Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1133 - The Secret of Totem Power

Chapter 1133: The Secret of Totem Power

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Dong! Dong! Dong!

Under the watchful eyes of tens of thousands of rat soldiers, the soul-shaking war drums sounded again.

Surrounded by hundreds of war drums, the Hundred Blade battle flag that Iron Head had captured hung listlessly on a pile of mandrake branches that were covered with grease.

In front, back, left, and right of the battle flag, there were four priests wearing white skull masks with big horns on their heads and scarlet feathered clothes. They stepped on the drum beats precisely and danced in a manic and odd manner.

When the drums suddenly came to an end.

The four oracles had also gone from craziness to absolute stillness. They were like four statues that had been sealed for thousands of years.

The mandrake branches under the Hundred Blade battle flag were burning without any warning.

The crimson flames were akin to the thousands of rat people who had died tragically in the past tens of millions of years. Several thousand bloody arms extended from the depths of hell and grabbed the Hundred Blade battle flag, tearing it into pieces.

Every piece of the flag was writhing in the raging flames, emitting squeaky shrieks, as if it were the screams of a ferocious beast that had fallen into a trap.

When the thick smoke rose, the smoke turned into the appearance of wolves, wolves, and leopards.

The fellows who used to ride on the heads of the rat people had lost all the prestige and brutality of predators. They were as pitiful and laughable as stray dogs that had fallen into the water.

The smoke rose higher and higher and became thinner and thinner.

It was as if all the wolves, tigers, and leopards had been torn apart and dispersed in the justice of the millions of rat subjects.

It was not until this moment that the four priests who had fallen into absolute stillness woke up slowly.

They were both surprised and delighted as they looked at the shape of the smoke in the air, and in their excitement, they shouted, “The Rat God has accepted the trophies that we sacrificed. The torn smoke is the revelation that the Rat God has given us. Soon, the invincible army of the Great Horn Army will crush all the enemies like the smoke!”

Tens of thousands of rat soldiers were deeply drawn and shocked by this strange scene.

They subconsciously fell into the priest’s trap of thinking and could not extricate themselves.

The overwhelming slogan brought the fanatical atmosphere to the extreme.

The Hundred Blade battle flag had not been completely burned.

The mandrake branches were still burning.

The absolute protagonist of this sacrifice, Iron Head, strode into the burning bonfire.

His body was covered with a feather coat smeared with grease.

The moment he stepped into the bonfire, he turned into a human-shaped fireball of boundless radiance.

However, because of the Great Horn Army’s witch doctor, he had already smeared fire-resistant secret medicine all over his body.

The four priests had also secretly activated the totem power, subtly controlling the flames. They only revolved around his body rapidly, but did not invade the slightest bit of his flesh.

Not only was Iron Head unharmed, it was more like he was reborn from the flames.

It was a perfect verification of the rumor that this warrior who had received the blessing of the Rat God had an indestructible body!

When the flames gradually extinguished.

All of Iron Head’s clothes were completely burned.

His burly body, which was exposed in the air, emitted a copper cast iron-like metallic luster, like a vigorous, vigorous, and bold statue.

This scene made all the rat people present go completely crazy.

They shouted Iron Head’s name at the top of their lungs, and in the bottom of their hearts, they prayed to the Rat God with the most pious attitude. They hoped that the Rat God would give them the same strength as Iron Head, and turn them into indestructible killing machines that could destroy everything.

In the midst of the raging roars, Iron Head took a big bowl made of a totem beast skull from the priest’s hand.

He gulped down the steaming hot medicinal liquid that seemed like it was burning.

The rat people, which were in a noisy crowd just a moment ago, instantly became silent.

Everyone held their breaths and stared straight at Iron Head, eager to see the changes that had happened to his body.

Iron Head swallowed the last mouthful of medicinal liquid, grinned, and let out a long burp.

Then, his eyes went blank for three whole breaths.

Suddenly, his hands and feet tensed up and he let out an inhuman howl.

Accompanied by the howl, the joints of his limbs also let out a series of cracking sounds.

The muscles all over his body suddenly contracted to the limit and then expanded to the peak. In just a few breaths, his body had shrunk several times.

His head had become bigger and smaller. It was uneven, as if the hardest skull in the human body did not exist at all. The entire head was like a dough, allowing the invisible force to knead it as much as it wanted.

The manic war drum sounded again.

The four priests jumped even more crazily than when they had burned the Hundred Blade battle flag.

Many of their movements did not conform to the human body’s law of exerting force.

It was as if they were no longer flesh and blood, no longer controlled by their own will, but had become the puppets of a mysterious existence high in the clouds. They were controlled by an invisible string, which was why they could use such a high frequency to transmit the divine power and will from the ancestral spirit.

In the end...

The inhumane torture lasted for three to five hundred drum beats, and Iron Head gradually quieted down.

He knelt on one knee and panted heavily. His head was buried deep in his arms.

