My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 332 - Absolute Collapse, The Last Straw That Broke The Camels Back!

Chapter 332: Absolute Collapse, The Last Straw That Broke The Camel’s Back!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the wasteland, because of luck, many people had managed to avoid the ruthlessness of the early stages. In fact, because they had obtained certain items, they had even become rich over a short period of time.

However, at this point, out of all these daring pioneers, Su Mo was the only one left who had been able to display his talents and bravery in the two previous disasters.

Just like an evergreen tree, after announcing the details of the disaster in such a high-profile manner, Su Mo once again used a method that no one had expected…

He announced his return!

After informing Pei Shao to set out, he pulled up the chat box that he used to communicate with Shen Ke and replied to Shen Ke in more detail. After that, Su Mo stood up and stretched.

In the World Channel, even though twenty minutes had passed since Su Mo sent out the information about the disaster, the arguments about this impending event had not yet ceased.

The lone wolves were discussing how to use facilities to avoid the disaster, while everyone else was collectively debating on how to use existing tools to fight it, as well as how to protect their ships. It was an endless stream of opinions.

While browsing, Su Mo even saw an advertisement from Hope Village.

But there was one central point of discussion that did not change from start to finish.

This matter was real!

What Su Mo said was true!

A disaster would really come in this manner!

“It seems I’ve truly underestimated my influence.

“It’s no wonder these people are targeting me. If this trend does continue and a few more disasters occur, I’ll still be able to maintain my position as number one. My authority to speak might well reach a frightening level too.

“When that time comes, not only will my status surpass everyone else’s—even reaching the same level as the game itself is something entirely possible!”

Su Mo shook his head and looked at the immaculately clean workbench as well as the robot worker who was still hurriedly making artillery shells. He felt slightly emotional as he strode toward the second floor.

As of now, there was only one variable left.

He had to ensure that the foreign races would not call off this attack!

In the timeline of the future, without sufficient information, Su Mo was not sure if these dim-witted foreign races would still come to covertly attack the basin as they had planned.

Therefore, what was necessary now was to draw attention to this matter of the foreign races.

Su Mo already had a plan in mind for this step.

“Connie, come with me. Today there’s something I need your help with!”

Connie was startled when Su Mo called her. However, she quickly stood up and followed him.

Holding an umbrella with the extremely deferential and respectful Connie following, Su Mo pushed open the door of the underground shelter. Man and lioness walked out together, one following behind the other.

Su Mo did not say anything, and Connie did not ask.

After becoming part of Oreo’s clan, Connie had very deliberately transferred her status to a lower one.

Compared to the villagers, Connie—who had the Inherited Memories of her race and had studied in her clan for more than ten years—clearly knew how to make her superiors happy and more comfortable.

Maintaining this tacit understanding, one leaving deeper tracks and the other shallower ones, man and lioness quickly went down the muddy road, arriving at the massive beast-like Hope One.

Su Mo turned the key and opened the cockpit door.

He motioned for Connie—whose face was filled with curiosity—to come in with him. He connected the engine and threw the power switch. Once he saw that the power had resumed, Su Mo sat down grandly in the main pilot’s seat.

“You should know what I want you to do today, right?”

Connie immediately nodded. “I know, but Su… Master, don’t worry. From the moment I joined Oreo’s clan, there was no turning back for me. You can rest assured about me. Right now, the chat channel of the foreign faces is in complete chaos. As long as we add on a little more information, I guarantee that there won’t be any problems!”

“Oh? It’s already chaotic?”

After rapping on the steel table and hearing Connie’s sincere greeting of “Master”, Su Mo smiled.

The first time when he had linked to Connie’s core, Su Mo had discovered only then from the foreign races’ chat channel that Clark had asked all foreign races crossing the border to stop.

The other foreign races had not said much either. They had merely treated it as a form of protection extended by the Five Royal Clans.

However, after these few days of being dormant, under Clark’s publicizing, this temporary pause was slowly changing in nature!

Ever since twelve days ago, when Clark officially announced that he had a plan to deal with Old Devil Su and kill him…

All the foreign races had begun celebrating wildly!

Of course, even though all of the other races were ‘celebrating’ at the beginning, everyone knew that this was only superficial flattery, the kind that was done routinely.

There were even quite a few foreign races who praised Clarke volubly on the chat channel, before switching to private messages and cursing him instead.

The reason was very simple.

Even though the Five Royal Clans were powerful, they were not as powerful as Old Devil Su. They did not have the power to kill a god.

To kill off Old Devil Su, all the foreign races knew that there had to be at least several deities on their side. They might very well have to attack all at the same time too.

As for relying on the five Royal Clans to do it themselves?

What a joke!

However, no one could have imagined that as time went on, under daily congratulations from all the foreign races, something which everyone had assumed was a joke at the beginning…

Had gradually become a reality at a preposterous speed!

