'Is Ling Ling's talent really that lacking?' I wondered.

I had thought that while she didn't have the polished techniques of a professional, her clear voice and excellent expressiveness were at a considerable level.

However, Bang Seon-Woo was saying that Ling Ling couldn't become an idol.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Her vocal cords are too weak," he replied.

"Her vocal cords?"

"Yes. Her vocal cords are struggling not only in the higher registers but even in the normal range. And the bigger problem is..." Bang Seon-Woo continued hesitantly.

"What's the bigger problem?"

"The way her voice is breaking suggests she might already have vocal cord nodules."

I contemplated for a moment, then asked Bang Seon-Woo again."Could it be that Ling Ling just sang a song that didn't suit her vocal range?"

Kang Ha-Na's vocal style was different from Ling Ling's clear tone, as Kang Ha-Na relied on a strong midrange and distinctive falsetto.

Bang Seon-Woo shook his head. "No, she sang with her own voice and in her own style, so that's not the issue."

'Of course, someone with Bang Seon-Woo's perfect pitch wouldn't misjudge something like this,' I thought.

I briefly searched my past memories.

In my past life, Ling Ling had been a top idol for about a year before she retired, claiming she had no lingering attachments to the entertainment industry after making a name for her sister.

That's when a thought crossed my mind. 'Could her vocal cord issues have been the real reason behind her early retirement?'

As I recalled, Ling Ling's voice wasn't as clear as it was now back then.

"Is there any way to treat it?"

"Vocal cords are muscles, so they can be trained. However, a significant part of it is also innate..."

I continued asking, "What if she receives professional vocal training? Wouldn't that improve things?"

Bang Seon-Woo scratched his head. "It would help, but she'd still need to rest for two or three days after singing for just one day and a professional can't afford that kind of limitation."

Though the situation was challenging, I found a glimmer of hope. "Then what if we find a top-tier vocal coach and have her follow a strict schedule?"

Bang Seon-Woo tilted his head. "That would certainly help a lot, but it's not guaranteed. You should consult with a professional vocal coach. And more importantly, take her to a proper clinic for a thorough examination."

I nodded. "Okay."

The faces of Wang Long and Lily, who had initially hoped Ling Ling wouldn't become an idol, began to harden. They had only opposed Ling Ling pursuing an idol career because she was so young and was trying to do it in Korea. They hadn't actually intended to stop her from becoming a celebrity.

I reiterated the conclusion Bang Seon-Woo and I had reached to them, knowing they understood some Korean but weren't entirely fluent.

"She's got more than enough talent. Her Korean is nearly at a native level, so there won't be any issues with her working in Korea."

Wang Long and Lily exchanged a brief glance and silently communicated. Though they had opposed her becoming a celebrity, they were clearly torn now that they knew Ling Ling had real talent.

I continued, "But there's another issue."

I explained that Ling Ling's vocal cords were weak, so she could only pursue a singing career with a good vocal coach and strict schedule management.

With a surprised expression, Lily responded. "Can't we just stop her from singing in the future?"

"Do you think Ling Ling would listen if you tried to stop her?"

Lily thought for a moment before shaking her head. "No, Ling Ling is incredibly stubborn!"

'Exactly. If that were the case, she would have listened to them long ago,' I remarked inwardly.

For Ling Ling's future, simply forbidding her to sing wouldn't be the best approach.

"For someone like Ling Ling, it's better to manage her properly," I remarked.

Wang Long and Lily looked at each other again, clearly confused by the unexpected turn of events.

Then, Wang Long took Lily's hand and began to persuade her. "Let's leave it to Yoon-Ho. If anyone can find the best path for Ling Ling, it's him."

Lily turned her gaze toward me. "Can I trust you with my little sister? Will you care for her like you do for Miso?"

I nodded firmly at her question. "Of course."

Lily looked at the recording booth still with a worried expression, but she eventually nodded her approval.

As soon as Lily gave consent, Wang Long mentioned that they would cover all the expenses from Shanghai and asked me to find the best vocal coach for Ling Ling.

At that moment, one particular vocal trainer came to mind. 'I should look for Yeon-Woo.'

During my time at Top Entertainment in my past life, I had worked with one of Korea's top vocal trainers—Seo Yeon-Woo.

Despite being confined to a wheelchair due to a disability, Seo Yeon-Woo had started earning a living through singing at the age of 15.

His ordinary appearance and physical limitations made him realize that he couldn't succeed as a singer, so he dedicated his talents entirely to vocal training.

If I could bring him on board, it would be possible for Ling Ling to pursue an idol career.

Since I had no idea where he currently was or what he was doing, I would need Lee Soo-Chan's help to locate him.

With Seo Yeon-Woo in mind, I reassured Wang Long. "Don't worry, I'll contact you once I find someone."

Wang Long nodded in agreement.

