Chapter 416: Veni, Vidi, Vici!

Translator: Endless Fantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


That noise sounded like the beginning of heaven and earth, the beginning of all


That noise sounded ike the morning bell and the evening drum, the spring8

wind and rain!

That noise shocked all those who fell to the ground, making them freeze!

That noise shocked all those who were kowtowing, making them stop!

Compared to the giant gods in the sky, Almighty Su, a human being, looked as

insignificant as an ant!

However, for some reason, Almighty Su at this moment looked infinitely taller

in everyone’s eyes. He was like a giant in the sky, and on par with the Five


Did Almighty Su give up?

Had Almighty Su fallen to his knees?

Almighty Su was asking everyone to..


“Everyone who’s kneeling, straighten your spines and stand up from the ground!”

“Take a good look at what’s above your heads!”

Holding a microphone in one hand and pointing at the sky with the other, Su

Mo’s hair stood on end in anger, looking like a god of war. His shouts shook the

heavens and the earth!

Following in the direction his finger pointed at, everyone’s gazes glanced

across Shaoxing Dog at the front, and then Crystal Dragon at the back.

They looked at the tiger, the pig, and then the monkey.

At this moment, Su Mo did not say much. However, just by pointing at them,

about three out of ten of those kneeling immediately stood up and stared

angrily at the sky!

They understood what Su Mo wanted to say!

The Five True Gods were gods, but they were also just beasts!

Since when could a fat pig insult a human being to this extent!

Since when could a mischievous, rogue monkey crush humans and break their


Humankind’s ancestors on Earth had stood at the top of the biological food

chain for thousands of years not because they had accepted charity, nor

because they were pitied.




Heroes were remembered and their figures were carved into stone monuments.

Survivors were always forgotten and reduced to faceless silhouettes.

People always said that time would erase all wounds, and that one day you

would forget the pain and get better. However, some pain could never be

forgotten and some wounds would never heal.

If they knelt today, humanity’s wounds would never heal.

If they yielded today, humankind would be forced to live in the shadows,

saying goodbye to tomorrow forever!

They possessed the most precious qualities, and the potential to not lose to any

race. They had..

Almighty Su!

They would not kneel!

Knock, knock, knock.

Familiar background nmusic started to play. Under the shocked gazes of the Five

Gods and the thousands of humans present in that region, an unknown aura

suddenly began to gather around Hope One!

“I am not afraid of anything!”

“However, the only thing I fear..”

“Is that the honest will be forced to lie, that the upright will be forced to bend,

that the outspoken will be forced to keep their silence, that the idealists will

see, with their own eyes…”

“Their ideals shattered!”

“O everyone who is kneeling on the ground, stand up, and place your trust in

me! In front of the pseudo gods in the sky, connect your strength with mine!”

“We fought all the way here not to change the world, but to keep the world

from changing us!”

“We must walk all the way, until we reach the light at the end of the tunnel!”

“We must walk all the way, until everything eventually goes up in flames and

turns into ashes!”



The waves undulated on the ocean.

Unbeknownst to everyone, the frozen surface of the ocean had been reduced to

a thin sheet of ice.

As the ocean surged from underneath, the ice floes broke up, floating into the

distance, never to return.

The five ancestral gods looked down, their jaws open wide. Even though they

were true gods, they momentarily could not comprehend what was going on.

Within their field of vision, a strange wave of energy actually erupted from

within the tiny ant standing on the tiny Hope One.

This energy was invisible and traceless.

Compared to the wasteland authority, it was much fainter.

Miraculously, it was an ability they did not have and had not even seen before!

The heavens and the earth are the furnaces while everything within them is


When a spark was ignited, it was the time for every injustice in the world to

burst into flames!

They had never heard about or seen anything like this.

They simply could not understand what was happening right now.

They did not know what this great spiritual fire that was burning across the

Ocean represented.

However, they were able to see something clearly. On this wasteland, as the

flames’ spread..

The people stood up!

More and more people were standing up!