Yes, even the Five Royal Clans—who had formulated the plan and had been encouraged by the humans to try it out—had not expected this at the start.

Hypothetically speaking, if one pulled up the World Channel to look at the chat and see what had happened today, one would realize that the previous topics of conversation about the wasteland were gone.

Topics about the foreign races and humans were also gone. Even the gossip about foreign races that everyone was most interested in was gone.

Overnight, only one thing remained on the entire screen…

Old Devil Su was going to die. Old Devil Su was just about finished. The foreign races were going to slaughter the strongest person in the human race, and the plan of the Five Royal Clans was going to succeed.

On the first day, one could look at these people like they were idiots and think they were merely bragging.

The next day, one could still do the same!

What about the third, fourth, and fifth days, however?

Every day, once anyone pulled up the World Channel, everybody else would be talking about this topic.

Every time they wanted to discuss other things, after a few sentences, they would resume talking about Old Devil Su.

Could anyone withstand the pressure under such circumstances?

The end results were very obvious. Even foreign races with an intelligence of merely 250 could not handle it. They succumbed to the pressure…

In only four days!

From the fifth day onward, less than 1% of the foreign races with weak willpower began thinking.

Was Old Devil Su really done for?

Why was everyone talking about this!?

It seemed like there really was an invincible plan to send Old Devil Su to his death!

The inception of such a thought was like a pyramid scheme. Once the floodgates were open, it would swiftly spread to all the foreign races at an unimaginable speed, poisoning everyone’s minds!

It took two days for the foreign races to get from 1% to 10%!

However, to get from 10% to 99%, the foreign races only needed…

One single morning!

In addition, Su Mo had also been extremely “cooperative” by lying low for a long time.

Gradually, when Clark of the Cursed Tiger clan put on a show once more and spoke up, vowing to get rid of Old Devil Su…

This time, everyone believed him!

Within a few days, the morale of the foreign races increased significantly.

A peculiar equation was also disseminated openly by the “highly intelligent ones” of the foreign races!

Old Devil Su slaying gods = Old Devil Su was a god!

Crushing Old Devil Su underfoot = crushing a god underfoot = one was more powerful than a god = one was a god among gods!

With this “sense of inflated importance”, some of the foreign races who had not dared to speak up previously and whose strength rating was below 1, also started popping up and chiming in with the stampeding army in the chat.

The first line of their private messages changed from a greeting to this phrase.

Did you crush him today?

Of course, the more outrageously inflated this bubble became, the more miserable they would be after it burst!

After the addition of the language chip and learning some elegant Huaxian phrases, Connie had gradually become proficient in some lame jokes.

Upon hearing Su Mo’s question, she replied without hesitation.

“Yes, Master. As long as you link to my core, you’ll be able to see this magnificent scene. It’s simply spectacular!”

Seeing the satisfied look on Connie the lioness’ face, Su Mo’s smile did not diminish. He chose to initiate the link.

A pale green panel glowed, and the sanctuary connection was triggered.

After seeing that his own panel had been completely converted to Connie’s foreign race panel, Su Mo clicked and joined the World Channel.

As anticipated, the atmosphere here…

Was very lively!

[Flower Bird-Capturing Moon Dog: F*ck, do any of you have connections to any humans? Quickly help verify if this is genuine or not! My informant rushed over and told me that the human god, the Almighty Su, has surfaced again. Not only that, this time, he said that an ocean disaster is coming. We are going to encounter a waterfall-like rainstorm that will fall from the sky, and it will last for ten seconds. Is this true? Isn’t Old Devil Su about to die?]

[Snow-piercing Ice Fox: It can’t be. How would Old Devil Su know where the calamity is coming from? Isn’t he just an ordinary human? Our deities didn’t even warn us. What merits or skills does he have to know what future disasters are? Is he trying to deceive us all??]

[Dark Shadow Nine Grass Pig: Snow-piercing Ice Fox, you better shut your big mouth. You’re the one who makes the biggest fuss every day—you don’t believe in this, you don’t believe in that. If you have the guts, go and ask Old Devil Su. Damn it, he’s someone who has slaughtered a god. Don’t tell me your god warned you about this—your useless deities are just cannon fodder for Old Devil Su. Stop barking up a storm every day and get lost!]

[Snow-piercing Ice Fox: You’re the f*cking dog, you and your sniveling mouth. Didn’t you say yesterday that you were going to take Old Demon Su’s hand and use it as an appetizer for wine? Why are you afraid of him now? I think you’re a coward who’s easily swayed. Get lost, don’t let me catch you at sea, you punk!]

