonder if everything she had said and done was just a ruse, a trick to make him help her. Now that he had not agreed to anything, she had suddenly given up?!

Was it because she truly knew he wouldn’t help her, or was she just exposing every weapon in her arsenal, aware that she had no strength to resist?!

He abruptly let go of her chin.

Song Zhizhi did not make any other moves.

Ye Wenhan flung his hand away, rose from his seat next to Song Zhizhi, and left, “Song Zhizhi, from now on, you should take care of your own messes!”

Song Zhizhi bit her lip.

She was taking a gamble.

A gamble on Ye Wenhan’s grudge.

A gamble on the fact that after all these years, he had not gained a single advantage from her. She was betting that he, as a man, could not stand being the one dumped. Given that he had faced so much criticism for this in the past, she gambled that he couldn’t be indifferent when the woman he had worked so hard to please suddenly ran off with another man.

“Song Zhizhi!” Ye Wenhan suddenly halted his departure.

Just as expected!

A smirk tugged at Song Zhizhi’s lips, unseen.

She knew it.

Ye Wenhan was simply not cut out to be a great man!

He would always be too concerned with his own feelings, satisfied only by the momentary thrill of victory. He never considered the broader picture, such as whether her sudden shift in behavior was part of some plot. All he’d ever think was that she truly regretted her actions.

He only measured others by his own yardstick, thinking that if he were ever put in the same situation, he would also kowtow to save his own skin.

Ye Wenhan returned to stand in front of Song Zhizhi, “Do you know how much I want everyone in the world to see you like this? It’s not enough that I’m the only one who finds this satisfying. Tell me, if Ji Baijian knew about this, would he still be so cocky in front of me?”

Song Zhizhi stared at him.

“Do you know who was the cause of my physical conditions?! Ha!” Ye Wenhan sneered coldly, his face especially frightening at that moment, “It was Ji Baijian!”

So, Ji Baijian was threatening Ye Wenhan!

Ye Wenhan now seemed to be longing to take Ji Baijian’s life.

“Isn’t he always self-righteous? Everyone shudders at his capabilities, even my father…” Ye Wenhan paused.

Even at this moment, he was smart enough to know there were some principles that shouldn’t be revealed.

He started again, “Even Qian Guanshu, even Jun Minghan sees Ji Baijian as a threat!”

Song Zhizhi gritted her teeth secretly.

They indeed turned out to be the stumbling block in Jun Minghan’s eyes.

Ye Wenhan added fiercely, “What if Ji Baijian learns that the woman he likes so much has been exploiting him and doesn’t really like him at all, and she even likes me? Do you think his usually unchanged face will be very interesting?!”

Song Zhizhi remained silent.

Ye Wenhan leaned closer to Song Zhizhi.

Song Zhizhi bit her lip.

Step by step, he backed her against the wall.

Ye Wenhan said, “If Ji Baijian saw this scene, what do you think he would do, huh? He’s still trying to help you win this court case, tirelessly looking for evidence for you. But you, you are here willingly flirting with me! When I think about how Ji Baijian is going to feel, I find it so satisfying!”

As he was talking, he took out his phone.

He manipulated the device with his fingers. He was recording a video.

He wanted Ji Baijian to see how Song Zhizhi was groveling.

The thought of it made him incredibly excited.

And as he was filming and getting closer to Song Zhizhi…

“Ah!” Song Zhizhi suddenly screamed.

Such a loud scream echoed repeatedly in the interrogation room.

Simultaneously, Song Zhizhi exerted force and slammed Ye Wenhan’s phone down onto the ground.

Ye Wenhan didn’t expect this at all, he assumed that Song Zhizhi would accept whatever he did, so he wasn’t prepared.

The unguarded phone fell to the ground, and the prison guards outside rushed in after hearing the sound.

They came in and saw this scene.

They saw him pressing Song Zhizhi against the wall, as if he was forcing her into something.

Song Zhizhi looked terrified.

Ye Wenhan looked furious.

The prison guards were somewhat at a loss.

