The students in the building were all trying to get Mark’s attention, but Mark was busy thinking about how strange the situation was, so he didn’t bother paying any attention to the people who were chanting. He just spoke up as he landed on a roof that was about a kilometer away from the school.
“Pat, I’m close, do you have anything new for me?”
[Nothing, the news outlets are way behind so I can only get the general strength of the anima from what I’ve seen. But I can see the anima and it doesn’t look like it’s going on a rampage yet. In fact, it’s just sitting there.]
Pa’s haughty voice came through the comms, but Mark could sense a hint of confusion and unease in there as well as Pat tried to understand what the hell was going on right now. An Anima that wasn’t going on a rampage? What the hell is that? Anima have always been known to be mad creatures that attacked humans on sight!
Mark sped up his sprint as he made his way towards where the Anima was. This was definitely a weird situation no matter how you look at it. In fact, things have been weird ever since that calamity class appeared on the shore a few months ago.
Not only was this the third major calamity class anima appearance in the past two months, but there was also nothing to show where the anima even came from this time! It almost felt as if the anima didn’t come from anywhere on its own, instead, it dropped into the city through the air!
Mark paused his thinking as this thought crossed his mind.
Or maybe, someone dropped it from a plane?
No, who would do something like that? It made no sense for someone to drop a random anima in the middle of the city for no reason whatsoever.
Mark told Pat about what he was thinking and Pat went silent for some time as he thought about the possibility that someone would drop an anima from the air. What reason would they have for it? Why would they wait until now to do it? Was this… some sort of trap?
[I’ll look through city footage and social media to see if I can’t find out anything about that. If it dropped from the sky, then I’m sure there will be videos of the incident circulating already. I really don’t want to think that someone would be twisted enough to do something like that, but the possibility is not zero.]
“I see it!”
Mark shouted out to Pat as he caught sight of the anima as he reached the edge of a large business section of the city. Just like Pat said, the anima was a large human-rhinoceros hybrid that had bulging muscles protruding out from every part of its body. It had the body of a man and the head of a rhinoceros, with a large horn on its nose that looked sharp enough to cut through metal!
There were many superhumans surrounding the anima, but Mark could tell that they were all being overwhelmed by the sheer aura of the anima. There wasn’t a single A or S rank in their midst, so it almost looked like a hundred ants were trying to stand against a human!
The anima was currently sitting down in the middle of a giant crater that it created in the ground. It was holding a dead woman and it was slowly eating her without bothering to pay attention to the weaklings surrounding it.
The woman in the anima’s hand was already dead, but from the look of horror on her face and the tears streaming down her cheeks, you could tell that her death was anything but peaceful!
The anima pulled her arm out from the socket and started to eat it from the fingers slowly, and all the B ranks in the area grimaced in anger as they felt useless in that situation! Were they so weak that the anima didn’t consider them a threat at all!? Even though there were so many of them surrounding it, it didn’t bother to stop eating!
The anima was basically telling them that they weren’t even worth its attention as it completely ignored them!
A particularly brave B rank ran towards the anima with a scream as he raised his sword in the air for an attack, but the anima did not even bother turning around to face the B rank as the sword slammed into the anima’s skin!
A sound like metal striking against metal echoed throughout the region, and the B rank’s arm started to vibrate in pain as he felt the recoil from the hit coming back at him in waves!
Fucking hell, the anima’s skin is strong as fuck!
The B rank immediately tried to jump back as the anima turned around to look at him, but he was not able to jump far enough before the anima swung its arm around like a bat and smashed it into the man’s side!
The man was thrown across the area like a rag doll! He slammed into the floor and bounced off like a ball before he was thrown into a building on the other side of the clearing!
The building crumbled from the force of the impact and it immediately fell on the man, burying him under tons of debris! No one saw any movement from the man for a long time and the other B ranks wondered if he had already died from that one hit!
Once the anima was sure that there would be no more disturbances, it completely ignored everyone once more and went back to slowly eating the woman that was in its grasp.
That was like a slap to their face, but the B ranks were grateful that the anima was not attacking! Nothing they did could harm a calamity class, so there was nothing that they could do other than watch the woman get eaten while they watched helplessly!
“We have to do something! This is bullshit! It’s just ignoring us like we’re nothing! It’s fucking annoying!”
“What the fuck can we do about it!? Didn’t you see how that man was killed from one hit!? Do you want to die!? We have to wait for the reinforcements!”
“Let’s just be happy that the anima isn’t going around killing indiscriminately!”
The B ranks all shuffled uncomfortably as they all agreed with what that last man said. If the Calamity class was going around destroying buildings and killing people mindlessly, then there was a chance that they would also be killed in the carnage, and they would not be able to contain it at all since the anima was so much stronger than them.
But since the anima was more interested in eating one person at a time while sitting in one place, then was that not better for them? It was a twisted way to think about things, but the B ranks were happy that the woman’s sacrifice was saving the lives of many others!
But they were all silenced as they saw the anima suddenly stop what it had been doing! It let go of the woman’s corpse and allowed it to fall from its grasp as it stood up and turned to stare at something in the distance!
The B ranks all started to get into fighting positions as they thought that the anima was finally full and it was about to start attacking them, but they were shocked when the anima continued to ignore them as it roared into the distance in anger!
“It’s GHOST!”
Mark was standing on top of a building a hundred meters away and watching the anima, but he immediately got into fight mode as he saw that the anima noticed him!
The anima wasted no time as it ran across the distance separating it from Mark in less than a second! Mark shot off the roof at the same moment that the anima leaped from the ground, and their fists met in the air in a display of raw power!
A sonic boom echoed across the area from the impact and Mark grunted as he felt the massive power from the anima! Mark pulled his fist back and grabbed the anima by the arm before body-tossing it toward a building in the distance!
The anima crashed through the wall of the skyscraper, and Mark turned to the B ranks who were still watching in stunned silence as he landed on the ground!
“What the fuck do you all think you’re doing! Get going right now! Clear out the debris and get as many people as possible out of here! That thing isn’t done yet!”
The sound of the anima’s roar echoed through the air, and Mark grit his teeth as he prepared for another confrontation while shouting at the B ranks again!
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