His thirty-six thousand pores were releasing the intense killing intent of a ferocious beast that was about to come out of its cage. The perspiration all over his body was burning, forming a circular ripple in the air that could be seen by the naked eye. It made the rat soldiers in the front row, who were watching the ceremony, go weak in the knees and sweat profusely.


All of a sudden, Iron Head jumped up high and roared ten times louder than before.

Seven scarlet air arrows were shot out of his seven apertures, as though the overloaded killing machines were cooling down.

On his chest, which was as thick as a city wall, an extremely abstract pattern appeared. It was like the skeleton rat that was baring its fangs and brandishing its claws on the White Bone Battalion’s flag had been transferred to his chest!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The weird totem seemed to contain infinite strength, and it was stimulating Iron Head’s heart brutally.

He could not help but clench his iron fist, which was as big as a meteor hammer, and hit his chest brutally. The sound was even more powerful than the sound of hundreds of war drums beating at the same time.

Such a violent strike seemed to make Iron Head gather the strength that originated from his heart. He punched the air heavily like an air cannon, and a storm that was more than twenty or thirty arms long was created.

The rat tribe warriors closest to him were all blown away by the storm.

The rat tribe warriors that were slightly behind were also shaken until their ears were buzzing.

It was obvious that this was not an ordinary move that could be performed with “boundless strength.”

Instead, it was the strongest and most sacred power that the great ancestral spirit had bestowed upon the advanced orcs, totem power!

“Iron Head has obtained totem power!”

“What a gorgeous totem. It will always accompany him until he dies in a glorious battle!”

“This is a totem that belongs exclusively to us rat people, the sixth clan!”

The eyes of countless rat warriors were overflowing with admiration and envy.

Only Meng Chao and Ice Storm were secretly astonished.

Fortunately, they were cautious enough to find such a gold-plated “meat shield.”

If the two of them had acted in person, they would have certainly been able to seize the battle merits of “ascending first” and “seizing the flag.”

However, before the gazes of the Great Horn Army’s four high-level oracles, they would have to step into the raging flames and burn their clothes to the ground, revealing their naked bodies.

Then, they would swallow the totem secret medicine so that the tens of thousands of rat civilians could clearly see all the changes that had taken place on their bodies.

Even the most exquisite disguise would be exposed.

After coming to Picturesque Orchid Lake for a few months, Meng Chao had a deeper understanding of totem power than he had in his previous life.

In essence, totem power and spirit energy were not very different.

They were the unique forces produced by the cosmic radiation around the alien world, the magnetic field of the planet itself, and the life magnetic field of carbon-based creatures.

However, Dragon City and Picturesque Orchid Lake had taken two completely different paths in learning how to utilize this power.

In the Dragon City civilization’s system, every spirit magnetic field that was used to subdue spirit energy required superhuman individuals to learn it from scratch.

Even if a certain move was practiced to perfection and even transformed into muscle memory.

It was also impossible to infuse genetic factors into his descendants so that they could learn it by themselves at birth.

Even if the flesh and blood of a Deity Realm expert possessed a physical quality that far exceeded that of an ordinary person and superior material conditions, they would enjoy an astronomical number of cultivation resources at birth. The probability of connecting the spirit meridians in their entire body was dozens of times higher than that of an ordinary person.

However, if he wanted to display his parents’ ultimate skill that made him famous, he also needed to learn it from the beginning.

“Humans need to rely on acquired knowledge to master specific skills.” That seemed to be a matter of course. There was no need to doubt or think about it.

However, this was not the case for monsters.

Monsters did not have schools, martial arts training classes, or virtual training cabins.

However, when monsters were born, they would master all kinds of strange “innate skills.”

For example, Mind Lightning, War Trample, Blood Mist of Fear, and so on.

Most Nightmarish Beasts could master one to three types of innate skills.

Hell Beasts could master four to six types.

The legendary Apocalyptic Beasts could master up to nine types of innate skills.

Many innate skills required a carbon-based body of flesh and blood to connect the complicated spirit meridians that were like a maze to form an extremely complicated spirit magnetic field. Only then could it trigger the chain reaction of the planet’s magnetic field and even the cosmic radiation.

Even Deity Realm powerhouses might not be able to control it easily.

It was performed by a muddle-headed monster, but it seemed as natural as breathing and a heartbeat.

That was really strange!

It got to the point that the Earthlings won the Monster War.

They unlocked the secrets of a large number of the monster civilization’s lairs.

Only then did the experts from the Abnormal Beast Research Department come to a preliminary conclusion.

A monster seemed to have the ability to compress its innate skills into genetic factors in an inconceivable way, directly engraving them on the genetic level.

After all, it was a biological weapon that had been artificially created.

When it was still in its embryonic state, it had to “write” certain complicated attack programs on the genetic level in order to meet the requirements for mass production and rapid formation of combat strength.

“Innate writing” and “acquired learning” were the two ways of using spirit energy.. Each had its pros and cons.

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