A moment later, Ling Ling walked out from the recording booth and asked about the result with her face flushed.

Ling Ling asked with her hands tightly clasped due to her racing heart. "Mr. Jung, how did I do?"

"Well, your singing passed!"

"Yay!" Ling Ling shouted triumphantly, turning to Lily with pride. "See, unnie? What did I tell you? I told you I'm good!"

"Yes, Ling Ling..."

Ling Ling frowned upon hearing Lily's dejected tone. "Huh? But why do you look like that? Do you really not want me to become an idol that bad?"

"N-no, it's not that..."

I calmed the excited Ling Ling down and began explaining what Bang Seon-Woo had told me about her vocal cords.

As I spoke, Ling Ling's expression started to waver. "Does that mean... I can't be an idol?"

I gently comforted Ling Ling as her eyes began to well up with tears. "No, you can do it. But you need to prepare thoroughly."

"I'll do anything! Just tell me what I need to do!" Lily cried.

I began to explain to Ling Ling the ways she could protect her vocal cords, including avoiding cold water and carbonated drinks as well as conserving her voice as much as possible.

Even though these were challenging tasks especially for a 16-year-old, Ling Ling nodded with a determined expression.

I looked at Ling Ling. "These things won't be easy, but do you still want to become an idol?"

Ling Ling nodded resolutely. "Yes! Even if I regret it, I want to give it my all and see it through to the end."

Ling Ling's determined eyes shone like a precious gem.

I nodded. "Alright. I'll make sure your dream comes true no matter what."

At that moment, tears started streaming down Ling Ling's face. "Thank you... so much. Sniff."

Ling Ling's sobs grew louder, and she eventually broke down crying in the recording studio.

It was a day when her dream seemed within reach, but it also felt like receiving a death sentence for her vocal cords.

After waiting for Ling Ling's tears to subside, I spoke to her calmly. "Ling Ling. Try not to cry out loud like this from now on. Crying puts a lot of strain on your vocal cords too."

Ling Ling quickly wiped her tears and nodded.

Seeing her rekindle her determination so quickly gave me hope. In this industry, mental resilience was just as important as talent.

"So what happens now? Will I stay in Korea from now on?" Ling Ling asked.

I shook my head. "No, you'll head back to China for now. I'll call you once I find a vocal trainer."


"And before you leave, we'll visit a hospital for a check-up first."

Wang Long mentioned that he knew a good hospital, but I doubted it was better than the one I had in mind.

After all, I knew the best doctor in Korea specializing in vocal health for singers.


"Say 'Ahh~' please."


At Life Clinic, Kim Soo-Myung began the examination.

Ling Ling sitting in the examination chair opened her mouth wide like a little bird.

Kim Soo-Myung started inserting the endoscope tube without sedation, explaining that anesthesia could strain her vocal cords.

Even though the thick tube must have felt uncomfortable going down her throat, Ling Ling endured it while gripping her sister's hand tightly.

The reason I brought Ling Ling to this clinic instead of an ENT, was because Kim Soo-Myung was also well-versed in vocal cord health.

I had explained Ling Ling's situation to Kim Soo-Myung, requesting a thorough examination.

A few minutes later, Kim Soo-Myung began to share his observations as the endoscopy concluded.

"Mr. Jung. You know I'm not an ENT specialist, right?" said Kim Soo-Myung.

Knowing Kim Soo-Myung was a specialist in family medicine, I nodded and replied, "You're too modest, doctor. You handle everything from upper endoscopy to colonoscopy."

Family medicine covered a broad range of medical fields unlike specialists who focused only on a single area. However, Kim Soo-Myung was so skilled during his training that even the professors in each department had tried to recruit him to their own specialties.

At my compliment, Kim Soo-Myung cleared his throat awkwardly and continued. "Ahem. Well, as you suspected, there are indeed nodules. However, they're so minor that it's hard to even call them nodules."

Ling Ling's face darkened as Kim Soo-Myung confirmed Bang Seon-Woo's earlier assessment.

I gently patted her shoulder to reassure her. "It's okay, Ling Ling. The diagnosis isn't over yet."

Kim Soo-Myung took a short breath and continued with the diagnosis. "The nodules should heal with some rest. Of course, singing is strictly forbidden during that time and she'll need to conserve her voice."

"Understood. But will she still be able to become a professional singer?"

Kim Soo-Myung hesitated briefly before nodding. "Ling Ling's vocal cords are about 30% thinner than the average person's. But since she's still young, there's a possibility that her vocal cords could grow stronger as she matures. Her tone might change slightly, but that can be managed with vocal techniques."

A trained singer's vocal cords were typically thicker than those of a non-singer as they were muscles that could be developed.

Relieved by the news that Ling Ling's vocal cords could be trained, I let out a sigh of relief.

