TL: Etude

“A customs union?”

Malron and Henry both asked in surprise.

Paul nodded, “Yes, a customs union. Members of the union will implement uniform tax laws, abolish checkpoints within their territories, and eliminate the collection of consumption tax and domestic tariffs, allowing free circulation of goods.”

Malron thought for a moment and grasped the significance of Paul’s idea. This so-called customs union and its tax exemption policy, once established, would greatly benefit both Alda and Baylding. Currently, the people in these areas were not wealthy, and the various industries developed by Paul were highly dependent on exports. The canned food processing, in particular, relied on the import of ‘raw materials’ such as fruits, vegetables, and meats from other regions. The elimination of tariffs along the way would indeed be a win-win situation.

Paul added, “Of course, we’ll still retain tariffs on goods from outside the alliance to protect our own estates and factories.”

“Hmm… that does sound good…” Henry stroked his small beard, pondering the potential advantages and disadvantages of Paul’s proposal.

Paul tempted, “Duke, if you support my proposal, I can open up some agricultural machinery for your territory…”

Henry’s interest piqued, “Oh? Are you referring to that miraculous ‘harvester’?”

He had heard of a remarkable piece of agricultural machinery produced in Alda while he was active in the Anti-Usurper Alliance, capable of harvesting large swathes of crops in a short time with just one mule and one person.

“Hehe, not just harvesters,” Paul said with a smile. “There’s also the cultivator for tilling, the threshing machine that separates grains from stalks, the row planter for sowing multiple rows at once, as well as the weed cutter, root cutter, milling machine, and more.”

As each unfamiliar machine name popped out of Paul’s mouth, Henry was left dumbfounded. He couldn’t help but ask, “My goodness, Paul, do you have a whole team of miraculous engineers at your service?”

Paul nodded, “Well… I did recruit many miraculous engineers from the south to realize some ideas that spontaneously came to me.”

Besides Guy Burns, Hensel had gradually recruited many unappreciated miraculous engineers from Crystal Shine and other places, contributing greatly to the ‘modernization of agriculture’ in Alda and Baylding.

“Oh, no wonder. Your ideas are indeed impressive.”

Hearing Henry’s words, Paul playfully stuck out his tongue. He could create these machines quickly because of the information on their structure and working principles he had collected in his previous life.

During his march towards Center City, Paul observed that the Duke’s territory of Manda was an excellent place for agricultural development, with fertile land, flat terrain, and abundant water resources.

Thus, he envisioned turning Manda into a “great granary,” while focusing his directly controlled lands on paving the way for future industrial development.

Despite the enticing offer Paul made, Henry didn’t immediately agree, “I need to think about this, Paul. I feel we should discuss it more with others.”

“Of course, of course,” Paul agreed. “Such matters can’t be rushed. Take your time to discuss.”

Just then, a guard announced at the door, “Lord Owen Schroeder has arrived—”

Henry joyfully said, “Schroeder has finally arrived. Paul, you really shouldn’t have made your soldier stay outside the city. Schroeder is peculiar, always wanting to stay with the common soldiers. See, it’s inconvenient even to discuss something with him.”

Paul shook his head, “Staying in the city would dull their combat will. No, no, absolutely not.”

As Schroeder entered, followed by two others, Paul and Malron exchanged glances, “The Watchers Legion?”

They knew it was a legion stationed in the Nerodan Valley in the kingdom’s northeast, directly loyal to the king. The Watchers Legion bore the critical responsibility of defending against orc invasions from the great plains.

Schroeder saluted Paul and the others, then introduced Duke and his attendant Arthur, who had come from the Watchers Legion. Schroeder himself had served in the Watchers Legion before and had to retire to his homeland due to strained relations with the northeastern lords.

Duke, with his attendant Arthur, greeted Paul and the others. He first greeted Henry and Malron, then turned to Paul, “Count Paul Grayman, despite hearing about you from Schroeder, your youth still surprises me.”

“Haha, thank you for your compliment.”

After inviting Schroeder and Duke to sit, with Arthur standing behind Duke, Paul said, “Please bear with us for a while, Duke. Let’s first discuss our matter here, it won’t take long. The Duke feels that many knights and armies in Manda followed Marltz in the rebellion and are untrustworthy. He plans to establish a new unit, and before that, he wants to borrow a batch of our troops to ensure the safety of his territory. I’m not opposed in principle. What do you think?”

After a brief thought, Schroeder agreed, “I support it. Training new soldiers isn’t a matter of a day or two, but the supplies…”

Henry interjected, “Don’t worry about that. The supply of Alda’s troops in this area will be taken care of by me.”

Paul then proposed, “How about selecting two battalions, a little over a thousand men? What do you think?”

Schroeder nodded, “That’s fine. What do you think, Duke?”

Henry, somewhat reluctantly, said, “A little over a thousand men, that should be enough.”

Paul had discussed the food and living conditions of Alda’s troops with him. But for his own safety, Henry would bear it. After all, he, a duke, could afford to feed and house over a thousand men.

Thus, the three discussed some details about the stationed troops.

After discussing the military matters, Henry finally turned to Hal Duke, “May I ask, Sir Duke, what brings you here?”

Hal Duke first congratulated Henry on becoming a new duke, then revealed his purpose, “My visit is to ascertain your opinion of our Watchers Legion.”

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