Chapter 134: Broderick’s Evil Scheme

“Blossom, what are you-” I start, but it’s too late. She’s already taken a huge bite, her cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk as she savors the sweetness.

“Mmm, this is amazing!” she mumbles through a mouthful of cake, her tail wagging excitedly behind her. I grimace as she reaches for more, piling her plate high with a mountain of greasy, sugary food.

Wait! I know! This fat-fetishist fucker is trying to fatten my women up!!!

Ayame is clearly aware of just how many calories are sitting on the table in front of her, but my adorable dog-kin has no idea of such concepts and is unaware of the fact that she is consuming an entire dinner’s worth of calories with every bite she takes.

She has fallen for his evil machinations! Now that I let her take a bite of the obviously delicious desert, I will either be a cruel master-lover who takes her food away or let her addiction grow!

I glare at Broderick with fury, but all I see is his smirk widening into an evil grin.

This fucker is corrupting my beautiful, athletic Phantom Canine into a Phantom Chubster!

And I don’t know how to stop him!

I need to act fast. Blossom is already eyeing a second slice of cake, her tail wagging in that dangerously adorable way that makes it hard to say no. But I must stay strong.

For her sake.

For the sake of her divine figure.

For the sake of my excalibur’s favorite sheath’s continued healthy and alluring existence.

“Blossom,” I say, forcing a smile as I reach across the table. “Maybe try something a bit lighter?”

She blinks at me, mid-reach for a chocolate éclair, her cheeks already full like a hamster preparing for winter. “But it’s so good, Master! And look, there’s still so much left!” Her eyes sparkle with the innocent enthusiasm of someone who doesn’t realize she’s being led down a path of sugary destruction.

I chuckle nervously, and while sending murderous glances towards the evil bastard almost every second I forcefully grab her plate away from her.

The look of absolute betrayal in her eyes almost breaks my heart into a million pieces, but this is something I simply must do. “Master…Why…?” She then starts looking at me with big, droopy, puppy eyes.


My heart.

It hurts…

Instead of answering her I turn to the only ‘normal’ person I know who lives in the household. “Marjorie, I don’t know how to say this gently, but could you help restrain your husband? He is trying to corrupt my Blossom into getting a sugar addiction!”

She, alongside the two other wives, glance between me and Broderick rapidly. Then, all three at the same time, in complete sync, slam both of their hands on the table and shout at my ex-friend; “Husband!!!”

He shudders slightly and huddles down in his seat while grimacing my way. “Bro, it’s really not manly to be like that! You never bring women into the battle of men, that’s basic knowledge!”

“You are one to talk, which one of us was it who put 20k calories in front of my airhead girl knowing full well that she wouldn’t be aware of the vile trap? That she would consume them until she realizes that she is, in fact, no longer a dog-kin but a boar-kin!”

“Bahahaha! Alright, bro. I tried enlightening you about the glory of the curves, but if you won’t bite I will stop pushing. Let’s call it even.”

I’m flabbergasted at his shamelessness. Even? Even what?

And what curves? Blossom already has the best curves in the world. Your wives don’t have curves, they have entire orbs. Or, rather they themselves are spheres!

Well, he did just give me way too many goodies for me to remain mad at him for long.

Blossom, finally realizing that I might’ve not just cruelly confiscated her sweets for no reason, glances at Ayame who then explains to her what has happened, after which she no longer looks at me like a complete traitor, thankfully.


Afterwards the ladies tell the servants to bring out our meals, which Broderick previously instructed them to keep in the kitchen.

“Our deepest apologies, Quinlan. Our husband is a real deviant when it comes to a few aspects of life, such as his ideal woman’s form… He refuses to accept himself to be the weird one and often tries to get others to see that his tastes are normal, which they really aren’t.” Marjorie apologizes in his stead.

“We love him too much and are happy to accept his quirks, even to the point of fattening ourselves up for him, but we hate it when he tries to do it to others, especially without their permission like now.”

“I’m not weird, it’s all the other men who are uncultured swines! What’s there to enjoy about some skinny girls? Erm, no offense, m’lady.” Broderick finishes his tirade with an apology sent Ayame’s way. We all, Ayame included, completely ignore him.

Wait, the wives weren’t fat before and only are doing this for his love?

What the fuck? Isn’t this the definition of a toxic relationship?

Seeing my grimace she quickly sees through my thoughts; “of course, he is not telling us to eat this much… At first we just tried to put on some weight to become a bit chubby, but by then we’ve fallen for the comfort of these meals, and now we no longer want to go back…”

Damn, girl. “Well, alright. I’m not going to be an annoying hypocrite who tells you what to do with your lives, just please help keep your husband off his ‘pranks’ until I become strong enough to beat him up myself.”

They all smile at me simultaneously, then reply just as such; “you can count on us!”

After we are done with the meal we quickly get ready by equipping the robes and masks once again. Blossom’s animalistic features still stand out, which is obviously not ideal to remain as inconspicuous in the human kingdom as possible, so we used a belt around her belly to strap her tail to her back and also used a hairband to similarly tie her ears down to her hair.

Naturally, she wasn’t overly happy with her new restrictions, but a few kisses on her forehead and kind promises whispered into her ear soothed her into content acceptance.

After which, Broderick and the three of us finally set off for our first encounter with a Vesper Consortium representative.

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