<Oh! Now that Ayame mentions it so does Blossom!>

<I’m a bit embarrassed to admit but I also didn’t notice it…> Lucille said bashfully, unlike Blossom who was not at all concerned by making such a blunder. She was so into murdering that she didn’t notice it.

<Why would you pay attention to it in the middle of combat? I also didn’t check it.> Aurora shared her opinion.

<Hmm? I don’t see any difference.> Seraphiel commented, followed by Lyra.

I couldn’t help but chuckle inwardly. <That’s because neither of you have my seed resting in your wombs.>

My words had a strong effect, so much so that they all paused in their actions and turned toward me. My laughter reached a new height at this comical sight and I sent a [Tidal Wave] followed by a [Cyclone] in the enemy’s direction so that my ladies’ lack of attention didn’t have us sustain injuries.

<Explain.> Ayame demanded, followed by the rest.

<Damn, how I wish none of you had a mask on right now.> I whimpered dejectedly, earning a few stomping of their feet against the ground. Namely, Ayame’s, Lucille’s, and Seraphiel’s.

<Master Quinlan, would you be willing to elaborate?> Lyra asked with utmost respect. It was not hard to decipher that she also wanted such an XP boost if I could provide it for her.

<Sure.> I nodded before sending an [Inferno Blast] toward our enemies. <I pumped the wombs of my lovers full of my seed last night. I didn’t mention it yet because I wanted to surprise you all, but I have a new primordial unique ability, meaning its available only to yours truly in the entire universe. [Blessed Seed] is the name, and any woman who has my sperm in her womb will get a 72-hour-long buff that grants them the aforementioned 3X boost and also stops them from aging.>

<W-w-w-w-w-wait…> Lyra murmured with a bashful voice. She clearly didn’t expect such an answer. <Can it be done with no… uhm… penetration?> Her question was met with a big, fat, no.

<Nope, my dearest pink-haired tanker. It only works through the old-fashioned way.>

<D-d-dearest?!> She yelped with shock.

Oh. Yeah. I forgot that I shouldn’t be speaking like this to my female subordinates who are not used to me flirting with them. I don’t want to be the creepy boss like the one who made my days miserable back on Earth where the employees spoke badly behind his back about his disgusting attitude.

<What the hell… You mean that I’m going to live forever as long as I lay with you once every three days…?> Lucille murmured with disbelief.

<Master is the best, he always manages to surprise Blossom!> My dog-girl chirped, though I wasn’t sure if she grasped the complete absurdity of my newest revelation just yet.

<… So that’s why you dragged me to bed yesterday despite me saying I was not in the mood…> Ayame voiced her new findings once she finally got over her shocked state of mind.

<Master, that’s caveman behavior…> Sera giggled.

<Yeah. In my defense, once we got started you were more than a willing participant, my beautiful samurai.> I responded while ignoring the elf’s rude and entirely false comment.

<That was just your imagination! Hmph!>

<Ahn~! My insides are getting destroyed~~~!! Seraphiel will have to heal me or I won’t be able to walk~! More! Harder! Faster! Stronger!!!> Aurora moaned Ayame’s exact words with a frighteningly accurate depiction. She was a surprisingly great actress, maybe she could’ve become a voice actress in modern-day Earth. However, I had no doubt in my mind that she enjoyed being an Alchemist and an Enchanter much more than she would like her life in that boring, mundane world.

<Miss Ayame is like that behind closed doors…?> Lyra asked innocently. Despite her being a slave since birth, she was still a maiden. Child slaves had strong laws protecting their innocence, and she smartly volunteered when the opportunity presented itself and began leveling up despite the heavy risks and scary situations that resulted from her decision. Not all slave owners were horrible monsters, and she was lucky with hers.

When her owner saw the lengths she was willing to go to in order to ensure favorable treatment, she was given the rights of a combat slave. Lyra was still sold at the end of the day and ended up as the miserable bodyguard of a self-conceited brat like Soren, but at least he couldn’t lay hands on her without her permission, which he of course never received.

<Aurora! You’re painting me in a bad light in front of the rookie! Shut your blabbering mouth or I will do it for you and you won’t like my methods!> Ayame roared in response to my plump lover’s rather unnecessary words. Sёarᴄh the NôᴠelFirё.net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

<Hehehe! Daddy will protect me.>

<No, I won’t.>

<Huh?!> She yelped with fright.

<What happens in my harem’s private time is not a piece of information that should be shared with others. You can have your catfights with each other, hell, I’ll even happily cheer the two of you on from the sidelines, but only as long as no one suffers from it. You shouldn’t undermine her image just because you are privy to what she does in her most intimate moments.>

My declaration made the girl who overstepped the line shiver and quickly find protection behind Lyra, evidently expecting the pink-haired tanker to protect her since I proved to be unwilling.

Ayame meanwhile stared at the alchemist with the eyes of a cruel predator who’d at long last found the hiding spot of her prey. <We’ll have a nice, long talk between just the two of us once we’re done here.>

<I-I-I’m very sorry! My tongue just slipped!>

No one took her apology seriously, but since my crowd control spells had lost their effects, it was time to finally take our enemies on with our full might.

<Get your heads in the game, ladies. We’ll settle any issues you have once we get home. Take your spots up in our formation.>

And just like that, it was time to face off with the Wraithclaws who used the time we gifted them to organize themselves much better.

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