My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 364 - Patching Up Foundations, Abundant Hidden Rewards

Chapter 364 - Patching Up Foundations, Abundant Hidden Rewards

Up until now, out of all the different cards, Su Mo had obtained two kinds.

The first type was cards derived from resources.

Whether it was related to spawning, creation and modification, or restoring reserves, these cards were sufficient to transform the internal environment of a shelter.

If one could accumulate enough resource cards, even a barren, infertile location could be transformed into a haven through the power of these cards!

These aside, the other type of card was the function cards that had various properties.

Examples were the powerful Mountain and Sea Painting Scroll card, the Stealing the Day, Changing the Light card, which could avoid game detection, the storage card that released an excavator, and many others.

These cards possessed miraculous power from unknown sources; if used in the correct place, every single one of them could turn an entire situation on its head.

However, as Su Mo stared at the cards in front of him, each containing different properties, the corner of his eye twitched as he pulled up the properties analysis panel.

[Memory Weapon Manifestation Card (Rare)]

[Description: A card that contains records of unusual manifestation power. When the player uses this card, they can extract a weapon from their memory and make it tangible. Please take note that this card can only manifest the weapon. It will not manifest the corresponding ammunition for that weapon.

[Range of Manifestation]: Dependent on the bond between player and weapon

[Limitation 1]: There is a fixed success rate for manifestation. When manifesting, the card will automatically analyze the nine essential elements of the manifested item including level, lethality, rarity… and set the chances of success. When the chance of success is not 100%, there is a risk of failing the manifestation. Once the manifestation fails, the card will vanish.

[Limitation 2]: The Manifestation Card can undergo fusion. The chances of successful manifestation increase with each fusion.

[Limitation 3]: When manifesting the same weapon, each failure will result in a fixed accumulation of success rates. When success rate is full, manifestation is guaranteed.

[Limitation 4]: Cannot be traded.

[Resale Value]: High

[Resale Price]: 800 Disaster Points

The card's properties were not hard to understand at all. Su Mo glanced at the bottom of the card and decided to try something out. In his heart, he chose to mutely speak the glorious name of the weapon that both humans and foreign races remembered…


In terms of bond, even if there were people on Earth who had actually operated Dongfeng-17 before, they could not compare to even half of Su Mo's bond with it!

After all, there would not be a second person who could single-handedly sit in the "fantasy" ballistic missile truck and launch the Dongfeng Missile.

[Weapon selection success, calculating bond, current bond 95.6%, manifesting… Dongfeng-17 Missile, calculating success rate…]

[Current manifestation success rate 0.003%, every failure increases success rate by 0.001%, Do you wish to manifest?]


Su Mo chuckled upon seeing that the success rate the card had given him was higher than expected. He then shook his head to cancel the manifestation. After that, he attempted to manifest every single weapon currently on Hope One.

Among these, for items that contained practically no technology—whether it was an explosive charge, handgun, rifle, or a machine gun—the Manifestation Card granted a 100% success rate for them all.

Even for weapons that Su Mo had seen on Earth but not actually operated before, the success rate for those weapons was higher than 90%.

If one were to speculate according to this…

"If official organizations have four to five cards like this one that can actually manifest a few objects, then their confidence this time makes perfect sense!

"No, it can't be, if there are Weapon Manifestation Cards like this, are there other types of Manifestation Cards then?

"For example… ammunition? Tools? Basic facilities?"

One could extrapolate the whole from just a hint.

Since Su Mo had lived on the wasteland for such a long time and had seen a considerable number of instruments and tools that defied reason, he accepted new things very quickly.

After letting his imagination run free about the functions of other types of cards, Su Mo did not pursue this matter any further. Instead, he focused on opening up the remaining chests.

With these 21 gold chests, it seemed that his good luck had returned after vanishing while opening the bronze and silver chests. There were four instances where sparkles of light appeared.

Based on the ratios, a one-in-five drop rate was a very shocking statistic.

Su Mo made an inventory of all the items obtained from the gold and silver chests.

After pulling up the Resource Record in the game panel that he had not used in quite some time, he willed his thoughts and intentions like a blade and began to write.

[Blueprint Type]: Good-quality blueprints*14, excellent-quality blueprints*11, super miniature metal refinery construction manual (rare-quality)*1, Zongheng Brand Ocean Speedboat (rare-quality)*1, high-strength anti-corrosion wire production drawings (rare-quality)*1.

[Tool Type]: 6 good-quality tools, 14 excellent-quality tools, electric auger bit (rare-quality)*1, 40-meter high-speed transmission cable (rare-quality)*1, high-capacity safety charger (rare-quality)*1

[Instruments]: Good-quality instruments*4, excellent-quality instruments*4, scuba-diving breathing apparatus set (rare-quality)*1, liquid replication machine (rare-quality)*1

[Coupon Type]: First-level random resource generation card*2, 0.2 m3 storage space expansion coupon*1, first-level designated resource modification card (reserves expansion)*1, Memory Weapon Manifestation card*2, second-level resource generation card*1, Reserve Recovery Card, (5%)*1

The spoils from this battle were quite bountiful compared to the previous battles. The items that he had obtained, whether they were blueprints or tools, were enough to make up for some of the fundamentals that he had been forced to overlook due to how fast the shelter had expanded.

