“What are you staring at?!” Seeing that his servants aren’t willing to converse it seems I’ve become his next target.

“… Who? Me?” Who does he think he is to talk to me with such a tone?

He scoffs dismissively, “yes, you, you dumb fuck.”

“I see. What does it look like I’m staring at to you?”

“Don’t try to get smart with me, peasant.”

Ah, I see. So that’s why he talks to me like that.

“I was just regaining my emptied out energy reserves, your lordship.” I decided to play along momentarily.

My girls glance at me questioningly, but I ignore them for now.

He changes the topic. “I like the slutty blonde on your left. How much?”

“… Excuse me?” I growl in a threatening, low tone. Did this fucker just try to buy my beloved first woman?

“The dog with big, perky tits. I want her to be my bed warmer.”

“How about this?” He asks, then raises his hand that was resting on his knees to his other hand, and a large coin pouch materializes out of thin air, and he catches it in his palm. “2500 silver coins. I know you can’t do the math, so I will count it for you. This is 25 gold coins, a sum you will never see in your entire life. Even a lower noble would start salivating at my offer.”

<Ayame… Is that what I think it is?>

<Yep, a storage ring.>

<The item you said is worth as much as an entire barony.>


<And it’s on this loser’s hand. Right in front of us.>


<Girls, get ready. We’re about to commit mass murder.>

<Sigh. I knew it would come to this.>

<Ayame, Blossom, on my mark engage with the rabble. I will fight the golden boy. Your opponents are exhausted, so their reaction time might not be top-notch. Make sure you protect our completely unaware ally too.> I’ve always allowed Ayame to fight the strongest enemies thus far. Now that I’ve become strong enough, it’s time I don’t ditch the hardest work for her to deal with.

I need to fight uphill battles to continue improving at my current speed.

“25 gold coins? My lord, she isn’t even level 5. I only have her here to be the team’s mascot. Her mere presence cheers me up.”

“…? So you want me to pay less?”

“Not exactly. I couldn’t help but notice that you have three amazing slaves. How about we make an exchange? I want a muscular one to be my meat shield.”

“…” He debates for a moment before nodding. “I guess that’s acceptable.”

“Byor, conduct the exchange.” The warrior without a collar around his neck nods and stands up. “I will give you the one with more durability since you want a tank. Drut, stand, you will be his property going forward. You are forbidden from attacking them unless I state so.”

“I understand.” The slave replied nonchalantly without a single care, before the noble started to explain the situation to me. “Byor over here used to be a slave merchant, but decided to become a warrior. He has the Slave Contract spell unlocked. We will finish our business right here, right now. Command your slave not to attack us and to walk to the middle of the chamber, just like how I did.”

I see. So out of precaution he wants me to forbid Blossom from trying anything. I nod. “Luna, you are forbidden from attacking them, and move to where the gentlemen want you to.” Me and the noble also stand to conduct the transaction.

“Luna, hm. What a beautiful name.” He comments.

If a master commands, the slave won’t be able to act against their orders, so doing what we did should prove to be a simple measure against sudden slave outburst due to not wanting to be sold.

<Bear with it for me, Blossom. Just a moment. Also, you are permitted to attack anyone you wish.> And just like that, she is free to move according to her will.

<Blossom knows Master is only acting!> She replied cheerily and confidently. Good to see that she has enough faith in me. It would’ve really hurt if she was still worried after all we’ve been through that I would do such a despicable thing to her.

Ayame also stood, coming along. This way, three people walked up from both sides.

“Damn. The closer she is, the more tantalizing she gets. How lucky. Trading this smelly loser for such an amazing sex slave… It seems the Goddess didn’t abandon me today after all. You have amicable taste, my friend. I love her attire and dog themed collar.”

Would you listen to this fucker…

“Thanks. We are both getting what we want. It’s a good trade.” I respond amicably through sheer willpower.

The noble once again raises his hand and this time he summons some tools needed to conduct the slave transfer. Just as the slaver reaches out I shout telepathically; <Now!>

In a flash, Blossom’s gauntlets sprout razor-sharp claws, and her form blurs as she dashes forward. My sexy grim reaper wastes absolutely no time, mercilessly slashing both at the slaver and slave at the same time. They stood no chance to react whatsoever. Her attack killed the slave instantly, and cut off the extended arm of the slaver, easily going through skin, muscle and bone.

Blood poured onto the ground before her victims even had the chance to know they were dying.

Ayame meanwhile went after three people still sitting comfortably on the floor, completely unprepared to receive the charge of a bloodthirsty samurai aiming to snuff their lives out as efficiently as possible.

Why do we not spare at least the slaves? Why not capture them?

It’s simply not worth the hassle. They will be a liability. Killing Blossom’s owner to conduct the illegal transfer was already risky enough, I don’t want to repeat it. Especially not for the properties of a noble, and not for such shabby slaves. Furthermore, their value is low. Just with the coin pouch of the noble I could buy better slaves than them, let alone his armor and other stuff.

No need to make my life harder to acquire a few passable slaves.

As for sparing their lives because they deserve better… Heh. Good joke. Life isn’t full of rainbows and marshmallows.

“What the?! What did you do?!” The arrogant noble shouts, and welcomes my charge with his gem-decorated sword drawn. He has very good reflexes.

“How did the slave attack?!”

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