The style of the subsequent development is really strange.

Meng Li asked 6018:

"have you found the task?"

I feel that nothing is boring in the task space. If there are points, she can go shopping to see if there is anything to buy.


A penny is worth a hero.

"I found it. Are you going?" 6018.

Meng Li said:


Then Meng Li felt that 6018 had sent her.

When she got to the plane, Meng Li opened her eyes. She didn't know whether it was going to be dark or dawn. In a word, she couldn't see the furnishings in the room clearly. She felt that the body was really heavy. She got up and put the pillow on her back.

Received the plot.

This plane is also an ancient plane.

The client should take care of it.

It's a lady from a big family in this town. She has a good life in this town.

It's just that the body is really weak and weak.

And she is not the family's own, is the adopted daughter.

Of course, her father adopted not only an adopted daughter, but also an adopted daughter named Gu Xianzhi and an adopted son named Gu he'an.

Gu he'an was trained as the successor of Gu's family.

Their adoptive father Gu Yide, as his name suggests, was a businessman, but he was a good family and often helped the poor. Therefore, they were not only rich but also famous in the town.

The original intention of adopting them is not only to see that they are poor, but also because he has no fertility. Another reason is that Gu Yide's original mate was not in good health at that time. If someone told him to do more good deeds, he would be rewarded with good fortune.

Therefore, various factors adopted them.

It's a pity that his original mate died within a few years.

Knowing that he could not have children, Gu Yide did not choose to remarry, so as not to delay others and deprive them of the opportunity to be mothers.

And because he has a good reputation, outsiders don't know that he can't have children. They just think that he is in love with his lost wife, which makes him famous.

I do a lot of business and respect him.

Gu Xizhi and Gu Xianzhi grow up together. Gu Xizhi is not healthy and likes to be quiet, but Gu Xianzhi should be lively.

I'm a lot more cheerful. It's kind of a little cotton padded jacket.

They are also simple family, only two adopted daughters, an adopted son, compared with other families in the complex Di Shu, this family can be regarded as pure and complacent.

We all get along well.

It can be said that taking care of one's family is a big family in the town, but taking care of one's family outside is nothing.

The Song family, who are richer than Gu family, not only have money, but also have relations with the central government. It can be said that in the local area, even the local officials can't afford to offend.

However, song Gongzi, the legitimate son of their family, married two wives one after another, and all of them died haplessly. Some people say that song Gongzi's life is tough, which is not suitable for ordinary people.

Now many girls are unwilling to marry. They are still stepwives when they go, and they have to risk being killed. It's just

Then the fortune teller said that he was good enough for the Song family.

There are two adopted daughters in their family. They can count and choose one.

I went to take care of the family and asked for the eight characters of two girls, saying that I would marry the family.

Gu Yide thought for the first time that the other party might have picked Gu Xianzhi and was still struggling with how to refuse the Song family.

After all, the Song family is rich and powerful, and its power and financial resources are far more than that of taking care of the family.

But this calculation is very consistent with Gu Xi's eight characters.

In fact, Gu Xianzhi's is also consistent, but it is not so consistent.

It's better to take care of it. It's not easy to have an accident.

The Song family was surprised to find two suitable ones all at once.

It's incredible, and the family has a good reputation, which is worthy of their family.

Not too aggrieved at home.

All hope to find a right match, if a wild girl, do not know propriety, savage rough crazy, is to match with his son's eight characters again, that also call son hard to swallow.

Looking at Gu Xizhi's delicate and frail appearance, the Song family is speechless. If a good girl marries their family, she will die. The weak

How about Gu Xianzhi?

Gu Xianzhi looks ruddy and in good health.

It's just a little lively, not so quiet.

But the fortune teller recommended Gu Xizhi. Repeatedly, this is more suitable than Gu Xianzhi. There is absolutely no problem.

Although the girl is not in good health, she seems to live a long life.

Tell the Song family that the married daughter-in-law of a wealthy family like you is also a young grandmother. Do you still need to go out and work for survival?

They don't need it at all. In fact, they are not ill. They are weak and can't work.

Does the young grandmother of the Song family need to work?unwanted.

The Song family finally asked what they were most concerned about. Can they have children?

The fortune teller is not sure. He said that he should have hit the target.

Comfort Mrs. song, even if you can't have a child, you can accompany Mr. Song. It's hard to be alone. No matter what, you have to be accompanied.

Now master song's life, ordinary people can't accompany him.

Now Mrs. song had nothing to say. She chose to ask for marriage despite her many scruples.

But there was still room for her to speak. She said that both Gu Xianzhi and Gu Xizhi were OK. It seemed that Gu Yide was willing to marry the girl to their family.

Mr. Gu was very surprised when he heard that the eight characters couldn't be combined, but he didn't expect that they could.

Is it hard for him to raise two daughters for the Song family?

It doesn't mean that regardless of the fate of Gu Xi Zhi and Gu Xianzhi, they agreed to climb up the big tree of the Song family.

He said to consider that the Song family was not a robber, but he didn't say anything.

In terms of attitude, it's still very good. People can't pick out any problems.

Gu Yide also went to the fortune teller, and the results were almost the same. Gu Yide was a little shaken. Since the eight characters match, there might be no problem.

I still trust fortune tellers. In the past, fortune tellers asked him to do good deeds, and they rewarded him with good fortune. In recent years, everything is relatively smooth.

If Gu Xianzhi and Gu Xianzhi are afraid and unwilling to marry, and refuse the marriage, they may make the Song family unhappy. If the Song family is more stingy, it can't be said that his business will be affected.

But there is no way to make decisions without considering their wishes.

Ask or not?

Call Gu Xianzhi and Gu Xizhi and ask them what they think.

Gu Xian one mouth refused, she does not want to marry, she would rather marry poor boy, also want healthy.

And she already had someone in her heart.

But I'm willing to.

She knew that the Song family had come to propose marriage. She thought about it. She was adopted. She didn't know how to repay the kindness of parenting. She didn't say that she had nothing to do with getting married.

When something goes wrong, the Song family must pay attention to her face and compensate Gu family.

If nothing happens, the two families can be taken care of even if they become relatives.

But if she doesn't marry, she will annoy each other. She has been nurtured by her family for more than ten years. If she brings disaster to her family again, it's a sin.

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