Seven out of ten of those who were kneeling on the ground had stood up. They

glared angrily at the skies.

As for the remaining thirty percent..

“Arise, starving slaves!”

“Arise, suffering people of the world!”

“Let your blood boil with fury; we are going to fight for the truth!”

The main melody of the song was playing. At this moment, Su Mo was

shouting loudly alone.

The next second, the whole wasteland was filled with the voices of more and

more people as they joined in!

Against the background music of the Tang Dynasty band, led by Almighty Su,

everyone in the wasteland, people from different countries who spoke different

languages and pronounced words differently started to sing this battle song

almost at the same time!

They put their hands on their foreheads. Su Mo was the only thing they could

see, as their eyes were filled with fighting spirit. They started to gain hope for


“The old world will fall into pieces!”

“Rise up, slaves! Get up!”

“Don’t say that we own nothing”

“We will be the masters of the world!”

“There has never been a savior, nor a god or an emperor.”

“It’s up to us to create the happiness of humankind”

“This is the last struggle, unite until tomorrow!”


Line after line of heart-shaking lyrics rang out.

Seas upon seas of humans stood up.

Su Mo gave his answer to the sky, to the five self-righteous brutes up there!

All the humans standing on the wasteland also handed in their answers

regarding their tomorrow!

“O humans on the wasteland, please combine your power with mine! Please

lend your strength to Hope One!”

“Now, 1, the captain of Hope One and captain of the Hope fleet, a human from

Huaxia currently on this wasteland named Su Mo..”

“I invite everyone, I invite every human being on this wasteland, to join my


He was suddenly inspired.

Sensing the power in his body that was about to burst forth, Su Mo walked

quickly to the bow of the ship!

In front of everyone’s eyes, Su Mo raised the Battle Flag of Hope with his right

hand, and hammered his chest with his left hand.

Although all the humans on the wasteland did not know that this was just Su

Mo relieving the pain caused by the power that was bursting forth from his

body, they were united as they mimicked his actions..


It was as if some switch had been flipped, or some condition had been


As the Battle Flag of Hope danced high up in the air, the entire wasteland

suddenly shook.

In the Tundra fleet, every survivor straightened their chests, put their fists to

their hearts, and slowly hammered on it with their right hands.

On Iron Rock Mountain, every villager raised their left hands above their

heads, turned their gazes to the ocean’s horizon, and hammered their right

hands slowly on their chests.

On the Dragon Flag, the Polar Bear, the Daybreaker Sword, and the Crimson

Moon fleets… Each soldier walked out of their rooms and stood on the deck, hammering their chests slowly with their right hands.

In one thousand and two hundred battlefield areas..

Two billion right fists hammered on two billion hearts!

Under the horrified gazes of the foreign marine races and foreign terrestrial

races, every human being hammered their fists steadily on their chests at the

same frequency, as if they were guided by some sort of magic.

Specks of light slowly floated up from their heads, quickly converging together

before heading straight in one direction, as if attracted by a magnetic force.

The live broadcast stream feed displayed the area where the Tundra fleet was


was now dawn!

The overwhelming light completely illuminated the entire screen as specks of

light came from all over the wasteland.

They went straight into the Battle Flag of Hope held high in Su Mo’s hands,

making the flag shine brighter and brighter.

After a few seconds, as the magnetic force on the battle flag became stronger

and stronger, Su Mo’s hand loosened. It did not fall to the ground, but instead

slowly floated towards the sky.

As if inheriting the role of the sun, countless specks of light called “hope” held

the Battle Flag of Hope up higher and higher, completely illuminating the entire wasteland.

If one did not look up, the wasteland at this time was as bright as the eve of


The Five Gods, who had been occupying the entire sky, were squeezed out of

half the sky by the battle flag and could only huddle in the other half of the sky

in distress.

[Record]: Congratulations to the player Su Mo! Your ship Hope One’s legendary

upgrade is in progress.

[Record]: Player Su Mo, 2685036542 humans have applied to join your fleet.

