The news spread around that Aiden had been found, and people of the Tuvalon Kingdom had to stop searching around for him. And there were three reactions to this.

Some people were sad 'cause they were hoping to find Aiden and get the promised rewards, but he's been found already. Some weren't happy or sad, they were searching to see if they'll find out where Aiden was, but they didn't, someone else did.

They wouldn't get the rewards, nothing spoiled, life must go on. And another set of people that gave this same reaction were the people that didn't even search for Aiden at all.

And some were happy Aiden had been found, that he was alive. These were the set of people that weren't searching around for Aiden for the rewards. They just really wanted Aiden to be back with his family, they wanted him to be out of danger.

They respected Ethan, they knew he shouldn't be going through that. And now that Aiden has been found, they were happy. And what made them really glad was that it was someone like their kind that found out where Aiden was.

ƥαṇdα- ηθνε|·ƈθm Someone that didn't care about the rewards, someone that wanted Aiden to just be out of danger, someone who respected Ethan. But according to what they heard, he got the rewards and even more from Ethan...they were happy for him.

Some people knew the man that got the rewards. He was once poor, but now, his life was gonna change for good. Some were happy for him, and some were envious of him. Those that were envious of him didn't plan on doing anything about it.

Teachers and students in Aiden's academy got the news that he had been found, and they were glad. This was for people that were aware he went missing 'cause not everyone in Aiden's academy knew he went missing.

Out of all the students, the most joyous ones were Oliver and Ava. They were so happy Aiden had been found, their friend had been found...he didn't die, he wasn't killed.

..But they didn't plan on visiting him, they knew he was gonna resume school at the right time.

Currently, all the chiefs and nobles were sitting in the king's palace dressed in their meeting robes, Ethan was also present. The king was sitting on his throne with two knights beside him, a meeting was about to take place.

All the chiefs and nobles had already heard that Ethan's son had been found. And many of them gave no reaction to it, they were just glad the king wouldn't be calling for meetings anymore regarding Ethan's son going missing.

But some were a little glad, those that truly understood how it felt to lose a child...especially a son. The only person that gave a completely different reaction was Asher...he was somehow angry.

..So he didn't still achieve his aim to take Aiden's life? So what was the need of capturing him?

He was hoping Ethan could step down from being a chief during the time Aiden went missing, but he didn't. So he didn't achieve anything from capturing Aiden.

..Ethan didn't step down from being a chief, Aiden was still alive and back with his family...he failed for the second time.

One of the assassins he hired even lost his life, he was aware of these things. All the officials were seated on long chairs in the king's palace, then the king began speaking,

"Ethan's son has been found, I'm sure you all are aware of this. And from now on, he's gonna be guarded properly, he's gonna be protected. No matter how we look at it, we know the person that captured Ethan's son is either among you guys or the natives of this kingdom,

If it's among the natives of this kingdom, I can't do anything about it, I can't discover who captured Aiden, but I can protect him. But if the person is among you guys, then I think I can do something about it. I can find out the person behind Aiden's capture, and I'll most likely discover the person concerning what I plan on doing,

And if it happens to be one of you guys, then that person would be severely punished. In fact, that person would most likely be killed. The person did great wrong by capturing his fellow official's son. The person doesn't deserve to be one of the officials of this kingdom,

The person deserves to be removed from the officials, the person deserves to be killed".

..And at that moment, great fear entered Asher's body.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

What does the king plan on doing? How does the king plan on discovering the person that captured Aiden? Not knowing what the king planned on doing was really torturing.

And he knew once the king discovers he was the one that captured Aiden, he'd most likely be killed. If the king doesn't kill him, Ethan would definitely kill him. He was afraid, but he made sure it didn't show on his face.

"In the coming days, all of you would gather here in the palace again, and the person behind Aiden's capture would most likely be revealed that day if the person is among you guys".

..That statement sent another round of fear into Asher's body.

The king dismissed them all including Ethan, and all of them departed from the palace waiting for the next summoning.


The king had summoned all the officials again, and each of them was sitting comfortably in the palace. The king was sitting on his throne as usual with two knights beside him, and knights were outside the palace as well.

Apart from these people in the palace, there was also a woman in the palace dressed in white robe. This woman was in her 'sixties, but signs of aging hadn't started showing on her face yet considering the lifespan of humans in this world.

Aging would start showing on her face when she gets to her 'seventies. And this woman possesses one of the minor abilities, one that was rare to possess. She possesses the ability to read minds. Apart from that, she possesses two main power elements.

This ability was rare to possess, but the possesses it...she was special. A person can do a lot with this ability. A person can tell what you've done recently with this ability. Even if you didn't do it that day, with the reading mind ability, the person would search through your mind thoroughly and discover what you've done days ago.

It is very hard to hide secrets from people with the ability to read minds. You gonna have serious problems battling people with the ability. They can tell the attack you want to throw next 'cause they'll be reading your mind while battling you.

..People with this ability were rare to find, they weren't that many, but it isn't impossible to find one.

This woman possesses the ability, and why was she at the palace? She was here to read through the minds of all the officials, she was here to discover the person behind Aiden's capture if the person was among them.

There was no how you could hide it from her, once she reads your mind thoroughly, she'd be able to tell if you were behind Aiden's capture or not.

This was what the king planned on doing to discover the person behind Aiden's capture, this was what he had in mind all along. This was an easy way to reveal the person behind it.

The people with the reading mind ability were rare to find, but with the help of one of his messengers, the king was able to discover the woman. She was told what she was gonna do ahead of time, and she'd be rewarded for it.

All the officials were just glancing at the woman, they didn't know why she was here, and they didn't know who she was. Asher was also present at the palace, and his gaze was focused on the woman as well. Even Ethan didn't know why the woman was here, he didn't know she could read minds...

..The king never told him of his plans.

They were still glancing at the woman when the king's voice resounded,

"You all can see this woman here, and she possesses the ability to read minds, you can't hide anything from her once it comes to your thoughts. Remember, I told you all that I would be doing something regarding the capture of Ethan's son,

So if one of you is behind what happened to Ethan's son back then and recently, you'll be exposed today".

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