[Morning Flame Orange Gecko: Stop yelling, all of you. Old Devil Su definitely isn’t lying. Besides, this matter isn’t beneficial to him. Can you pig brains actually start thinking a little more every day? Hurry up and find someone to verify this. If this is true, we’ll have to flee.]

[Purple Cloud Giant Carnivorous Rat: It’s probably not fake news. According to the intelligence sent by our rat clan scouts, the Crimson Moon Shelter and the Dawn Sword Shelter have already started showing signs of activity. Based on that, the news is probably genuine. Moreover, just like what the old lizard said, this matter doesn’t benefit Old Devil Su at all. If he could announce something like that, it’s because of his so-called ‘savior’ of mankind complex acting up, so it’s very likely true!]

[Bone Eroding Great Python: The Crimson Moon and Dawn Sword Shelters are both large shelters with more than 5,000 people. If they’re starting to stir, then this matter is serious. It’s fortunate we didn’t kill off Su Mo in advance. Otherwise, we would all be in trouble now!]

[Snow Soaring Bear: Where are the Royal Clans? The Five Royal Clans usually take so many resources from us and so many advantageous positions. Why are they still pretending they’re dead now? Why isn’t Su Mo dead yet? Didn’t you all say that he’s finished? Are you toying with me?]

[Crystal Dragon: Hey coward, watch what you’re saying. Don’t let me see it a second time. We didn’t say that Old Devil Su is dead. The Cursed Tigers have already gone to inquire about the news. Don’t be anxious, everyone. When the time comes, whether it’s real or fake news, we already have so many advantages. There’s no reason for us to lose out to the humans!]

[Snow Soaring Bear: Oh? You’re even trying to threaten me, are you now? Didn’t that fool Clark say that you guys already have a thorough plan to get rid of Old Devil Su? Why isn’t he dead yet? The way I see it, all of you conspired with Old Devil Su to set us up, then use us as your tools, didn’t you?]

[Crystal Dragon: F*ck, eat whatever rubbish you want, but don’t simply spout rubbish. I think there’s something wrong with your ursine brain. What do you mean we’re conspiring with Old Devil Su—you’re actually spreading such rumors here? Do you want to die?]

[Snow Soaring Bear: Let’s settle this then. I’m your daddy. If you don’t like it, come over here. You useless dragon and Clark are really compatible—both of you have pig brains.]

[Primordial Pig: Snow Soaring Bear, clean up your language. We’ll settle this matter. Don’t make a fuss for now.]

[Snow Soaring Bear: I just mentioned pig brains, and sure enough, this pig thinks it’s directed at him. Stop bullshitting. Get Clark to come and fight me!]



The entire foreign race chat channel was in utter chaos!

However good the situation had been a few days ago, currently—after things had suddenly blown up in reverse—it was now equally chaotic!

Two hours ago, all the foreign races were still talking about how to slaughter mankind like humans harvesting chives, and how to show off their skills on the ocean.

However, after 9:30, all the foreign races were like cats on a hot tin roof—completely frantic!

The “Old Devil Su” whom they were already talking about as if he were dead had miraculously popped up again and even given them a piece of information that threatened their very lives.

This feeling of uncertainty cast a shadow over the hearts of every single foreign race.

The first thing to bear the brunt of this was the World Channel, which was now in a full-blown argument.

Crystal Dragon possessed a strength rating of 9.6 points, which was 0.4 points higher than Cursed Tiger’s 9.2 points. It was a very powerful being.

Snow Soaring Bear had 10.8 points, which was 1.2 points higher than Crystal Dragon. This was the strongest being Su Mo had ever seen among all the foreign races.

Even though judging such matters required taking into account the different innate talents of each race, Snow Soaring Bear certainly had the qualifications to challenge the Five Royal Clans.

Right now, every word he said was like a knife stabbing into the hearts of the Five Royal Clans, making them feel extremely uncomfortable.

At the same time, a rhythm gradually began surfacing in the world chat.

Oh yes, did they not say that they had killed Su Mo?

Why was he still alive and well?

If he had not come out to warn everyone, they would have been pounded to death by the rainstorm!

The Five Royal Clans were utter trash!

In the channel, this ‘ally’, Snow Soaring Bear, was like a harridan cursing the whole street in his online altercations. He was not at a disadvantage even when he was up against more than a few people.

Su Mo turned around and looked at Connie.

Connie, who had been watching the World Channel with him, gave a knowing smile.

“Master, do you need me to add a bit of fuel to the fire?” Connie tilted her head and asked in the cutest manner when she caught Su Mo’s glance.

She spoke in the most adorable fashion, her expression likewise while talking about betraying the foreign races.

Compared to the Connie of more than ten days ago, her manner was much more unrestrained now after her promotion and salary increase.

However, this tactic made Su Mo laugh out loud as he sat in his chair.

“Do I even need to say it? Go ahead!”

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