Official engagement
Once the Shimura clansmen had been trained in everything I knew that would help them in the mission my job was done. I got a hefty reward for my help by my sensei who understood how much of a slog that sort of work was but I barely cared enough about the reward to even remember it now that I was done. Rather than tempt fate I hid away in my meditation chamber and took a two day power nap. I was tired mentally and figured a short period of hibernation was in order after all.-
Once I woke up feeling refreshed I was surprised to find Karin waiting for me with a red face that matched her hair.
“Marry me!” she blurted out impulsively and I laughed.
“If you want to I don’t mind. Not like it will change anything between us really.” I said with a smile.
“Eh? So easy?” she said with a horribly confused expression.
I chuckled “You act like we haven’t been living like we were married for quite some time now. We regularly sleep in the same bed, eat our meals together and go out on dates. You have also been living with me for a few years now. The only thing keeping us from being considered married was the official announcement.” I said amused at her expressions.
It was funny how she just stood there with a bright red face looking for a way to refute what I said but failing miserably. I might have been a bit dense emotionally speaking but I did research on the topic and so I was well aware that we were acting like we were already married in all but a sexual regard but that came after we both turned at least sixteen so nothing odd there.-
Don’t think there was anything odd about having sex at that age as shinobi matured faster than those without chakra and were considered adults at that age. It wasn’t strange at all to have children at that age either as being a shinobi was a dangerous thing and so making a legacy was quite important. Very few shinobi ever ended up like Kakashi who despite being almost thirty was single and childless. By the end of the day the paperwork was filed and we were officially engaged and merely needed to hold a wedding when we turned sixteen to be a true married couple.-
My sensei tried to tease me about it but I quite literally had thick skin and wasn’t bothered at all.
“You aren’t any fun at all.” she complained seeing how little I cared about her teasing me.
“I’m plenty fun when it doesn’t involve my personal affairs.” I pointed out and she scoffed.
“More like you like to show off.” she said pointedly.
“Same thing really, I’m awesome like that.” I said with a smirk.
“If anyone else said that I’d punch them in the face but I’d probably hurt myself more than you if I tried with that weird body of yours.” she said with an annoyed look.
Honestly speaking nothing changed after Karin and I got officially engaged at home. I spent most of my day meditating or experimenting with mixing elements to try and recreate a kekkai genkai though I hadn’t succeeded yet. I was currently aiming for scorch release that was a mix of fire and wind chakra elements but I hadn’t yet figured out the ratios yet. My closest attempt had been a seventy thirty mix with fire being seventy and wind thirty.-
Right now I was trying to find the precise ratio so that I could record it and turn it into the village since that was valuable information. At the clear seventy thirty split I had managed to create sparks of red flame that was much more intense than normal fire release so I was sure I was getting close. As I discovered three days later I was not actually that close as the real ratio turned out to be seventy six fire twenty four wind. I had to show my new intensely hot flames to my sensei to verify that I had successfully recreated scorch release since she had personally experienced it in the past and thus knew if it was the real deal or not.-
Once I got that verification I moved on to typhoon release that was a mix of wind and fire but in opposite proportions to scorch release. That was to say wind took up the majority while fire took up the minority. Even with my experience with scorch release and monstrous chakra control it still took me nearly a week to get the eighty three seventeen ration that made up this kekkai genkai.-
My sensei looked at it with a critical eye when I showed it to her as much like scorch release with fire it only seemed like a very powerful wind release jutsu at first glance. The level of power however told her that it was indeed a kekkai genkai which made it the second one I had recreated so far.
“Can I ask what your sudden interest in kekkai genkai is?” she asked seriously.
“I am preparing to make another attempt at learning Shiro’s Zero release which was a kekkai tota and thus it seemed best if I were to familiarize myself with the fusion process of the elements. I also thought to perhaps create a book containing directions for acquiring every known type of kekkai genkai for the village.” I answered honestly.
“You understand how big of a target this will paint on your back if you actually somehow succeed right?” she asked seriously.
I nodded “I am aware yes. I don’t really care to be honest though. At this point I could likely wage war on all five villages and win so more or less interest in me makes no difference.” I say with a shrug.
“So long as you understand that’s all that matters. Seriously though please don’t actually declare war on the world, it would give me so much paperwork I might die.” she said jokingly.
“Nah, far too much hassle to wage war on what is effectively the entire world. I think I’d rather spend my energy mastering chakra and relaxing at home.” I said with a grin.
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