They didn’t know whether to go in or out, just watching in place.

Ye Ming was aware that what Ye Wenhan was doing was wrong, but due to his status, he didn’t dare to intervene.

The tension might not have lasted for five seconds.

Ye Wenhan also came to his senses from the shock, he wanted to slap Song Zhizhi across her face. At that moment, he realized that everything Song Zhizhi did was on purpose, she purposely wanted people to see what he was doing to her. She made it look as though he was imposing on her, and in the end, she even wanted to smear his reputation!

Too bad.

Song Zhizhi was still too naive.

If he could come and go freely in this place, he certainly had the ability to suppress all of these events.

Just a few prison guards.

He could make all of them shut up.

He sneered, pinching Song Zhizhi’s mouth in ridicule, “Song Zhizhi, do you think you can really affect me like this?! You really underestimate me. I swear now, even if I did anything to you, do you believe those two prison guards over there would just stand by and watch? My reputation would still be very good…”

“Really?!” Song Zhizhi smirked, her expression completely changed at that instant.

As if she had again outsmarted him.

He glanced at her eyes skim towards the door.

He was shocked and swiftly turned his head.

Turning, he saw Jun Mingyu standing there.

He paused for a moment.

Jun Mingyu smiled slightly, “I didn’t expect, Mr. Ye, that you’re still so attached to Miss Song.”

Ye Wenhan looked extremely uncomfortable.

He watched as Jun Mingyu casually took out his phone and started taking pictures.

Ye Wenhan instantly changed. He quickly let go of Song Zhizhi and lunged to snatch Jun Mingyu’s phone.

Jun Mingyu moved his hand and easily avoided him.

Ye Wenhan gritted his teeth, caught off guard.

Suddenly, Jun Mingyu bent down and picked up Ye Wenhan’s phone that was still recording a video on the ground.

Ye Wenhan was startled.

He had recorded a video inside.

At that moment, he truly realized that he had been fooled by Song Zhizhi.

He turned and glared at Song Zhizhi.

Looking at her unharmed but making him so embarrassed.

The anger in his heart made him lose his mind at that moment. He lunged forward, directly attacking Jun Mingyu, trying to snatch both his and Jun Mingyu’s phones.

But as soon as he made this move.

Two prison guards quickly blocked his path.

Contrasting with the infuriated Ye Wenhan, Jun Mingyu seemed much calmer. He casually scrolled through Ye Wenhan’s recorded evidence on the phone screen, watched it, and said, “Please control yourself, Mr. Ye, or you will only hurt yourself.”

It seemed to remind Ye Wenhan of his irrational attempt to snatch the phone from him just now, but it also seemed to be a hidden allusion to Ye Wenhan’s actions against Song Zhizhi.

Ye Wenhan was trembling with rage, “You two planned against me!”

“Mr. Ye misunderstands. I was merely appointed by my brother to ask Song Zhizhi a few questions and to persuade her to confess. How could I know that I would witness such a fiery scene when I arrived.” Jun Mingyu’s smile was charming, with a casual and calm demeanor.

He signaled the prison guard to release Ye Wenhan.

Ye Wenhan glared at Jun Mingyu.

Jun Mingyu returned Ye Wenhan’s phone saying, “I have transmitted it.”

Ye Wenhan’s face turned black with anger.

Jun Mingyu said, “Mr. Ye, if I post this video and the pictures I took, claiming that you are still attached to Miss Song, stating that you are trying to…”

“Enough!” Ye Wenhan’s features twisted in anger.

He knew he fell into Song Zhizhi’s trap again!

Whatever Song Zhizhi said about liking him, regretting things, any words that satisfied his vanity, are meant to intentionally provoke him, just to catch his weakness.

This woman!

This woman, he will make sure she wished to be dead!

He will absolutely tear her to pieces.

Compared to Ye Wenhan’s rage, Jun Mingyu and Song Zhizhi seem quite calm.

As if watching a performance, there was no pride in the success of their scheme.

It’s as if they took it for granted that Ye Wenhan would be toyed with by them, nothing worth celebrating!

