Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1702 – Sword Sect Contest

Chapter 1702 – Sword Sect Contest

Jin Family, ancestral shrine. 

Old Ancestor Jin released his grip and the Sky Breaking Sword flew out and inserted itself back into its sheath. 

It was in a special position. It was placed in front of the ancestral tablets and shared the incense blessings with the Jin Family. 

Seeing the Old Ancestor turn around, those that were qualified enough to be in the ancestral shrine immediately bowed respectfully. 

“Old Ancestor, how is it?” One of them spoke. 

Old Ancestor Jin replied, “There is some damage to the Sword Conscience, but thankfully, it is not serious. With about ten years of worship and blessings, it shall be fine.”

A few of them felt relieved but they still wore a serious expression. 

The Jin Family Head said, “Old Ancestor, the sword from the Opening Heavens Sword Sect that was able to hurt the Sky Breaking Sword’s Sword Conscience…” He did not complete his sentence as an intense look appeared in his eyes. 

Old Ancestor Jin looked at him, “Everyone will desire it with the Immortal Soldier rank, but the situation in the Opening Heavens Sword Sect is still unclear for now.”

They were looking highly upon the sword that was able to kill Hu Fu in one blow and damage the Sword Conscience. Moreover, no one could be sure whether the Opening Heavens Sword Sect had other hidden cards. 

Putting aside Sect Master Qin Yu, there was also his mysterious guardian. She was now the Grand Elder of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect and this caused Old Ancestor Jin to be slightly apprehensive. 

Jin Family Head saw this, “Old Ancestor, do you mean that we should wait and see?”

“With regards to the Opening Heavens Sword Sect, there are people who are more invested than us. Hu Fu was just an average chess piece. The real play has yet to begin.”

Old Ancestor Jin looked calm, “Let them test the waters.”

A few people bowed, “Old Ancestor, you are wise.”  


Qin Yu began to seriously isolate and cultivate for several days once more. When his body reached the limit, he would then pause and call upon the Mountains and Rivers Sword. He would use the sword polishing stone to polish the sword until his body finished digesting. He would then go back to cultivating. 

The polishing stone was the one that he got from the Forging Sword Sect. It was about as big as a ring and was very shiny. When he used his finger to touch it, he could sense the little bumps on it. 

They were very very small but extremely clear. When the Mountains and Rivers Sword brushed over it, some sparks would fly. Little by little, they lit up Qin Yu’s face. 

From the outside, the Mountains and Rivers Sword did not have any obvious changes. However, Qin Yu could sense the change in its sword aura. 

The sharp edge was slowly emerging!

But this was only the beginning. 

Once this polishing stone was completely used up, the Mountains and Rivers Sword’s power would be horrifying. 

Qin Yu was looking forward to that day. 

Life was passing peacefully and Qin Yu was even enjoying himself. The only weird thing was that Rourou had been acting mysterious recently. She has been pacing around the mountain gate as if looking for something. 

Qin Yu asked her once but she did not give a reply. He thought about it and did not ask anymore. 

Cultivating was his first priority!

Inside the Opening Heavens Sword Sect, the cultivators that were responsible for construction left after completing their work. The huge sect was empty. 

Holding her hands together, Rourou had walked up and down the new stone steps at least four times, frowning intensely. 

It should be here. But today, she could not sense its aura at all. Alas, with the falling of her fate level, she could no longer sense the existence that was of her past level. 

This caused her to be extremely annoyed. Glancing at the Secret Sword Peak Realm that Qin Yu was isolating in, a dark look came over her features. 

It's all because of that brat!

But no matter how annoyed she was, she still had to do it…but how should she do it? Rourou frowned and fell into deep thought. 


While the Opening Heavens Sword Sect was peaceful, Swallow Mountain was like a volcano that was becoming active once more and could erupt at any time. 

The reason was simple. If it was just a normal sword sect that was reestablishing, it would not matter and everyone would just exclaim about how their ancestors were looking over them. 

But the Opening Heavens Sword Sect was not the same. 

Back then, it had a very high position, and if they were to really follow Swallow Mountain’s rules, it would hurt a lot of people. 

Ignoring those that took away the resources from the Opening Heavens Sword Sect back then, more importantly, it was the name of the ten swords sect as well as the Main Sword Masters meeting that possessed the most power. 

Were they going to just give up the name of the ten sword sects as well as the Sword Master position to them? Forget it, no one was stupid. 

