The dark bullet passed by the ear of his opponent. The third year froze in fright, knowing that he would have died just now.

“I forfei—” he tried to give up, but Silva was already right in front of him with his blade to his neck.

Silva bent in closely and whispered into his ear.

“Next time, be careful, or I’ll have your head.” The threat was backed by heavy bloodlust, so much that the third year couldn’t stand. He fell on his butt, shivering.

Silva walked down from the stage, and those around shifted to make way for him. Not only had he dominated and won, but he had also brought his opponent to their knees.

He had utterly and completely defeated this third year, and this would mark the first day of the long-lasting issue that Silva would have with the third years, and the school entirely.

Elias could only watch what had happened in shock. This was not normal. Silva wasn’t supposed to be here; with his strength, he could take on the fourth years hands down.

_______ ________

The exam continued until everyone had finally fought, and after that, only a thousand students remained.

“Today, you will all rest because it is already late, and tomorrow, the final two exams will be held, and five hundred of you will be sent home,” Elias said to them.

They left then to a temporary dorm, where they would stay the night in preparation for the exams the next day.

The male and female sections were separated, so Silva couldn’t see his sister or Fay.

The rooms all had two bunk beds, so four people could sleep in them, but his roommates hadn’t entered since the rooms were shared.

When they were called for dinner, they all went into the massive cafeteria.

Silva got his food and headed for a seat, and when everyone that was on the row saw him, they all got up and moved away.

Silva didn’t mind. He sat down and started eating. He didn’t even bother looking for his sister.

“Seems like everyone is scared of you,” Silva heard a voice from behind him, though he had spotted the person long ago.

It was the redhead, one of the ones that Silva tagged as geniuses.

“You don’t mind if I sit, right?” he asked and went ahead to sit down.

“Why aren’t you scared?” Silva asked, not looking up.

“Because I’m not ignorant. You aren’t going to just lash out at me for no reason, and as long as you don’t do that, I am safe,” the redhead said.

“You seem pretty sure about that,” Silva said.

“By the way, I’m Michael. I’m a commoner from this town, so we are kind of similar,” Michael said.

“I see. For a commoner to have your sort of strength and abilities, that’s quite something,” Silva said.

“Huh? Why are you talking like you aren’t one? In fact, you aside, that girl with you—who is she?” Michael asked.

“My sister, Lia. What do you want with her?” Silva asked, but it sounded more like a death threat.

“No, no, I don’t have anything to do with her. And also, is she really your sister?” he asked.

“Yes, why?” Silva asked.

“Well, I guess you guys don’t look alike at all, aside from the hair color. Even the face and other things,” Michael said.

“I know that already. Get to the reason why you brought her back up.”

“Jeez, man, you speak so maturely. Are you even my age at all?” Michael asked.

“No, I’m a year younger than you,” Silva replied.

“Holy crap, you’re thirteen?” Michael said in shock.

“Yes, so what?”

“Nothing, bro. I was just shocked. Well, back to your sister. How is she that strong and good, or does awesome run in the family?” he asked.

“No, she worked hard for where she is. Sure, she was blessed with great talents, but she still worked hard to get here,” Silva said.

“Alright then, to the important thing—what are you?” Michael asked.

Silva furrowed his eyebrows. He stared at Michael with eyes that could break the strongest of hearts.

“Michael, you should really learn not to dig into people’s information. Death is a really scary thing, you know?” Silva said.

Michael could feel the bloodlust choking him. He had to use his mana to try and regulate it so that he could breathe a little.

Silva stopped the bloodlust and then transitioned into a small smile.

“Sorry about that. It’s just that I can’t answer those questions,” Silva said.

“I understand. Forgive me for asking. Now, the last thing before I go is that I want us to have a small agreement.

I can already see the hierarchy that will form when we get into the academy.

There will be the Duke Twins, the blue-haired girl who is a noble of high standing, and then the one with jet-black hair, who is also a noble from a prominent family.

I guess you already know, but those are the main powerhouses, and the system will be built around them.

But now there’s you, your sister, and also the daughter of the Viscount that is with you. Along with me, we can make our own power hold.

We can push until we become the top of the hierarchy,” Michael explained his offer.

“The first thing that I’ll say is that I am amazed at how much information you have about all of them. How did you get it?” Silva asked.

“That’s simple. They had all lived in this city months prior to the exam, and with a little digging, I found out about them and gathered information on them.

As for Fay, that one I know because I asked around and found her name. She’s pretty powerful and talented,” Michael explained.

“Your plan seems foolproof, but there has to be one thing made sure: you will work under me and not as an equal.

If that is not good enough for you, I’ll create the top hierarchy by myself, and trust me when I say, no one can stop me.”

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