Watching the two of them, Ye Wenhan gritted his teeth in anger.

His entire body trembling with fury, he spat out, “What do you want!”

So, Ye Wenhan isn’t completely stupid.

He knew they had a purpose.

Jun Mingyu said, “Don’t worry, we don’t want you to let Song Zhizhi go.”

Ye Wenhan glared at Jun Mingyu.

Jun Mingyu, he never took seriously.

He was just an illegitimate child.

Sooner or later he would be killed by Jun Minghan!

Jun Mingyu didn’t care how Ye Wenhan saw him. After all, not just Ye Wenhan, everyone in the country said the same, except Ji Baijian.

Speaking of which.

Ji Baijian was indeed his life’s savior.

He saved his life back then.

Not asking for anything in return, he also encouraged him with a few words.

Thinking about it, those few words might just be to dismiss him.

But he didn’t care.

Anyway, the only warmth he ever felt in this world, apart from his biological mother, was Ji Baijian.

Therefore, Ji Baijian is his life savior.

Of course.

He was not the kind of person that would repay kindness, after all to him, compared to the payback he wanted, Ji Baijian could bring him more benefits.

He said, addressing Ye Wenhan, “All we need is for you to help us postpone the court session by 15 days.”

“Dream on!” Ye Wenhan flatly refused.

Now, he wished he could make things impossible for Song Zhizhi, he wanted her to be instantly disgraced, sent to prison, with no possibility of turning over!

“I don’t konw how much of an impact this news will have, saying that Mr. Ye Wenhan, the helmsman of Commercial Management, has used his power to… ”

“Shut up!” It seemed Ye Wenhan could not bear to listen anymore.

He was tricked by them.

He spoke angrily, shouting at Jun Mingyu, “You should know better than anyone what kind of person Jun Minghan is! Do you think that if I could help you delay the court session by half a month, it would be enough? I don’t have that kind of ability!”

“That might be true.” Jun Mingyu nodded.

As if agreeing that Ye Wenhan didn’t have that much ability.

Song Zhizhi looked at Jun Mingyu.

Suddenly she realized this man was cunning and poisonous.

He could infuriate Ye Wenhan to the point of vomiting blood.

Ye Wenhan was at a loss, holding in his anger.

Then Jun Mingyu said, “Even so, we still believe you can try.”

“Jun Mingyu!” Ye Wenhan gritted his teeth.

Jun Mingyu said, “Human potential is limitless. If you think about it, you might just succeed, right?”

Ye Wenhan never thought he would be squeezed to this extent by them.

Both of them were waiting for Ye Wenhan’s answer.

After a long time, Ye Wenhan finally said, “How can I be sure that if I help you delay the court session, you will return the things to me!”

“Rest assured, revealing your news has no benefit to me at all. It would only ruin your reputation, and wouldn’t affect me in the slightest. I won’t go to the trouble of doing such an unprofitable thing.” Jun Mingyu spoke calmly, “After November 5, which is fifteen days after the court session on October 20, I will return everything to you in its original form. No copies!”

“How can I possibly trust you!”

“But you don’t have a choice to decline.” Jun Mingyu was straightforward.

Ye Wenhan was extremely angry.

“I’m giving you an opportunity to negotiate now, you better learn to treasure it.” Jun Mingyu reminded.

Reminding him not to bargain here, or else there might be nothing left to negotiate.

Ye Wenhan didn’t expect to be forced to this point by them again!

He was a high-ranking executive of Commercial Management.

Despite his high position and authority, he always seemed to be calculated by them.

Jun Mingyu smiled, “Mr. Ye, there are only four days left before Song Zhizhi’s court session, you should hurry and think about how to delay it. Otherwise…” Jun Mingyu deliberately raised his phone, “this news… I believe the citizens of Yanshang Country would love to see …”

Ye Wenhan turned pale.

He glared at Jun Mingyu, then gave Song Zhizhi a fierce glare.

At that moment, he wished he could tear Song Zhizhi apart!

He would never let this woman off, never!

The next second.