Something would definitely happen!

When Qin Yu killed Hu Fu and reestablished the Opening Heavens Sword Sect, everyone knew that this was fated. All the sects and cultivators in Swallow Mountain were just waiting for the show to begin. 

Everyone knew that this meant a shift in power in Swallow Mountain and the resounding impact would affect everyone. No one would be spared. 

On the thirtieth day of Qin Yu being in isolation, it was just the end of a month. Zhang Xiashan had no choice but to rush to report.

There was a visitor. 

If it were a normal person, he could just reject them. He had done this numerous times in the past month. However, he could not do so for this one. This person was too high up, and strictly speaking, he was Zhang Xiashan’s idol. 

Spring Wind Sword Sect, Sword Immortal Li Sumu!

He found the Grand Elder, but before Zhang Xiashan could speak, he was waved away, “I will not interfere with this.”

Zhang Xiashan almost rolled his eyes but he hesitated and decided not to say anything. He internally mocked the Grand Elder for being cowardly as he turned to find the Sect Master.

There was no choice; old swordsman Iron Forest was not around and there were only three of them left in the Opening Heavens Sword Sect. If Grand Elder was not going to do anything, then Sect Master had to deal with it. As for his isolation, there was no choice. 

Zhang Xiashan knew where the entrance of the Secret Sword Peak Realm was. But that was all he knew and he did not know how to enter. 

Taking a deep breath, he stopped and bowed, “Sect Master, Spring Wind Sword Sect’s Li Sumu is here to visit.”

This time, Zhang Xiashan was lucky and soon there was movement at the entrance of the Secret Sword Peak Realm. Qin Yu walked out. 

“What is he doing here?”

Zhang Xiashan shook his head. He was the Sword Immortal and was rumored to be one of the Sword Masters. Why would he give me an explanation?

Qin Yu thought, “Okay, I will meet him.”

As the Sect Master of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect and having received the recognition of the Sword Spirit, this was literally his territory. 

Woosh –


Qin Yu appeared in midair and put his hands together, smiling, “Brother Li, I had wanted to visit you back when I just recovered, but you were in isolation.”

Li Sumu nodded, “I know about that. Sect Master Qin, you kept to your promise and hence, I am visiting you today.”

Qin Yu frowned slightly, “Brother Li, you seem to have something to say. Let’s go in and talk.”

“There is no need…”

Qin Yu said, “Previously, I went to the Forging Sword Sect for a visit. Sect Master Gu was very welcoming and gave me a Misty Dragon Mother Tree Tea that is supposedly very rare.”

Li Sumu put his hands together, “Then sorry for disturbing.”

Qin Yu sighed internally. Swordsmen were a bunch of adorable people. 

Stretching out his hand, he gestured, “Please.”

After entering the mountain gate, it was extremely silent because there was no one around. They randomly chose a terrace to sit at. 

Once they both sat down, Qin Yu waved his arm and a tea set appeared in front of them. Snapping his fingers, a flame appeared and started boiling the water. He looked at Li Sumu, “Brother Li, let’s talk while waiting for the water to boil.”

Li Sumu looked at him and seemed to hesitate before speaking slowly, “The Main Sword Masters will soon make a decision to begin the Sword Sect Contest.”

He then took out a jade slip, “There are a lot of details; you will know once you go through it.”

According to the original plan, Li Sumu was supposed to leave the jade slip outside the mountain gate and take his leave. After all, just leaving the message versus coming in as a guest conveyed very different meanings. 

Li Sumu was very clear that this represented distance as well as appropriateness. Who asked Qin Yu to have Misty Dragon Mother Tree Tea?

Any swordsman on Swallow Mountain who enjoyed tea knew that Sect Master Gu from the Forging Sword Sect was heartless. He forked out a lot to buy a jar of Misty Dragon Mother Tree Tea and treated it like a gem which others could only see but not covet. 

Several elder swordsmen had personally gone to the Forging Sword Sect and hinted but they never ever got to taste a cup of Misty Dragon Mother Tree Tea.

Though it was hard to believe, there was no reason for Qin Yu to make a joke like this. He would be able to tell the authenticity and quality of the tea with one sniff. 

Qin Yu took the jade slip and extended his senses into it. A moment later, he put it away and looked thoughtful, “Thank you Brother Li for the reminder.”

However, he was actually not surprised. 

