Plus, if I’m badly hit, my team will be instantly thrown off rhythm. Aurora will begin spamming buff spells solely on me, Blossom will give up on harassing their backline to rush to my side, which will let Soren cast another mighty Geomancer spell at us. By now only Abudha was alive of the Monk squad, so he can’t just shatter the rocks like they did before. It will be a disaster.

Also, I’m not confident if Iris and Ambition saw me displaying my Stormblade class. If they did, then they would be confused at best and antagonistic at worst. Iris knows that I would be better off if she is incapable of ratting me out regarding the heist we pulled off, so she might betray us like Selene did and make a run for it.

However, their backs were turned to us and they were in the midst of dueling the enemies, so chances are that they had no opportunities to check what I was doing.

On the other hand, Cedric, Selene, Abudha, and any of their Heralds who have managed to survive are most certainly aware. They will have to be dealt with.

Cedric and Selene are going to be going down today, and while I feel bad about Abudha since he was nothing but an extremely nice-to-have teammate, he knows too much to be left alive.

“Mothers, I’m ready.” I spoke up, letting them know that I wished to proceed to the mission’s place.

“Okay!” Luminara cheered as she got off my left thigh.

“Let us go then.” Mearie nodded as she pushed herself off of my right thigh. The two ladies then walked out of the pond and materialized a towel each out of thin air… Making me greatly surprised, since they had no storage rings on their fingers. But, to be fair, they are primordial existences whose power I can’t even begin to comprehend.

Sadly us getting ready means I didn’t suffer Malakar’s ominous claim that I might be forcefully breastfed by these two. I don’t know if they held themselves back for some reason or Malakar just guessed their wishes wrong, but it is what it is.

“Come, Quinnie. Let your mommies dry you off.” Mearie said with inviting eyes and a bright smile as she pulled her arms apart, stretching the towel in between them. She was indicating me where to go with this motion.

Now I truly felt like a little kid, but alas… I felt no shame at all when I stood and walked up to the two heavenly milfs, opened my arms wide, and let them wipe the water off of my skin.

Mearie took my front and Luminara my back. When she arrived at my shaft with her towel the woman carefully enveloped it in the fabric and dutifully brushed it, but she was not at all flirtatious, which once again reinforced the notion in my head that these two only saw me as a kid. I wasn’t saddened by it, though. I was happy to fill the void in these two mothers’ hearts that the curse of being sealed here created.

I wasn’t their biological offspring, which would not be possible in the first place since if two primordials were to mate, their child would be a mortal, thus me, a full blown primordial, couldn’t have come from either of their wombs. However, they didn’t mind the fact that I was only their adopted child. I even had a feeling in the back of my mind that they might be happier with this arrangement in a way, since no matter how much mortals level up, sooner or later they will die of old age. I, on the other hand, will always be here for them as long as I’m not killed. Experience tales with freewebnovel

This thought also reminded me that I will need to look into a way to make my lovers eternally young too, as I refuse to say goodbye to them.

Luminara was finished with cleaning my back long before Mearie did my front, and she went off to my gear and before I could check what she was doing, my clothes were already pristine clear.

… Do these two have household magic in their repertoire or what?

Each grabbed onto either of my hands and we began walking together. I couldn’t help but be a bit nervous. This mission was a do-or-die for me, not only because Selene’s spell is going to give me one hell of a welcoming party once I return, but also because to return in the first place I will have to pass the trial. The divinity in the atmosphere will corrode me slowly over time, so at most, I have a week to succeed, according to Malakar and my mothers.

I decided to ask something that’s been on my mind so that I don’t dwell on the severity of my situation. “Mothers, do you know anything about why the Iskaris continent is sealed?”

Indeed, the land upon which the three countries, namely the Vraven Kingdom, The Alliance of Elvardia, and the Beastman Confederation lay is sealed. No one can come or go, save for the Fujimori clan who somehow found a way in many thousands of years ago but their secrets are not open to the public at all, and there’s a good chance it was either pure coincidence or the knowledge got lost somewhere down the line even in their household, since I doubt the king would allow them to keep such a secret.

Luminara had a sour expression while replying. “Sorry, Quinnie, we can’t tell you that. This accursed pact is forcing our silence.”

I couldn’t do much besides accept it. There was no need to throw a tantrum fit at their inability to help me, especially because these two kind souls have suffered much more due to it than I ever would.

“Don’t worry about it. You’ve already blessed me with a lot of valuable information.” I said while tightening my grip around their hands, eliciting a small, thankful giggle from both.

“Can I call you Lumi? Your name is too long.” I asked a more lighthearted question.

The busty elf beamed as she threw herself at me in a fervent hug. “Of course! You can call Mommy whatever you prefer as long as it’s a cute name!”

I felt my other mother tug at my hand expectantly.

I could only smile wryly. Mearie was a perfectly short name, what was I meant to shorten it to? Mea? Rie? I didn’t like the sound of them. “How about Miri? Lumi and Miri, it even rhymes a bit.”

“Lumi, Miri, and their son Quinnie. I love it!” Mearie accepted my proposal with overflowing happiness. It was very clear to me that she would’ve accepted any nickname I cooked up for her, she just wanted to be part of the party.

A sudden deep, masculine voice boomed from the sides. “Heh! You two sure look happy. Who’s this? Did that loser nerd shapeshift to fulfill your fantasies of raising a child? Have you no shame at all?”

Both Lumi and Miri hissed threateningly at the newcomer together. I got the distinct impression that I was a little cub who was protected by my feline parents from a ferocious predator.

… And what a newcomer he was. I got chills running down my spine just from looking at him.

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