He turned and stormed off.

After he left.

Only Song Zhizhi and Jun Mingyu were left in the interrogation room.

As well as two prison guards, of course.

It seemed that regardless of whether the two prison guards were aligned with Jun Mingyu, they knew when to take a hint.

They respectfully retreated and stood outside the door.

Jun Mingyu said, “I racked my brain but couldn’t find a way to stall your trial, but you and Ji Baijian did. Of course, we couldn’t stop Jun Minghan, but Ye Wenhan could. Ye Wenhan insisted that Jun Minghan give him some face, and at this time Jun Minghan realistically would not tear his face with the leader of Commercial Management. He will definitely give him some face. You’re truly clever.”

Song Zhizhi shook her head, “I also didn’t have confidence, it was just a gamble. If this route didn’t work…”

If Ye Wenhan had not been fooled today.

She could only resort to hurting herself, and she wasn’t even sure that would work. Jun Minghan could simply rule her guilty for attempting suicide to avoid punishment.

Her case was what the public wanted, and no matter how Jun Minghan ruled, it would please the public. No one would seek justice for her!


Ye Wenhan proved to be a fool.

All he could think about was how to seek his own revenge and please himself! He completely ignored what kind of period it was and what he should do!

He had no view of the bigger picture.

Song Zhizhi took a deep breath, “Anyway, thank you.”

Jun Mingyu said indifferently, “I’ve said it before, the only one who can help you is yourself. I merely seized the moment.”

Song Zhizhi didn’t say more.

Jun Mingyu also didn’t speak further.

The most important thing now was the evidence.

Without strong evidence, even a hundred more days would be the same!

Jun Mingyu slightly nodded at Song Zhizhi, turned, and left the interrogation room.

As he left, he sternly instructed the prison guards at the door, “Song Zhizhi’s case is of great importance and should have no errors. If anything similar to today’s events happens to her again, you will be the ones to answer for it!”

“Yes!” The two prison guards responded with utmost respect.

Jun Mingyu left.

Song Zhizhi watched Jun Mingyu’s retreating figure.

Would there come a day when this man truly reigned supreme?!

In her past life, at least in her lifetime, the Jun family hadn’t experienced a drastic change!

She had no idea who would win in the end!

She came back to her senses.

At this moment, the prison guards were leading her back to her cell.

Actually, thinking about that now was premature!

The most urgent thing now was how she could prove her innocence and leave this place.

With Ji Baijian helping her so much outside, she couldn’t just sit and wait for death.

She needed to calm down and carefully think through to see if there was anything she had overlooked in the entire process!

The moment Ye Wenhan left the detention center and drove off, he felt like he was going insane!

Song Zhizhi, Song Zhizhi!

He wished he could kill her!

He thought he had finally waited for the day Song Zhizhi regretted, he thought he could finally take revenge on Song Zhizhi, but he never thought he would once again fall into her trap!

He gritted his teeth.

He gritted his teeth and roared the car along with all his fury.

He headed straight to the Commercial Management organization.

His face was dark.

The passing employees wanted to greet him, but seeing his current state, they didn’t even dare to breathe.

They’ve never seen Mr. Ye in such a state before.

Such a terrifying state.

Ye Wenhan didn’t go straight back to his office but directly to Qian Guanshu’s office.

The office door was pushed open shortly.

Qian Guanshu was on a phone call at that moment. Seeing Ye Wenhan’s rude behavior, his face darkened for a moment, but quickly returned to normal. His tone was quite upbeat and said, “Mr. Jun, be assured, according to our current information, Ji Baijian hasn’t made any progress, and there are still four days left. Even God cannot help Song Zhizhi!”

There was more talk on the other end.

Qian Guanshu seemed delighted, he laughed a few times without hiding it and muttered some pleasantries.

He hung up the call, and his face immediately changed when he saw Ye Wenhan.

Qian Guanshu glared at him fiercely. “What is your position now?! Can’t you have some manners!”