Li Sumu seemed to notice the calmness in Qin Yu and said, “This time the opinions were unanimous amongst the Main Sword Masters.”

This was a word of caution he was giving because of the Misty Dragon Mother Tree Tea. Simply put, all of the Opening Heaven Sword Sect’s neighbors did not ‘like’ them and were trying to create trouble. 

The water was hot and Qin Yu lifted the bamboo tube on the tea set. He then took out another identical one and placed it there. He smiled softly, “The water is ready; let us have a taste.”

Li Sumu’s mouth twitched; he knew that if he had not said what he said, he might not have seen the second bamboo tube.

But very soon, any displeasure he had disappeared as his eyes lit up. From when Qin Yu opened the bamboo tube, Li Sumu instantly smelt a relaxed fragrance. After it was placed in the water, an intense smell filled the air like numerous hooks catching onto his mind. 

“Do we have to wash the tea?”

Hearing this, Li Sumu almost jumped up as he stared and bit down on his teeth, “No…Sect Master Qin, if you care about the quality, you can pass me the water used to wash the tea.”

Qin Yu nodded, “Okay.”

Li Sumu smiled. 

He slowly lifted the tea cup and took a sip. He could not help but close his eyes; ‘happiness’ was written all over his face!

Misty Dragon Mother Tree Tea. This was truly Misty Dragon Mother Tree Tea. After so many years, he was finally able to take a sip of it and he felt extremely fortunate. 

After a few moments, Li Sumu opened his eyes and looked at Qin Yu, who had calmly drank his in two mouths. The feeling he had instantly disappeared. 


It was such a treasured tea, yet he drank it like a cow drinking water. How despicable. 

Taking a deep breath, Li Sumu spoke, “Sect Master Qin…” He had only started when he cut it off, “Let’s just drink tea today. There is no need to talk about other things.”

He rejected it cleanly!

Qin Yu had a neutral expression but his face seemed to say – keep your thoughts to yourself.

After a while, he reached out and put the bamboo tube away. 

Li Sumu had forcibly drank seven cups of tea and his stomach was slightly round from it. Yet, he was still reluctant to leave the fragrance. 

This was the Sword Immortal from the Spring Wind Sword Sect who was rumored to soon be entering the Main Sword Masters group. Qin Yu watched as he was stuffing himself with tea. 

Qin Yu coughed lightly, “I am considering changing the tea set. Brother Li, if you do not mind, I will give this set to you.”


Li Sumu put his hands together, “Goodbye.” He waved his sleeve and stored the tea set. He turned and disappeared.

Lifting his hand to rub his face, Qin Yu found Rourou, who was still pacing around. He told her what happened. 

“Sword Sect Contest?” Rourou was expressionless, “We are not looking for trouble but others are creating trouble for us!”

Qin Yu replied, “This was expected, but from what Li Sumu said, it has received the approval of Swallow Mountain’s Main Sword Masters.”

Rourou sneered, “What is bound to happen will happen. Since they started it, we shall give it to them.” She paused for a while before saying slowly, “It is about time to even things out.”

Hearing this, Qin Yu asked what he had always been wondering, “Rourou, do you have some kind of relationship with the Opening Heavens Sword Sect?”

Rourou looked at him, “That’s right.” She waved her hand and did not explain further. “It is in the past and I don’t want to talk about it. Get prepared. Since they started it, don’t blame me for flipping the entirety of Swallow Mountain over.”


Changing identities to easily get the recognition of the Sword Spirit of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect? Moreover, from General Zhao Yuan, to the Qin Empire’s national advisor, to all the various swordsmen in Swallow Mountain, no one had questioned their identity before. 

Before entering the Secret Sword Peak Realm, Qin Yu had thought that it was because of Rourou’s meticulous ways that could make anything believable. But now it seemed like their identities had been real from the start!

In that case, coming to Swallow Mountain had been a part of Rourou’s plan and it had been decided a long time ago. 

What was she planning? Perhaps it had something to do with how mysterious Rourou had been behaving. 

For example, along these stone steps.  

Rourou rolled her eyes, “Don’t look at me. Even if your eyeballs drop out from staring, you will not be able to see anything. Hurry and find some swordsmen to join the Opening Heaven Sword Sect…the Sword Sect Contest. Let’s make them deal with the consequences!”

Qin Yu chuckled bitterly. Where was he to find people in this short time. 

Thinking about it, his eyes suddenly lit up, “Rourou, I have an idea…”


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