Our next target was the Giant Golden-Tusked Boars, Tier 4 to 6 monsters, who at younger ages are Tier 4 but the Elders can reach Tier 6, becoming giant and powerful, often known as guardians of the forest and capable of shaping a whole forest using their big tusks.

However for the boars to get to Tier 6, they have lived for like a hundred years, so they’re very rare. The primary goal of this little quest is hunting a minimum of thirty of these monsters of any Tier, they’ve been overpopulating the south area of the forest in front of Agartha, and they’ve been reported by various foragers and herbalists that they’re eating all the important plants and leaving nothing behind because they eat them by the roots too.

And that’s certainly a problem! We can’t let these guys just begin stealing all our medicinal plants like that! Right? Some of them only grow in certain conditions in this forest, and cannot be raised inside the city.

"Miss huntress said she was going to hunt them all, right~?" Aquarina teased Mist.

"I-I will!" Mist nodded. "W-Well, as many as I can... But help me out too..."

"Haha, taking back your words already?" I giggled. "Fine, we’ll help, but you can take the spotlight."

"Yaay!" Mist celebrated adorably. "So where was it again?"

"The boars roam the south of the forest, near a "Medicinal Herb Patch" that the herbalists and alchemists have been keeping safe for a while. There was actually some kind of magic barrier there, but the boars broke it and started eating everything inside that territory.

"Wow, they’re tough if they can do that!" Celica said.

"Yeah..." Zephy nodded.

"Yes, the Golden-Tusked Boars are known for their strong charge attacks and their tusks, which seem to be able to break through magical defenses," I nodded. "They’re tough foes even at their low tier, so don’t lower your guards."

After a small walk, we arrived at our destination, the barrier was still there somewhat, though it gained many cracks and had several holes open, where the boars kept entering and coming out of it.

"Oink, oink... Snorf, snorf..."

They were making their cute piggy noises while sniffing the floor looking for roots to eat. They were big, the smallest at three meters of height, with shiny golden tusks and brown fur.

"There they are, there’s roughly over thirty there, maybe almost forty..." I squinted my eyes. "Let’s just kill them all, I guess... Mist, you begin. We catch the guys that escape afterwards." "O-Okay!" Mist nodded with great resolve in her eyes.

Mist calmed down and pointed her Magic Bow at the far away boars, quickly beginning to both conjure magic and combine it with her skills.

"{Light Spirit Arrow Aura}"


An aura of golden light surged from her body, shining with blinding brightness. The aura of light rapidly compressed itself and took shape, forming into several arrows as she combined it with another skill.

"{Magic Arrow Creation}"

A dozen magic arrows were formed within seconds, and this wasn’t even her equipment’s abilities yet. She hadn’t used that at all, she often likes keeping those for truly big game.

"And now... {Celestial Light Bow Arts}: {Star Shower}"

Mist’s Aura of light transformed, resembling a beautiful white swan spreading its wings, its light encompassing her entirely.

She had become so strong compared to the past, it was as if she was a completely different person in terms of strength and magic.

Back then Mist was just a little and very talkative girl that often got herself into trouble and was bullied by the local thugs.


Her Aura, her Magic Arrows, and her powerful Magic Bow weapon, which my parents had personally bought for her as a gift in one of her birthdays, combined their powers as one.

Over a dozen arrows of highly condensed light, merged with her own Beast Aura Essence and her Light Spirit’s powers were fired at once.

They reached the skies, illuminating it, resembling dozens of twinkling stars in the middle of the day.

With great precision and dexterity, Mist controlled them as they fell, the arrows piercing the bodies of the boars one after another as a shower of golden explosions of light engulfed the beasts.


It was a devastating attack, half of the boars died on the spot, the other half managed to survive and entered into panic, unable to detect where the attack came from, they started


"Don’t let them run, Mist!" Zack cheered for her.

"Don’t worry, I got this!" Mist’s eyes shone brightly. "{Enhanced Eyesight}! {Enhanced Precision}! {Hawk Eyes}!"

She activated several sight and precision-enhancing spells as her white dress shone brightly, activating its ability.

It was the ability I had imbued into her equipment, specially made for my best friend.

"{Blessed Arrows of Holy Sunshine}!"

Ten arrows made of condensed Holy Light and Sunlight materialized around her, which she rapidly fired against the escaping boars, explosions of golden light and flames engulfed them

One after another.


"Come on, not yet... Not yet!"

She kept shooting precisely, without missing a single arrow as the boars were shot from behind, an explosion of fire engulfing their entire bodies and killing them seconds later.

Relentlessly, Mist never stopped until every boar within the vicinity was hunted down, and that roughly took her like ten minutes.

"I-I think that’s all of them? Sylphy, you got better eyesight, can you check?"

I looked around and nodded.

"Yep, that’s all of them, amazing, Mist! You’re such a good sniper it’s unreal!"

"Heheh! See? I said I would do it and I did!"

Mist was very proud of her achievement, and we all praised her for that.

"That was incredible!" Zephy nodded.

"Big sis Mist is the strongest!" Celica said.

"You have really improved a lot, Mist, it almost feels like you’re a different person, haha,"

Aquarina laughed.

"Yeah, she’s not completely wrong there..." Zack nodded. "Well done!" he kissed Mist’s forehead and gave her a head pat.

"Thank you everyone! I will keep working hard!" Mist smiled. "We should quickly pack things

Up and go now!"

"Right! Let’s go," I nodded.

After that, we made our way back to Agartha.

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