“What manners can I have?! I was a wild child, I grew up without a father, even the mother I had couldn’t be around me. All they demanded was for me to do this and that!” Ye Wenhan’s voice was loud. Although he knew that the office had excellent soundproofing, he didn’t bother about it at that moment.

Qian Guanshu’s face darkened even further, “Did you eat an explosion today? Why are you creating such a scene!”

Then, he carefully locked the office door.

Qian Guanshu was careful and meticulous in all his works. Compared to Ye Wenhan, he was indeed like a worthless weakling!

“Anyway, I’m just a wild child born but not raised by my mother, grew up in an orphanage without a father. No matter what I do, it never meets your expectations. Not only that, but you also never look at me kindly, you incessantly have demands on me. Have you ever thought, how did I manage to survive? Suddenly you want me to accept such an enormous power and position from having nothing. Did you ever think about my feelings? Did you ever think if I could bear this kind of pressure?”

“Ye Wenhan, what the hell do you want today!” Qian Guanshu was furious.

It’s been over a year.

A year’s time!

And now, Ye Wenhan is accusing him!

He regretted not nurturing Ye Wenhan by his side, but he was forced to do so due to the circumstances. Otherwise, Ye Wenhan wouldn’t have turned out like this.

“I was schemed by Song Zhizhi again today! I was tricked by her again. What can I do? I’m just no match for her. I’ve never learned anything since I was young, and I’m no match for anyone!” Ye Wenhan said, “I’m telling you now, tell your son I’m about to fall into disgrace. Don’t expect anything from me anymore. Kick me out of the commercial management directly. I don’t have the capability to be a helmsman in the business. Let me fend for myself, and I will go back to my days without parents!!”

“Enough!” Qian Guanshu cursed, “Do you have to be so dramatic over a little setback, Ye Wenhan? Can’t you be a little mature, be a man?”

“I wish I could, but in the end, I’ve tried my best. However, my capability is limited, I can’t meet your expectations!”

“What the hell happened!” Qian Guanshu roared.

Ye Wenhan refuse to say.

He would not say even if he was to die.

“Ye Wenhan! What on earth happened? How were you schemed by Song Zhizhi? How could she trick you when she’s in a detention center?!” Qian Guanshu was also furious, speaking of it.

How helpless could Ye Wenhan possibly be!

He had placed so much effort into grooming him, and this was how he repaid him?!

“Yes, even though Song Zhizhi is in this situation, she can still trick me. What use am I? What can I be useful for in the future!” Ye Wenhan seemed completely self-abandoned!

Qian Guanshu felt like he’s going to be angered to death by Ye Wenhan.

But at that moment, he endured it.

He endured it again and again.

Thinking about how Ye Wenhan indeed didn’t grow up by his side, even if Nie Wenzhi was teaching him in the dark, he couldn’t take care of everything personally. Ye Wenhan’s environment made it tough for him to grow up, making him feel a bit guilty.

His tone softened a little bit, “First, tell me, what exactly happened? There’s nothing that can’t be resolved.”

Ye Wenhan saw his father seemed to be less angry and then began to talk about how he was tricked by Song Zhizhi today.

As soon as it came out,

Qian Guanshu exploded.

He couldn’t help but yell at Ye Wenhan, “Are you stupid? You clearly knew Song Zhizhi meant you harm, yet you still fell for her trick. You even let her collude with Jun Mingyu and caught you red-handed! Don’t you think before you act?!”

“Yes, I’m stupid, I’m an idiot!” Ye Wenhan said with self-abandonment, “I wanted to retaliate because Song Zhizhi tricked me so badly in the beginning. I want to feel good inside, I want to find a sense of accomplishment, I want to prove I’m not that stupid! But who knows, evidences time and again prove that I’m the pinnacle of stupidity!”

Qian Guanshu glared at Ye Wenhan fiercely.

He was so angry at that moment that his body was shaking.

It’s not just he was mad at his son’s incompetence, but even more so, he was angry that Ji Baijian and Song Zhizhi were stronger than he thought!

He was even able to bring down Ye Taiting yet, unexpectedly he got led around by the nose by them!

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