“No fair, you haven’t seen me for a long time, and you can’t even give me a kiss?” Amber asked.

“I’m still a child, and also I don’t want to let you just have my first kiss like that,” Silva said.

Amber let out an evil smile. “Hu hu hu, so I can be your first kiss?” she said with shining eyes.

“Hell no, not happening,” Silva said. He transformed into his full dragon form. Maver held onto his back still, but he transformed back to normal immediately.

Because of that, she fell from the height. Though she landed on her feet, she still pouted due to the fact that Silva pulled off that stunt.

“Will you tell me how you found me exactly?” Silva asked again.

“Fine, fine. When we first met, I placed a very good tracker on you that allows me to find you anywhere,” Amber said.

“What the hell? How are you able to put a tracker on me without me knowing? That should be very impossible. I’m very conscious about my body,” Silva asked.

“Hehe, this is a special one that only I can create. It uses my touch. As long as I touch you, I set the tracker and can track you anywhere,” she said while smiling.

“Get it off me,” Silva said.

“Nope, I won’t. I need to know where you are all the time. Now, let’s go somewhere private, where all those whores will not find us,” Amber said.

“Do not call them whores. I chose them to be around me, unlike you who forced me,” Silva said and started walking.

She ran up to him and wrapped her hand around his tightly while leaning her head on his shoulder.

“It doesn’t matter. Even if they are still with you, I’ll make myself the only person you will be able to look at,” Amber assured.

“I doubt that. Now, tell me why you are here,” Silva said.

“Well, I started missing you but decided to come. But there’s more to it than that. I was sent to you by the demon kings. They sent a message to you.

You will see it when we arrive, but first, I’ll tell you all that happened so far.

When we arrived back, Aqua reported what happened to the demon kings, and a long deliberation started about you and what to do with you.

You are an anomaly of sorts, something that would not normally exist. It’s unheard of for a demon king candidate to be born in the human world.

This is the first, so it brought a whole lot of issues to the table. Aqua tried his best to make them see you as a threat that needed to be contained.

But I came to find out about what he said, and I spoke to the demon kings and told them the truth. So after all that, they decided that they would send me to be the one to monitor your actions for the time being.

They understand your want for independence, and as long as you don’t become a threat, they are willing to let you live a free life until the blood moon,” Amber explained.

“I don’t need their permission. I only listen to one person, and her instructions are what I follow because she was the one who allowed me to have the life I am currently living,” Silva said.

“It’s a woman? A woman? Who is she? Tell me. Is it a new one that I am yet to know about?” Amber asked, pulling Silva’s arm.

“Stop pulling my arm, and no, I won’t tell you about her. She’s not a love interest, but more a guardian to me. She has saved my life a lot of times, and I owe her a lot.

Unlike one lady that jumps on me and tries to kiss me even when I am underaged,” Silva said and glanced at Amber. She pointed but didn’t say anything.

“So will any of the demon kings be coming to see me anytime soon?” Silva asked.

“That’s possible, though I doubt it. At the end of the day, you are only still a candidate. But if you begin to make grand moves, they will definitely move,” Amber said.

“Oh, grand moves like taking over a kingdom?” Silva asked with a smile.

“Wait, you didn’t do that, did you?” she asked.

“I did. We are returning to the castle now. I killed the king, arrested all the dukes, and took over the whole thing.

Now that you are here, you can even join me later to go and pass the final verdict on all the dukes. It will be fun,” Silva said.

“I’m still stuck on the fact that you took over a whole kingdom. How does that even happen?” Amber asked.

“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you about it later, but for now, let’s head back and see the message that you said was sent for me.”

When Silva arrived at the castle with Amber holding his arm, a silent war began, and Silva could feel the rumbling.

So he tried to calm things down by bringing up a discussion.

“Amber said the demon kings have sent a message for me, so let’s check it,” Silva said and looked at Amber.

Amber pulled out a crystal from her ring and placed it on the ground. The crystal glowed and then started a projection.

A being appeared in the projection—a Fenrir. This was the first time Silva had seen any. Her fur was white as snow with blue streaks flowing from head to tail.

Her eyes were crystal blue and very beautiful to look at.

When she saw Silva and the others, she transformed into a human form, which was as beautiful as her real form, with blue and white flowing hair.

Silva was shocked to see that she was capable of transformation, but he didn’t say anything.

“I figured this form would be better to speak to you, Silva,” she said, her eyes going to Silva. Silva didn’t know how she knew him exactly, but he didn’t say anything. He just watched.

“I am Elaine, one of the current demon kings. I was nominated to be the one that would speak to you. I’ve been waiting for Amber to deliver the crystal so that we can have our talk.

It is a pleasure to meet the person that made Aqua enraged,” Elaine said.

“Is Aqua someone you care about?” Silva asked.

“Not at all. In my eyes, he is only a candidate, and that is the only value that he has. Without that, he wouldn’t even be a being worth talking to.

Sure, he has good potential, but looking at you right now, he pales in comparison. The fact that a demon king is looking at you, and you are capable of hiding your true strength from her, speaks volumes.

You are not a normal dark dragon, are you? Even dark dragons do not have such growth rates as he reported you to have.

I’m sure there’s a lot about you, but I can’t pry for now. I have to pass on the message to you.

The demon kings have decided that, for now, you are not to be considered a threat, and they will only observe your growth and actions in the future.

We believe that your presence might bring some unknown changes to the equilibrium that has existed, though it is only a speculation.

Still, you are a demon king candidate staying in human territory. We can’t allow them to have you and destroy the balance.

We believe you are able to take care of yourself, but Amber is there with you to help and to also report in case there’s anything that needs our intervention.

That’s basically all that I have to tell you. Is there anything you’d like to ask or add?” Elaine asked.

“Nope, all I have to say is that I don’t need you guys to watch over me. I don’t plan to be under anyone, demon kings or heroes.

I’ll do my own thing when I want and how I want. All you have to do is watch because if you choose to intervene, you’ll become my enemies regardless.

I have my own personal mission and task, and because of that, I will not be taking any instructions from you or the demon kings,” Silva said.

Elaine had a shocked expression when she heard him, but it soon shifted into a smile.

“I see. So you are a crazy one. It’s been a while since things were stirred up. I believe you’ll be doing a lot of that, dark dragon.

I think all dark dragons are like that. Based on history, the first dark dragon also caused a lot of issues during his time,” Elaine said.

It was then that Silva realized something. How did they know he was a dark dragon?

“How did you find out that I was a dark dragon?” Silva asked. “I know that Aqua and Amber know I’m a dragon, but I never told them what type exactly,” Silva said.

“Well, you see, the demon kings have always been informed about dark dragons because of how powerful they were. So even Elsa, we have known about her for a while.”

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