My statement caused Selene’s features to darken considerably. Cedric bared his fangs at me but I couldn’t care less. Especially with Ambition at my side, I doubt he could hurt me even if he tried.
The mage stared at me for a good dozen seconds, clearly deep in thought. After a while, she sighed while obviously being stressed to the limits. “Alright. You will take an assassin squad with you. They are better used for attacking the flank than standing in the formation anyways.”
So you sent a group of professional murderers to kill us if we step out of line, huh? Pretty smart. “Alright. We will circle the alliance carefully at the edge of the cavern. Once you begin the clash, we will strike.”
My dearest newly made allies weren’t pleased with my proposed solution, but they were in a real bind even before meeting us, so they did not have much of a choice but to begrudgingly accept.
Six assassins soon found their way into our group, and we left, making our entourage 18 people strong. I wasn’t happy about their inclusion but we got off basically scott-free considering the severity of the situation.
“Hey. My name is Andrea. I’ve been tasked with handling you.” The leader of the assassins introduced herself. I didn’t see her face but based on her small frame and voice she was a petite, young woman. Ideal for a ninja.
I don’t know why she thinks herself to be our handler, though.
“You mean our temporary ally.” I corrected her mistake.
“If you say so. Anyway, we will do as I say.”
“And what is it you want to do?” Instead of starting trouble, I just asked for her proposal. I didn’t want to engage in a clash.
“We will circle around in a wide arc while hugging the cavern wall and wait for the alliances to clash, then rush at their backline to kill as many of them as possible.”
I had to hold a muted chuckle back. So the exact same plan I said earlier. Truly amazing strategizing, young lady. Sun Tzu would be proud.
Afterward, we didn’t do much culling of the masses any longer. The remaining teams were small and scattered, so we instead focused on not drawing the attention of the other alliance. That would’ve been deadly.
It didn’t take more than 30 minutes for the long-awaited encounter to finally begin as two armies formed, facing each other. Their numbers truly were eye-popping. It was going to be a bloody scuffle.
On one side, Selene’s alliance- roughly five hundred strong- formed a solid line. Shield-bearers and heavy-armored tanks stood at the front, creating a nearly impenetrable wall. Behind them were rows of melee fighters such as swordsmen, spearmen, and other combatants. Their archers in the rear had their arrows nocked at the ready. Here and there, I spotted robed figures- wizards and their other variations most certainly.
Across from them, the other alliance mirrored their formation. It was clear this opposing force was better prepared; their line was tighter, the distribution of roles more organized.
Then, as if on cue, a horn sounded. It sounded like the mighty bellows of a beast while echoing through the cavern like a signal of impending doom. The clash began with a fierce roar.
Selene’s tanks advanced with their shields locked together as they meticulously moved forward, determined to break the opposing line. Their melee fighters followed with a war cry. It seemed that their strategy was for the spearmen to remain behind the shieldbearers while the rest of the fighters would form two flanks and engage the enemy on either side of their line of tanks.
Soon volleys of arrows streaked through the air and began descending like a deadly rain on both sides. Several of Selene’s tanks raised their shields to intercept the incoming barrage, and the sound of metal hitting metal filled the cavern.
Just as the tanks were about to collide, spells erupted. Fireballs, lightning bolts, and chunks of ice exploded. Mages responded by conjuring shields and defensive wards, barely-if at all- managing to contain the first onslaught of magic. As the spells met, the sky above the battlefield lit up with a chaotic dance of light- arcane energies clashed and then dissipated, casting shadows in every direction.
Selene’s tanks slammed into the enemy’s front line, the impact reverberating through the cavern with a deep, bone-shaking thud. Swords clanged against shields, and the melee fighters from both sides engaged, a flurry of blades and desperate lunges. Blood sprayed as the first casualties fell, staining the cold stone floor crimson.
The backlines immediately came alive. Archers loosed arrows with machine-like precision, targeting enemy mages and sniping vulnerable gaps in the shield wall. Wizards unleashed devastating torrents of the elements, channeling raw magic into focused fury. The air buzzed with power, the ground shook with the fury of earth-shaping spells, and the echoing clash of steel filled every inch of the cavern.
Selene’s tanks strained to hold the line, their shields beginning to falter under the unrelenting assault. Spears jabbed from behind their wall of protection, searching for weaknesses in the enemy’s formation. The clash had quickly devolved into a chaotic brawl with fighters on both sides grappling for any advantage they could find.
“We are losing…” Andrea said after examining the first few dozen seconds of the clash. Indeed, but we already knew this would happen. However, Miss Assassin of course wasn’t privy to this info. She likely believed that it was do or die. Which for her, was likely true as well. After all, Selene only wanted to keep herself and Cedric alive from the Alliance.
“We have to make a move now! Charge at their backline!” She ordered hurriedly.
Already? They barely even started. We should be waiting for a more opportunate moment.
Nonetheless, my opinion wasn’t important for the petite professional killer. She began urging us to rush towards their backline with daggers in both hands. I accepted without making a fuss and began running at the front of the group with Ayame Lucille, Blossom, and Ambition next to me. The six assassins followed, and after them were our five elf archers, Seraphiel and Aurora.
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However, sadly for Andrea and her teammates, I had other plans in mind than to throw myself and my team into the fray desperately so that our ‘allies’ would have a better chance at victory. I opened my [Master’s Link] with all three of my slaves, and commanded;
<Execute Order 66.>
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