“My lord, we will prepare another room immediately!”

I had no intention of playing along. We were already more or less full, the only thing that remained was paying the bill. A bill that I was sure would end up being an amount that would make my heart contort with pure grief.

Thus, although I felt a bit bad about it, it was time to throw a temper tantrum. “Another room?! You just allowed your customer to be barged upon! Why do you think I asked for a private room? To not be disturbed, you dumb mudblood trash! The last thing I want is to spend more time in this amateurish establishment. You know what, I’ll even tell my friends not to visit.”

The waitress froze mid-bow, and I could hear a muted, exhausted sigh come from her lips. She was clearly tired of dealing with disgustingly entitled nobles all day long. My actions seemingly stung her even more, because she must’ve thought of me as a rather reasonable man.

I was here to burst her bubble.

Working customer service when the customers in question were the most entitled douches on the planet must’ve been a fun occupation.

“I understand, my lord. While I’m not permitted to offer monetary reimbursements, I’m allowed to waive the bill for your visit.”

I had to chuckle inwardly. What a shrewd owner, or maybe it was just the result of experience learned the hard way? By not permitting the staff to offer reimbursements, the agitated nobles couldn’t demand chests of gold for being ‘offended’ in the establishment. As a simple waitress, this girl would get completely run over by me if this policy wasn’t in place, I would’ve demanded gold to be paid for sure.

However, due to this policy, I had no other option but to be satisfied with a free, high-quality meal for myself and my three girls.

Although I wasn’t overly happy with how the ‘romantic date’ portion of my four goals of the day turned out, it was time to focus on the auction which was starting very soon. Fun with the ladies would have to wait until the event concluded.

My girls and I traveled in an ornate carriage I rented so that we wouldn’t have to traverse the same streets where the filthy lowborns waddled around with their sweaty bodies and desperate expressions. Our cover as Black and his wife Blue required us to keep up appearances.

Kaelira and Seraphiel had to climb to the very top of the carriage, namely to its roof, where they sat for the whole world to see them with their collars and chains glinting in the golden rays of the afternoon sun, drawing all eyes to them.

For some reason, it was the custom of the nobility in the Vraven Kingdom to have their normal slaves travel alongside their carriages on foot, while their sex slaves enjoyed the privilege of sitting down throughout the journey. After all, if they were forced to run, they would become sweaty and tired, which would ruin their whole purpose… unless their owner was into that, of course.

Be that as it may, slaves were slaves at the end of the day, and traveling inside an ornately decorated carriage was thought to be a sign of great luxury, thus even sex slaves weren’t allowed inside. Instead, they had to travel on the roof. The only time they were allowed inside was when their owner wanted to be pleasured, after which they would have to leave and climb to the top once again.

It was a strange custom, but when in Rome, do as the Romans do, I suppose.

Naturally, I kept flirting with Seraphiel throughout the duration using [Master’s Link].

She cried ‘injustice!’ and that I was a cruel, sadistic master, but I only laughed back at her in response before letting her know that if she needed some pampering to forget the memories of today’s humiliating events, I was always available.

She scoffed and growled cutely at my ‘egotistic words’ – according to her – but ended up accepting my offer.

Jasmine, on the other hand, had seated herself beside me. We chatted about the various districts of the capital, and some other similarly light topics. Her tone was measured but sprinkled with a great deal of affection to sell the illusion that she was my beloved, albeit very spoiled wife.

I couldn’t help but think that she enjoyed this role of hers much more than what was reasonable.

And yes, that’s right, I was a talented multitasker; I could easily flirt with two women at once.

It took us about thirty minutes to arrive, and as we approached the towering gates of the acutely named Grand Auction Hall, my attention was drawn to the structure’s majesty.

The building was unlike anything else I’d seen thus far in my time as a transmigrator.

It was a monolith of gorgeous, polished white stone. Tall, intricate pillars lined its entrance, carved with depictions of legendary artifacts and mythical beasts. A golden dome sat atop the hall, reflecting light like a miniature sun, marking it as the crown jewel of the kingdom’s trade and culture.

The entrance was a sea of activity. Nobles dressed in silks and jewels paraded toward the gate with their entourages bustling behind them. Merchants showcased their wealth by flaunting their guards and artifacts, while adventurers bragged loudly as they flashed their scars as proof of their “worthiness.” The hall’s prestige was palpable, and even from the outside, one could feel the allure of unimaginable treasures within.

As we neared the grand doors, a guard clad in shining armor stepped forward with his spear barring our path. His gaze lingered on us, scrutinizing everything from the quality of our clothes to the demeanor of my slaves.

“Your funds, esteemed sir,” he barked. His tone was rough but professional. “Only those with the means to participate are permitted entry because the number of available seats is limited.”

Ah, a rather reasonable motion. I nodded in acceptance and reached into my storage ring to retrieve the pouch containing my gold. The weight of this heavy bag was outright sexual, at least to my mind.

The guard’s eyes bulged and his jaw dropped to the floor. “What the?! Just how much is this gold?!” he stammered as his air of professionalism cracked due to the sensual sight of my sexy coin pouch.

I offered a smug smile. “I didn’t bother to count (I did, many times at that, it’s exactly 800), but it should be more than sufficient, no?”

“S-Sufficient?” he repeated, still staring at the pouch as if it were an otherworldly artifact. “… My lord, please accept this.” He hastily handed over a crimson card embossed with golden lettering while bowing deeply in front of me. “This is your VIP ticket. Please proceed to the main hall.” Sёarᴄh the novel(F~)ire.net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Jasmine looped her arm through mine as we passed through the gates. “That was kinda hot, I’m not gonna lie.” Experience more on empire

I snickered at her words, but I was very glad to see that it was not just me who could get excited from the beautiful sight of overwhelming wealth.

Yeah, I was a worldly person who loved money, is there an issue?

Money doesn’t buy happiness?

Complete bollocks I say!

It buys everything, I even bought several of my lovers!

… Maybe I shouldn’t say that out loud, it sounds weird, wrongly making me seem as if I was a certified scumbag.

… With that out of the way, it was time to find our seating so that the auction could begin in earnest!

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