Broderick crosses his arms, surveying the devastation with a grim expression. “We won’t find any survivors here. The orcs’ gear and corpses are going to be the only points of interest in this place. Babe, you have the dimensional ring on you? Let’s collect the best items.”
“Yes, hubby~” Marjorie purrs, a sound which makes me involuntarily shudder from head to toe. Please don’t flirt in front of me… I will have trouble tending to Blossom’s fertile fields at night if you keep this shit up.
I’ve already gotten used to this giant woman’s and her flabby skin’s sight, so I don’t cringe when she acts normally, but each time she does something a lover would I can’t help myself from imagining how she looks without her loose robe, how it would feel to embrace her, and I find myself fighting to keep my sanity intact.
And I’m really not one to fat shame others, mostly because I just don’t care about other people in general, but when I’m forced to witness such a sight I simply lose my way in life.
I quickly approach Blossom and hug her from behind, as my brain is in desperate need of positive emotions. “Master?” She doesn’t object or attempt to evade nor disengage from my hold at all, just glances back over her shoulder questioningly.
“Master needs to feel the warmth of your lovely skin for a minute, please indulge him.” I whisper into her ears as I nuzzle her body with mine.
I let out a content sigh, pain and stress leaving my system in an instant. My beloved Phantom Canine and her divine body makes me forget about my nightmares so easily.
“Sure!” Blossom doesn’t understand my troubles at all but is happy to be of help nonetheless. What a precious girl.
For a brief moment I check on my gains, and see that Assassin has reached level 10 and Slave Master did 9. I’m getting closer and closer to unlocking the Primordial Villain class.
After I find my bearing I glance at the rest of the people that are present, and I see that they are collecting the salvageable gear into a pile, Marjorie then walks up to it and starts rummaging through them. She lifts a few items close to her eyes to examine them better, and if she likes what she sees they disappear- literally.
I let go of my beloved Blossom’s stomach and rush over to Marjorie, wishing to see the magic unravel from up close. “So this is a dimensional ring?” I ask with a bit of a childlike glee in my tone. One of the greatest utility tools one can ask for, and depending on its mechanics it can even be used as a combat resource.
“Hehe! Indeed it is.” Marjorie replies while putting another shortsword into it just by holding it in her hand.
“How big is the storage inside?”
“Oh, uhm… I’m not good with numbers, to be honest. I think it can hold about 100 swords.” She mutters after thinking for a while.
That’s about as much space as a crate holds, provided it arranges the items inside very neatly.
The rotund woman turns her head to look at me and smiles. “Would you like to try it out?”
Every time she does something nice like this I feel slightly bad about my rude thoughts, but I really can’t help it. “Yes, thank you.”
With a smile, she slips the ring off her ginormously girthy fingers and hands it over to me. As I take the ring, I can’t help but marvel at its sheer size. The band is so wide and thick that not only Ayame’s hand, but her entire arm could fit through it. In fact, she could probably use it as a shoulder guard if she wanted to.
I examine it closely, running my fingers over the smooth, metallic surface that gleams faintly even in the dim light. The ring itself looks almost plain but there’s a subtle, intricate pattern carved into it that is nearly invisible unless you’re looking very closely.
“I doubt this will fit me, though.” I mutter under my breath, resigned to the fact that I’ll have to hold it like a bracelet or something. But as soon as I slip my finger into the ring, it surprises me by shrinking to fit me perfectly.
“What the…?” I exclaim, looking at Marjorie with a stunned expression.
“Oh, I forgot to mention! It has a size adjustment spell imbued in it. It can resize to fit anyone who wears it. You should see your face right now, Quinlan!”
I chuckle along with her, shaking my head in amazement. “That’s incredible.”
What a wonderful item.
Still a bit in awe, I bend down and pick up a nearby cleaver, feeling the weight of it in my hand. I focus on the ring, and as Marjorie had done, I just will the weapon to be stored. In an instant, the item vanishes from my hand, disappearing into the ring’s dimensional storage without so much as a ripple in the air.
I stand there for a moment, just staring at the now empty space in my hand where the cleaver once was. The whole process was so seamless, so fluid, that it almost felt like magic- well, it is magic, after all.
“Fascinating…!” I breathe, still not quite believing how easy that was.
“You should try bringing it back out,” Marjorie suggests, still grinning at my dumbfounded look.
I nod and focus again, this time willing the sword to reappear. Almost instantly, the weapon materializes back in my hand, as solid and heavy as before.
“Simply amazing.” I mutter to myself, turning the blade over in my hands.
Marjorie pats me on the back, her grin widening. “It’s a very handy tool. Makes carrying loot a lot easier, doesn’t it?”
“It sure does,” I agree, still slightly in disbelief at the whole experience. “This would make raiding so much more efficient.”
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