Will you accept them?

[Record]: Player Su Mo, we detected a ??? power that is converging into your

vehicle Hope One. Will you accept this additional power?

[Record): Player Su Mo, accepting this power may cause irreversible damage to

your vehicle Hope One. Will you still accept?

“Agree to all applications to join the fleet!”

“Agree to accept the power enhancement!”

Seeing that the game, which had been playing dead, was finally jumping about

and issuing notification prompts, Su Mo was so excited that he immediately

stopped hesitating and directly chose to “Accept”.

Very good

Their godly incarnations descended, so what!

This time he would make these beasts feel pain. He wanted them to know that

this world belonged to humankind!

Not paying any heed to the roars of the five beasts in the sky, Su Mo walked

directly onto Hope One’s main deck.

With a pull and a push, a section of the main deck quickly receded and the

vertical missile launcher module beneath slowly rose up.

Su Mo had the experience of killing the Heavenly Dog Pseudo God last time.

Regarding these Five Gods, Su Mo’s intention from start to end, unbeknownst

to everyone, waS.

To kill them!

The ‘Real Survival’ version of the game would soon be launched, and the game

would thoroughly patch the bugs and loopholes that resulted from the gods


After this, such a good opportunity to extort something from the game would

be very hard to come by!

As such, if Su Mo wanted to rise up the ranks on this wasteland in a short

period of time, and resist the next wave of alien zombie attacks in the New

World, the reward for killing the Five Gods..

Had to be his!

“System, how many survival points do I have left now”

“Current survival points balance is… 86953!”

After many days of accumulation, Su Mo’s Survival Points were going to exceed

one hundred thousand points.

Based on previous upgrades, the system would definitely upgrade itself again if

he reached the milestone of one hundred thousand points.

At this moment though, Su Mo was not stingy. He bellowed in his mind, “Very

good! Spend all of them on these five missiles, and ensure that they’re at full


After he said that, a ray of green light shot out.

In a dimension that everyone, including the game and the Ancestor Gods,

could not see, the energy brought about by the expenditure of over eighty

thousand survival points resulted in a rapid transformation!

Everything was transformed, from the outward appearance of the missile, to

the inside; from the bottom of the missile’s engine, to the tip of the warhead.

This was Su Mo’s most frightening act of spending ever since he had arrived at

the wasteland. He did not know how the power of the missiles would change

after investing all those survival points.

However, when Su Mo saw the panic on the Five Gods’ faces that was

reminiscent of the Heavenly Dog Pseudo God’s, Su Mo could not help but let

out a loud laugh.

At this moment, after the missiles were loaded, the OS, which had been

running in the background, made its presence known once more.

[Captain Su Mo, the current five targets have been determined. Do you want to

launch the R-3 ballistic missile and carry out precision-guided strikes on the


The Defense Master’s scanning range was 200 kilometers, which translated

into a terrifying 200,000 meters.

As they did not possess any methods to obstruct or attenuate signals, the Five

Gods were unaware that they had been targeted by the OS from the very


“Su Mo, Su Mo, you are not human! You possess powers that no human should


“Surrender, no, share this power with us! We are willing to become your equals.

We can conquer more worlds alongside you!’

“Su Mo…”

Finally, the white light reached an extreme state after so many specks

converged with one another, and Hope One shone with a milky white glow.

Su Mo did not know what the purpose of this light was, but when he saw the

Five Gods clamoring to return to their homelands in panic, he laughed.

Oreo laughed.

All the humans on the wasteland laughed.

“Hello to the five guests who have come from afar. Allow me to send you off

with a gentlemanly goodbye!”

“Using the power of truth, we will be able to conquer every other living thing

during our lifetime!”


Under the gazes of thousands of people around him, Su Mo, with his head held

high and his arms open, seemed as bright as a shooting star.

Behind him…

Five “meteors” shot up!

It was over. Everything was really over this time!

Human civilization could finally start to shout out that one word that shook

people’s hearts.

This was..

This was a conquest!

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