“So what will you do?”
“I don’t know.”
“Maybe you should stop spending so much money on alcohol. We can’t afford such an expense.”
*Bam!* He banged his fist on the table in response. Iris involuntarily flinched in response due to his aggression as her little heart skipped a beat. “Is this how you want to speak to me after treating me like I was your number one enemy for months on end?”
“Did I say something wrong? You should accept reality for what it is and budget accordingly. We can’t make the count lower the taxes he lawfully imposed upon us, but we can lower our own spending to meet his demands.”
“You’re so fucking smart, aren’t you? Where was your big brain in the past? Could’ve used such a mastermind to make some cash in this shitty territory.” Gilbert was evidently rather drunk, and in a pissed mood.
“I was raising your children, you know, the innocent little boy who met the most nightmarish fate possible due to your retarded wishes to upgrade the damned roads and the brilliant idea to take money from criminals and not pay them back in time!” The kind mother was nowhere to be seen. Vernice had undergone a transformation of the mind. She was still caring toward Iris, but it was difficult to be motherly with a kid who barely spoke or reacted to your words, if at all. All she could do was hug her child and repeat how sorry she was, how much she loved her, and that all would be fine.
However, I could feel a great doubt forming in the little girl’s mind toward her mother. She used to trust her with every fiber of her existence, but when Damian got murdered despite Vernice’s promise that he would come back safe and sound anytime soon, Iris no longer knew if her mother could be trusted.
How tragic was such a situation where this young child could no longer believe her own parent’s words?
*Bam!* Gilbert’s other hand was also introduced to the dinner table in a crude manner. “I can’t deal with this all anymore. I officially give up.”
“What do you mean?” His verbal surrender surprised both Vernice and me. I didn’t expect this response.
“I’m tired. I just want to sleep and drink booze. Life has been too much of a bitch for me to keep going.”
“So that’s it? Your son gets murdered and you’re just raising your hands to the sky in surrender? What about our daughter? How will you support her growth? I’m disappointed beyond what words can describe.” Vernice scornful scoff and declaration were oozing with hatred.
Gilbert sighed and closed his eyes for a long few seconds. Iris watched the scene unfold with bated breath. Once he parted his eyelids, his aura changed drastically. His wimpy attitude was gone, replaced by something much more sinister. Iris trembled just from the sight of her father’s eyes. They were so… distant. Uncaring. And… plain cruel.
This was the moment when Gilbert’s mind snapped.
“You wanted to sell your body in the past, no? Let’s do that then. I know a few wealthy merchants in the count’s city, I will invite them over. With this we can even hit two birds with one stone, we will profit cash from your loose hole and they will bring some financial opportunities to our town with them when they visit.”
“Wha- What the hell is wrong with you?!” Vernice shouted furiously.
“Nothing. Nothing is wrong with me at all. In fact, I can finally see clearly for the first time since Damian’s demise. You can run your mouth and blame me masterfully, but beyond raising children – which is a lowly servant’s job, mind you – you’re not good for anything. It’s time we change that, no? Desperate times call for desperate measures, after all.”
Vernice shot up from her seat and began yelling at the top of her lungs. “I said I would do that when we were blackmailed for money in exchange for our child’s life! Have you gone insane?! I refuse to do this just so you can continue conducting your hedonistic activities, you disgusting, vile creep!”
Gilbert also rose from his seated position and abruptly lunged at Vernice. He grabbed at her throat with one hand and punched with the other. He was no longer just slapping like before, but straight up hitting her with a clenched fist and utilizing his full strength. “I’m not asking for your permission, woman! *Bam!* You will do as told and that’s the end of the story! *Bam!* From this moment on, if you have something to complain about the only reply you will receive will be my fury, you understand?!” *Bam!*
“Stop!” Iris shouted as she rushed up to her mother’s defense. “Stop!!!”
Since Gilbert was preoccupied with pummeling the unresponsive Vernice, he didn’t resist her punches. Though, he didn’t need to. After all, Iris was just a little two and a half years old child. Seeing that she did not affect the man at all, Iris steeled her resolve, opened her mouth, and bit into his arm with all the jaw strength she could bring forth.
“Agh!” The man shouted with surprise. His eyes met Iris’, his baby daughter who was looking up at him with intense, unbridled hatred. He continued looking at her for a short bit with a pained expression before parting his lips. “So you’re blaming me for everything too, huh? Have I truly been such a bad father to you? I guess I truly am defective, or maybe it’s you two who are ungrateful for everything I’ve done for you?! Yes, that must be it! During the past few months that you spent exclusively in this vile woman’s company, she turned my only living child against me!”
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With that realization, he refocused his efforts on beating Vernice up.
However, Iris wasn’t going to let him continue any longer. She climbed on top of her mother’s upper body and shielded the unresponsive woman with her own fragile, tiny vessel.
“I see how it is… Fuck it all. You need to be taught a lesson in respect and order as well it seems!”
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