Naturally I looked to the three closest Kekkai genkai to Zero release first. Boil release, Ice release and Scorch release all utilize a combination of two of the three chakra natures that constitutes Zero release. Naturally my hope was that the jutsu for these Kekkai genkai could be modified slightly for Zero release as well. Unfortunately that proved not the case for the vast majority of the available jutsu. Zero release more or less opposed any and all movement in it’s effected area which kinda ruined the majority of the techniques available to me with those Kekkai genkai.-

It wasn’t totally a bust however as i did manage to modify two techniques from two of those Kekkai genkai into a single Zero release technique. Specifically [Scorch Mirage] and [Frozen misdirection] both techniques take a different approach to using temperature to create a sort of false image not quite like a genjutsu as it doesn’t actually effect the one perceiving it internally. My modified technique was the [Frozen corpse technique] that actually created an illusion using the cold to “pause” the air in a certain spot into a false image. It didn’t last long of course unless I continued supplying it chakra but it might be enough to make an enemy slip up.-

I imagined that not even the sharingan would be able to understand that what I made was a fake as Zero release had this nasty habit of blocking chakra signals. Without being able to see those even someone using the Sharingan would fail to perceive the truth in the middle of combat. The trick though was timing the jutsu just right so you aren’t still standing there but the stillness of your false image doesn’t give itself away either.-

I started going through my vast repertoire of jutsu to see what I could modify for zero release and finally after nearly a month of practice and experimentation I had a decent set of techniques for the Kekkai Tota. It was a list of only seven techniques but they covered all the scenarios you may need a jutsu for. The two I already mentioned for defense and deception. [Frozen domain] which was Shiro’s standard way of using the Kekkai Tota for AOE. [Frozen killing] which was a twist of Kirigakure’s [Silent killing] but instead of regular mist I created frozen mist that actively blocked chakra signals as well as rapidly froze those within it.-

[Hell sing] which was a neat mix of clone technique and Zero release to create a small army of effectively immortal snowmen who try to murder you, I was quite proud of this one. [Frozen armory] which was where I made a bunch of floating projectiles that had the freezing power of Zero release within them. And finally [Dustless] which was my attempt at creating a countermeasure to Dust release that involved a concentrated beam of Zero release that in theory should be able to block even a Dust release attack. –

These seven techniques gave me a solid range of usage for the Kekkai Tota in the future. All of this training and experimentation had however taken it’s toll on the training ground as the entire place was devastated with holes, sharp pieces of ice, thick frozen sheets of earth and a bone deep chill to get even close to the place. In fact the few shinobi who had coincidentally passed the place in the last month had spread rumors of the extreme cold they felt by mere proximity to the training ground.-

Naturally this had gotten some of the spies to try and investigate as well but as they couldn’t get close by at all with the ridiculous amount of cold radiating from the training ground they knew nothing about what was going on within. When the gate to the training ground finally cracked open and a blast of cold air washed over the surroundings as I left it though they caught a good look inside. I sensed these people however and a few moments later they were all captured to be turned over to my sensei. If they were innocent then they’d be released but if they were guilty then it was mind rape and death that awaited them.-

The Yamanaka mind techniques were very much comparable to having ones mind raped. They forced their way into your mind and could dig out everything you knew alongside straight up possessing you. Everything bad that you could think about mental manipulation the Yamanaka could do. It was for this reason that more than respect the clan was feared by the enemies of Konoha. It was also why you’d be hard pressed to find a single person in the village who were willing to be on the clans bad side.-

Like they couldn’t just roll over everyone but nobody made an enemy of a Yamanaka if they could help it. Despite this power however the Yamanaka were most of the time exceptionally humble and friendly with a desire to help others that translated to them being medics or psychiatrists. The ones in the T&I division of the anbu however were regularly seen as demons by everyone that they came across because of the regular usage of the nasty aspects of their clan techniques. I didn’t feel to bad about condemning these people to that though as spies were quite annoying for the village to deal with.-

I turned the people over to my sensei and didn’t even need to go find Karin as she found me instead and all but dragged me to go out to eat with her. It was amusing to see how eager she was to spend time with me after this month of near constant separation. I made sure to treat her to a feast before letting her cuddle up against me after we got home to rest. There was no awkwardness between us, only harmony and peace.-

In the morning I prepared breakfast for us before we went on a small date out in the village. We were quite a well known couple and many smiled as we passed. There were a few comments about us being the future of Konoha but for the most part it was a simple day. We visited the merchants and besides seeing some trying to get as lucky as that one merchant who rediscovered the extinct frog species and got rich from selling the location to the village the rest were pretty standard.

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