The night arrived, and with that, it was time to go sleep. We had a small dinner, where dad mostly cooked everything for us. He used a variety of ingredients and made some delicious seafood fried rice with grilled meat and fries. He also made some freshly baked bread and fruit juice!

He surprised us a bit, we’ve never seen him cook this much before, he usually only did the meat grilling thing, but he was good at cooking, for real! His food was really good.

"Hmmm, Allan, your food’s really good..." Felicia nodded. "Have you thought about becoming my house husband?"

"Are you flirting with me, Felicia...?" my father felt slightly cringed out with that.

"Ahem! Maybe I spoke too much out of my mind, hahah..." she laughed nervously.

I am beginning to think my dad is quite the Casanova, how many women have a little crush on him?!

"Anyways, let’s just eat, I am rather tired myself..." my father yawned. "The rooms, are the girls being given their own rooms or...?"

"Oh yes, four rooms for the four of you, they’re all adjacent to one another, to the stair to the left, then take the stair to the right, and then walk downstairs," Felicia explained.

"Ugh, why is your house so complicated?" Celeste sighed.

Like that, after a delicious dinner in the small kitchen/dinning room that Felicia had, we made our way back to our rooms.

The rooms were small, but cozy, the beds were already prepared and looked clean and fresh, there were two windows, and we could see the mountains from here.

"I guess I’ll be staying here for a while now..."

As I looked through the window, I sighed.

I wonder how Aquarina and everyone else is doing...

It has only been like, a bit over a day since we departed, but it already feels so long.

I miss my big girlfriend...

I want to cuddle with Aquarina so bad!


"Are you okay, Sylphy?"

Alice appeared by my side, sitting over my shoulders.

"I-I’m fine, you don’t have to worry about anything!"

"You sure love lying. I can easily tell you’re not alright... But at the same time, it is to be expected."

"I guess so... Hah, I miss them all, I miss my brother and mom too..."

"I also miss them," Alice nodded. "But you have to learn to have patience and trust them. They will be fine, you don’t have to worry."

"I know... I know they’re fine, but I just... I can’t help but end up worrying and getting sad. Maybe I just miss them... I want them here with me, I’m just selfish, right?"

"Perhaps... But who isn’t? You lived your entire life so far by their side, it is bound to be hard to process the fact they won’t be at your side for a while now, years, perhaps."

"Years... such a terrible word! Is that really going to be a thing?! Aaagh!"

I ended grabbing my head and screaming like I was losing it.

Can I really handle over a year, if not years without them at my side?!

This is fucking tough!

"Haha, I know it will be hard, but you have Celeste, Celica, and your father here. You’re not completely alone..." Alice tried to cheer me up.

"Hmm, I guess..." I nodded. "But why didn’t you include yourself? You’re here too, Alice! And Yggdra too, Naturia, Ignatius, Furoh, and everyone else."

"I-I suppose, but I thought you might have gotten slightly upset if I mentioned us, after all, we’ve always been with you and we can’t be really separated as Familiars," Alice said. "But I’m glad you see me as family as well, Sylphy."

"Aaww, of course I do, Alice, you’re my sister," I said, as I caressed her little head and gave her a kiss over her hair. "Thank you for always accompanying ever since I reincarnated, you’ve been one of the reasons I was able to handle everything..."

"Of course! And it is thanks to you being there for me that I can be so free now, I never imagined I would get to know this world at your side, even less move and have my own spiritual body..." she said. "I also no longer feel pain, all thanks to you, Sylphy. I owe you more than you imagine..."

She rubbed her little face over mine, and then hugged me tightly, kissing my nose.

"Well, I just did what I had to..." I shrugged, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Usually she would keep these things for herself, but she’s being much more open about her emotions, I suppose this is thanks to all the years we’ve been together. And maybe she also wanted to cheer me up.

"I’m also here master... Don’t forget about me!" Naturia appeared by my left, hugging my leg. "If you feel lonely and sad, I can cheer you up!"

"Naturia... Thank you, come here," I grabbed her and let her sit over my legs, as she hugged me tightly.

"I really can feel how sad you felt about your friends, and especially your mother, brother, and Aquarina departing, but I know you’re strong enough that you will be able to overcome this little challenge, master."

Suddenly, Yggdra’s spiritual form appeared above me.

"I spent several years alone, but I knew you were there with Naturia, thinking about me, just as much as I thought about you," she said. "As long as you keep those you love inside of your heart, then you will never feel like they truly left. Even now, I can feel them, everyone is right here, with you. There is a strong connection you made with them, over the years. It is not just a connection of friendship; it is a bond of souls. You will never be truly separated." "Yggdra... Thank you," I sighed. "I think I’ll go to sleep now... Can you girls come sleep at my side? I always slept with Aquarina... I’ll miss her in the bed."

"S-Sure, I don’t mind..." Alice nodded.

"Of course," Yggdra said.

"Okay!" Naturia smiled.

As I put on my pajamas and covered myself with blankets, they slept right besides me. I hugged all three of them, covering them in the warm blankets.

And even though I missed my Aquarina’s warm back, which I always hugged, I was able to

Sleep just fine...

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