Kim Soo-Myung continued, "If she meets a good vocal coach and trains carefully without causing further damage, I believe it's possible for her to become a singer. Regular check-ups will be essential, though."

Despite the discomfort from undergoing the exam without anesthesia, Ling Ling answered firmly, "I can handle that!"

Kim Soo-Myung looked at her with a warm expression. "It won't be easy."

"It's okay. If it means I can be an idol, that's nothing," Ling Ling replied.

Kim Soo-Myung smiled. "In that case, let's work together and give it our best."

With tears welling up in her eyes, Ling Ling suddenly hugged Kim Soo-Myung tightly. "Thank you, doctor!"

The surprised Kim Soo-Myung patted Ling Ling's back awkwardly. "Stay strong. I'll do everything I can to help."

With renewed determination, Ling Ling responded brightly. "Thank you, doctor!"


I had come to Incheon airport to see Wang Long, Lily, and Ling Ling off.

Ling Ling had decided to return to China first, get her parents' permission, and then come back to Korea to formally join an idol group.

Lily and Wang Long promised that Shanghai New Media Inc. would cover all the expenses for this project.

Not knowing how much potential Ling Ling had, they felt guilty for asking so much of me and kept apologizing.

I reassured them that everything would be fine. After all, a future star capable of dominating the Chinese market was essentially being placed in my care.

"Anyway, I'll contact you once I find the trainer. It's almost time for your flight. Let's hurry," I urged them.

I helped them with their luggage and guided them to the departure gate.

As we walked toward the gate, Ling Ling, wearing the scarf she had received as a gift from Sae-Ri the day before, seemed especially cheerful.

"Are you okay, Ling Ling?" I asked.

Ling Ling nodded.

Though her expression was lively, she kept her mouth shut to avoid straining her voice.

"It's okay to talk a little."


Despite having to give up many things at the age of 16, Ling Ling immediately cut out anything that could strain her voice as soon as she heard my advice.

"I'll find the right vocal trainer and get in touch, so don't worry too much. Just relax and wait."

"Thank you!"

I smiled. "No problem."

After saying my goodbyes to Ling Ling and Lily, I also bid farewell to Wang Long.

"See you soon, Yoon-Ho."

"Yeah, I'll contact you once I find the trainer and then we can set the schedule."

Wang Long insisted that I visit China so he could repay me for saving Lily from the earthquake.

"It's almost time for your flight. Take care."

I watched as Wang Long, Lily, and Ling Ling headed to the departure gate, then made my way back to the company.

I needed to inform the company about the plans for the idol group project and start the process of recruiting a vocal trainer.


When I arrived at the office, I checked the entertainment news while waiting for the elevator.

[In the Name of God Continues Its Viewership Ratings Streak! Episode 10 at 29.1%, What About Episode 11?]

[L.M.L Brand Takes Flight with Jung Yoo-Jin!]

[KNET's Hit the Bottom and Rise Again, Ha-Na! Reaches 1 Million YouTube Subscribers in Record Time!]

[Lee Tae-Poong's Beyond the Boundary to Premiere in September! No Competitors in Sight!]

It was a string of positive headlines, each highlighting success.

"I hope it stays this way," I muttered to myself.

Just then, some sunbaes got out of their car in the parking garage and mentioned that Hoop Entertainment had recently climbed to fifth place in the industry rankings.

Currently, the top spot was held by Ace Entertainment where Ju Yung-In was based.

In second place was TK Entertainment, home to Ma Dong-Pal and Petite More.

Third was TNT Entertainment, which had expanded rapidly through mergers and acquisitions and had recently signed So Yi-Yung.

Fourth was SJ Entertainment, where President Lee Seo-Jun and Kim Jong-Hoon were.

And now, Hoop Entertainment was in fifth place.

The companies in fourth place and above had revenues that were more than double of ours. While there was still a long way to go, Hoop Entertainment's reputation had grown significantly thanks to our rapid growth. The recent successes of Yoo-Jin's Manshin Wol-Ah and the L.M.L brand had played a big role in this.

As a result, almost every employee at Hoop Entertainment I encountered was offering congratulations.

"Hey, Team Lead Jung. Your team's results are amazing!"

"We're having a team dinner today, want to join?"

"By the way, when's the next L.M.L show? You should feature Ji-Hyo, whom I'm managing, on the runway next time instead of bringing in another Chinese model. She's got fashion show experience."

When I mentioned sharing opportunities with everyone, even those from the Suhyaejong line were approaching me more openly now. I could feel the balance of power within the company shifting in my favor.

"Then I'll head up first. I've got a meeting."

"Sure, take care~"

After saying goodbye to my sunbaes, I made my way to the meeting room on the sixth floor.

However, as soon as I entered the room, I was greeted by an unexpected surprise.

Ristretto's Thoughts

Why is he always greeted by an unexpected surprise 😂 I'm so jealous

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