All the blueprints basically encompassed the shortcomings of the shelter's infrastructure. Once he learned how to construct them, the capabilities within the shelter's territory would be increased significantly.

As for the coupons, two first-level resource cards and one second-level resource card had spawned. This meant a bright future for the basin.

Of the remaining items, the one that Su Mo was most interested in was still one that had appeared in the instruments category…

The liquid replication machine!

"This thing can even replicate psychic energy water—not bad, not bad at all, but the cost…

"It's just too expensive!"

The liquid replication machine was half as tall as an average person. In appearance, its design was not that much different from a washing machine.

It was truly a no-brainer to use.

One only had to add approximately 10ml of the liquid that one desired to replicate and set it as the main source for replication. One then added liquid of similar volume into the machine before pressing the "replicate" button.

Depending on the quality of the liquid that was being replicated and its rarity, the user would have to pay the corresponding cost to successfully execute the replication process.

If this item had been obtained in the early stages of the game when everyone was in need of water, it could have been one of the most powerful items in the game.

However, in this stage of the game, where all the players had reserves of freshwater, it could only be used to increase a player's advantage!

Of course, even replicating just one ton of freshwater required 100 Disaster Points.

The cost of replicating other types of liquids, though, would rise exorbitantly!

For example, replicating a liter of psychic energy water would require 5000 Disaster Points.

Apart from Su Mo himself, no other individual in the wasteland could afford such a high sum!

Because of the costs involved, this item appeared to be useless.

However, after some consideration, Su Mo still managed to find a way to showcase its capabilities.

The bucket of light-absorbing paint that he had previously obtained from the ruins of Liangfang Town was also considered a liquid!

If that paint could be mass-produced and then applied onto Hope One's surface, despite not being able to achieve an effect similar to cloaking in broad daylight—the paint would only be able to obscure its visibility from a few kilometers away—at night the ship could transform into a true "phantom in the dark".

Beyond 300 meters, as long as Hope One did not turn on any lights, even if one observed carefully, they would only be able to make out a vague shape.

From 500 to 800 meters on, the vessel could achieve an effect similar to being half-cloaked, blending with the color of the water.

Once the ship was outside the one-kilometer range, even foreign races with special vision abilities would not be able to spot Hope One through mere sight alone.

Su Mo had greatly desired such a powerful stealth capability ever since he designed Hope One, but unfortunately, he only had one bucket of paint. That was not enough to paint even the bow of the ship.

He certainly had not anticipated unexpectedly obtaining an item like this once he had set sail. All things considered, it was a fantastic deal!

As for the replication costs…

"I only need to cover the ship with a thin layer of paint, so if 1kg of paint can cover 4m2 to 6m2, the most I would need to replicate is one ton of paint.

"Compared with the psychic energy water…"

Su Mo experimented by pouring 10ml of paint into the replication machine. The light on the game panel flickered and displayed the cost of producing 1 kilogram of paint.

3.8 survival points.

It was neither expensive nor cheap. If he were only painting Earth Tiger, then it would be an extremely good deal.

However, because Hope One's surface area was too big, the cost jumped straight to approximately 3800 points!

Su Mo mused for a while, then drew in a deep breath as he shifted his gaze toward the balance of his Disaster Points.

Before seeing it, he had been fine; once he saw the number on the screen, however, he was absolutely shocked!

After discovering that he had 18200 points, Su Mo smacked his head and beamed in delight.

"How could I forget that points were also awarded for defeating the foreign races!

"I was awarded 500 points just for blowing up the lions' camp. Yesterday I eradicated… 14 races, no wonder I've obtained so many rewards."

Now that the number of times he could transfer (within a 5-kilometer radius) had become 15—excluding the reward for the Hope Villagers finishing off the two lions—he could now calculate very precisely that…

Yesterday's battle had completely annihilated 14 races!

Even though Su Mo had become increasingly undemonstrative as of late, he could not contain his excitement when he saw those rewards.

This feeling was similar to buying a lottery ticket and considering it lucky if one managed to win several hundred bucks—then unexpectedly winning five hundred thousand instead!

No one could contain themselves under those circumstances!

"Upgrading a level 5 shelter would require 10,000 points; replicating the paint requires 3800 points. I'll still be left with 4400 points after spending all of that, so I have nothing to worry about!"

After some calculation and realizing that he had sufficient resources, Su Mo raised his brows and moved the liquid replication machine to the outer perimeter. He then began working.

There had simply been far too many pleasant surprises in this battle.

Su Mo was very grateful that he could reap such bounties while on the way to pick up his sister!

If he could find a ruin to enter in the next ten days of travel, even if he decided to back out immediately because the conditions were too dangerous, that would also fulfill all the criteria needed to upgrade his level 5 shelter.

All the missions he had planned during this voyage would then be complete!

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