Nameless King

Chapter 1035 Is It Possible To Kill An Immortal?

Vampires were known as one of the strongest races even among the Pillars, for several reasons. They were strong physically, second only to Axalts and Ashens, their magical abilities were also top-notch, but all of this was only secondary effects.

The most important of course was their regeneration, as well as quickly becoming stronger and replenishing energy with the blood of other creatures. Of course, vampires had natural enemies, the most famous of which were Ashens.

A Vampire could easily drink the blood of an Elf or Demon, but if a Vampire tried to do the same with an Ashen, it would be a deadly mistake. The flames would simply burn the Vampire leaving him no chance of survival.

It was also one of the reasons why Alucard and Gael's friendship was so strange and in some parts even ironic. Vampires and Ashens were not open enemies, but the peculiarities of their races prevented them from being allies.

However, although Vampires possessed amazing regeneration there were plenty of ways to kill them or temporarily disable their regeneration. Moreover, sometimes it was not necessary, as Vampires could not heal absolutely any wounds.

Different wounds took different amounts of time to regenerate, but to heal a Fifth Chronicle scratch a Vampire didn't even have to think about it, it happened automatically. 

It took some time to regenerate a limb, arm, or leg, but it was still relatively easy for a strong vampire. However, what about the internal organs, the heart and brain?

Well, that was a lot harder, and that's what experienced fighters used to use when fighting against Vampires. They knew that if the critical points were damaged, the Vampire would have two choices, either to run away or to concentrate all its strength on regeneration, thus remaining defenseless.

This was useful advice for anyone who was with an enemy Vampire on the same Chronicle, however, none of this mattered if the Vampire was much weaker.

If a Fifth Chronicle Elf fought against a Third Chronicle Vampire, the Elf did not try to wound the Vampire's heart or brain, the Elf simply turned the Vampire to dust in one spell. This was the advantage of having more power, causing everyone to strive for it.

Liang, as the holder of the Title - The Strongest One, wasn't going to use any tactics, he didn't need to. To achieve all of his goals, his skill was enough, nothing more.

ƥandasnovel·ƈom All the obstacles that were in front of him were not significant, as he could destroy them all using only his strength, which was the greatest in the entire world.

"Unbelievable..." Nakano muttered in disbelief, looking at what was left of Alucard.

"You see?" Wang asked with a serious expression, "This is the power of our Ruler. That arrogant Vampire didn't even have time to react before Mr. Liang launched 21 single attacks."

Nakano gulped, "Yeah...however, how is that possible? I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I'm one of the guardians... I believe I'm one of the strongest Axalts, and yet I was only able to see three swings."

Wang nodded, "Don't worry, it's completely normal. You still have room to grow, don't forget that you haven't reached the Transcendence Stage yet. When you reach that level, you'll realize how insignificant everything before was." 

Nakano nodded, then Wang turned around, meeting Gael's gaze. He wasn't afraid of him at all since they were on the same Stage.

"Don't you regret not staying in the arena?" Wang asked with narrowed eyes.

Gael said nothing, he just tilted his head as a slight smile appeared on his face.

Wang frowned, "You came into our world and caused our ruler to be distracted from his meditation. However, you turned out to be a terrible friend who didn't even help his mate."

Gael smirked, "Help...? Do you think Alucard needs my help? The best friend is the one who understands exactly what his friend needs, it's a true art that I've fully mastered for what feels like several hundred years now."

"Agh...? What are you talking about?" Nakano muttered, "You're so calm even though you just lost your friend... Even if Alucard has high regeneration, it's impossible to recover from such wounds!"

Gael shook his head, "You're right. Liang did a top-notch job. In twenty-one strokes, he cut through all of Alucard's organs, muscles, tendons, and even the brain. There isn't a single intact part. Even the most powerful regeneration isn't enough to recover from something like that, however, Alucard doesn't have high regeneration."

Nakano was puzzled as she gave him a questioning look.

Gael took a deep breath, "Looks like Alucard was right, and your intelligence has actually dropped after prolonged meditation, you've lost touch with the real world. Don't you realize it's no joke when we refer to Alucard as immortal?"I think you should take a look at

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

At the same moment, all parts of his body emitted a powerful bloody energy as in a heartbeat, Alucard fully recovered, appearing in the same place he was standing before.

Alucard twisted his neck in different directions, making a loud crunching sound as if he was putting it back in place, then a ringing crack went through all his bones.

"Damn, I haven't felt like this in a long time. With your first serious attack, you made me use full recovery. That's actually impressive. Now, do I deserve you to listen to me?" Alucard nonchalantly said without even looking at Liang.

"You've done nothing to earn that right." Liang calmly said, "You're just using your unique ability, it's not an indicator of your skills. I can't respect someone who hasn't put time and effort into their training, though... I doubt you've ever trained at all."

Alucard nodded, "Fine, then how about a bet?"

"Bet...? Liang muttered, slightly puzzled.

"I'll prove to you that your ideology is nonsense!" Alucard said confidently, pointing at Liang, "I like everyone in this world recognize your status, however, you didn't get it through training and years of meditation. Otherwise, everyone would be capable of it! Perseverance has a limit, many people are more persistent than you, but they are nowhere near your level!"

Liang frowned, showing some emotion for the first time, "In that case, what was the reason why I reached this level?"

Alucard spread his hands apart, "Anything! Philosophy, uniqueness, worldview, partially all of these things that created the one-of-a-kind essence epitomizing your power!"

"Nonsense!" Liang waved his hand with annoyance, "You're a Vampire! You know nothing of the true perseverance and labor that every Axalt puts into their training!"

Liang couldn't admit that Alucard was right, for then it devalued the labors of the members of his race. It was unacceptable to him, moreover, he was absolutely certain that Alucard was wrong.

"You are simply an anomaly in this world! Immortality should be taboo! Death must come for each of us sooner or later, and all we can do until then is try to reach the greatest heights we can!" Liang said majestically as if his words were a sentence.

Alucard smirked, he was satisfied that he was able to hurt Liang, and that was one of his goals.

"That's why I'm offering you a deal. If I'm just an anomaly, then you can easily prove it by forcing me to leave the grounds of this temple. If you can do that, then Gael and I will leave this world and not interfere with your participation in the Great War."

Liang became wary, "What about you? What do you want to prove?"

Alucard shrugged, "Nothing. I have nothing to prove, unlike you, I don't care what Vampires do in my world. I'm free to do what I want, and use my power how I want! Freedom is me!"

Liang narrowed his eyes, "In that case... What do you want, Mr. The Immortal?"

Alucard smirked, "Hmm... Let me think about it. Oh, I know! I want to drink your blood! Maybe then I'll understand the meaning of hard work and perseverance!"

Liang nodded, "Then it's decided. If I force you outside the temple, then you and Gael will leave my world, but if you can drink my blood, then I will listen to you. I hate to admit it, but if you can do that, then in a way it proves that your freedom and abnormality are just as important as perseverance and hard work."

Alucard nodded, then he turned around, glaring at the keepers, especially Nakano.

"Now that we have the rules sorted out, I think we should get started. The people of your world think you're the strongest, and they're not wrong. However, I think it would be good for your guardians to see what the other strongest beings in our universe are capable of." Alucard smirked, slowly folded his hands in his pockets, and took a deep breath. 

Then, everyone but Gael felt a chill go down their backs and their hearts were shackled by chains of fear. They couldn't even move, staring at the pall of dark red energy emanating from Alucard, which seemed to be endless.

'No way... How is this possible... It's boundless power...' Nakano internally muttered in disbelief.

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