As he sat on the bench wondering if he was dreaming or what, suddenly there was a rip in the fabric of space, and a completely white human figure with four arms walked out.
Immediately Silva saw it, he got on his feet, ready for anything.
“You do not belong here. I will exterminate you, outsider.” Silva heard the voice right inside his head; he could tell it was that being speaking.
“I didn’t plan to be here. I don’t even know why I’m here. I’d like to go back to where I was, but I don’t know how,” Silva said.
“You do not belong here. I will exterminate you,” the figure repeated and stretched out its hands. Before Silva could say anything, it fired a very thick beam of bright light.
Silva leaped out of the way. The beam struck the ground and dug tens of meters into it, almost a hundred meters long, destroying the sidewalk and immediately sending all the humans around into panic.
It seemed they couldn’t see the being firing at them, and Silva looked like a normal human; there was no way he did that.
After Silva dodged, the being became enraged and used all four arms to fire beams at Silva. Silva immediately took out the Abyssal Blade and used it to block the attacks.
The attacks were successfully blocked, but the force threw him into a building, smashing through the walls.
He rolled and tossed until he came to a stop, but before he could even stand up, the top of the building was ripped off completely.
The white figure was levitating over the house, and as soon as it spotted Silva, it immediately fired another four beams, regardless of the people in the building.
Silva didn’t have time to worry about their safety. He used his sword once more to deflect the attacks, this time holding the sword even tighter and taking a stance that allowed him to withstand the attack.
The ground underneath him cracked, but he kept standing. When the attack finished, he used Flash Step to leave the building and run as far as he could.
He stopped and turned around to see the white figure flying toward him at a crazy speed.
He covered his sword with Abyssal flames and charged at the figure. His wings emerged as he flew into the air and slashed, firing a massive flame arc.
The figure paused mid-air and fired four beams that collided with the flame arc, causing an explosion so large that houses and buildings around were blown to smithereens.
The two faced each other in the air. Silva was trying to understand what exactly was going on, but he was getting nowhere.
So he decided to kill whatever this thing was and figure it out later. He summoned his clones, and they moved to flank the white figure.
The white figure began firing beams all around, trying to hit the clones, but they dodged and flew around him, distracting it enough for Silva to charge at him and plunge his sword into the chest of the white figure.
But Silva didn’t feel like he struck anything; it was as though his sword passed through air. He looked at the figure, and it suddenly teleported a good distance away.
After teleporting, two rips in space appeared, and two more of the white figures emerged.
Silva could immediately tell he was in a lot of trouble now. The three figures charged at the real Silva, ignoring the clones.
All the clones used Flash Step and created a blockade in front of Silva. The figures fired their beams at the blockade, and the clones started deflecting them.
Silva, behind the wall, was busy trying to figure out how to battle them, but his clones telepathically told him to run.
When he looked up to see why, he saw the figures had worked together to form a very large ball of their power and were about to release it.
Silva could tell that if he was caught in that attack, it would not be funny. He immediately retreated with the clones as well, and everyone covered themselves with scales to take the blast.
The figures released the attack, and it fell to the ground and exploded. The explosion was so great it cleared a full one-kilometer radius and leveled all the houses there.
After the explosion, Silva undid his scales. Even from behind them, he still felt the brunt of the explosion. It was no joke, but it was not enough to kill him.
When the figures saw that Silva and his clones were still alive, they charged at him again. Silva took his sword and flew towards them as well, with his clones close by.
Some of the clones tried to enter the Joker of the Abyss mode, but for some reason, they couldn’t; something was hindering it, so they had to rely solely on their strength.
Silva transformed into a full dragon and handed his sword to one of the clones that sat on his back.
When they were close, he fired a thick stream of dragon’s breath to slow down the enemy. The clone on his back leaped into the air and through the flames.
It cut the three figures in half simultaneously. And like before, it felt like he was slicing nothing.
The clone immediately retreated back to Silva’s back, and they all retreated.
As expected, there was a rip in space, and six more of the figures came out.
Silva didn’t know what to do anymore. If he attacked, they would summon more, and if he didn’t, they would kill him.
But he still had to move. He would let his minds think of a solution while he fought. He was about to go in again when a portal appeared behind him, and a hand came to pull him in.
When he came through the portal, he looked for who pulled him and saw the goddess Ophelia.
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